
Class: Zombie cyborgs

Known Representatives: None

Aliases: None

Base of Operations: Washington, DC, Prime Earth

First AppearanceHawk & Dove V #1 (November, 2011)

PowersR.O.T. zombies were powered by technology and virtually mindless, but possessed enhanced strength and durability.

History(Hawk & Dove V #1) - Alexander Quirk, science terrorist, proclaimed that he was going to burn down the corrupt U.S. political system, and had his men and R.O.T. techno-zombies he’d crafted in a lab hijack a plane to crash it into the Washington Monument. Hawk and Dove responded, with Hawk taking out the terrorists while Dove tried to figure out how to fly the plane. Hawk berated Dove for not pulling her weight while he was doing all the fighting when one of the zombies got loose and attacked Dove. She kicked it through a window, depressurizing the cabin. Dove flew outside the plane, stabilizing one of the wings so Hawk could land it, and he succeeded, but not before clipping the Washington Monument. Hawk and Dove continued to argue on the ground when they were approached by Washi Watanabe of the DCPD Special Crimes Unit. He’s been tracking Quirk and his men for months, and asked Hawk and Dove if they’d be interested in helping his investigation. He’d been told that they once worked alongside the DCPD, and said Captain Arsala sent his regards. He also warned them that Quirk didn’t forget anyone who interfered in his plans, and they’d made a powerful enemy by foiling him.

(Hawk & Dove V #2) - Watanabe found one of Alexander Quirk’s secret labs, and Hawk and Dove helped him raid it, defeating another group of R.O.T. zombies. Watanabe informed the heroes that Quirk had released a statement promising reprisal for destroying his lab.

(Hawk & Dove V #4) - Condor tried to kill Hawk and Dove to absorb their powers, but was defeated. Condor was taken into DCPD custody, and after Judge Hall pulled some strings Watanabe allowed Hawk and Dove to interrogate the prisoner. Condor said he was going to kill all the avatars of war, but would save Hawk and Dove for last. An explosion opened a hole in the jail cell and Alexander Quirk’s men and R.O.T. zombies swarmed inside. Condor had contracted Quirk to free him, and he was flown off in a helicopter.

Comments: Created by Sterling Gates & Rob Liefeld.

Sterling Gates never got around to explaining what R.O.T. is an acronym for.

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