Class: Extraterrestrials

Known Representatives: Cabbage, Celery, others unnamed

Aliases: None

Base of Operations: Salata, Earth-S

First Appearance: Shazam! I #10 (February, 1974)

PowersThe Salad Men were sentient vegetables who possessed spacecrafts capable of interstellar travel.

History(Shazam! I #10) - The Salad Men were exploring the universe when their spaceship started to break down and they were forced to land on Earth. They hoped to find replacement parts on Earth, but their appearance in the park where they landed sparked a panic. Captain Marvel went into action, and the Salad Men explained that they were no threat and asked him to fly them away from the angry crowd that was convinced they were space invaders. Marvel took them to Mr. Vinegar’s hardware store to get spare parts, but Vinegar panicked and whipped up a mob to go after the Salad Men. Marvel and the Salad Men ran away to another hardware store, with Marvel putting the Salad Men in a grocery bag so they’d be inconspicuous. The parts would cost over $200,000 and the Salad Man complained about Earth’s reputation for being too expensive. Captain Marvel had a plan, directing a movie with his new friends called Invasion of the Salad Men! Featuring them defeating him and taking over Earth. The movie made enough money for the Salad Men to buy the parts they needed, and they thanked Captain Marvel for his help.

Comments: Created by Elliot S. Maggin & Bob Oksner.

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