Real Name: Sanderson Hawkins

Class: Human mutate

Occupation: Superhero

Group Affiliation: JSA, formerly All-Star Squadron

Known Relatives: Dian Belmont (aunt, deceased), Lawrence Belmont (grandfather, deceased), unnamed parents (presumably deceased)

Aliases: Sandy the Golden Boy, Sandman

Base of Operations: New York City, 1940s to present day

First Appearance: (as Sandy the Golden Boy) Adventure Comics I #69 (December, 1941), (as Sand) JSA #1 (August, 1999)

Powers: Sandy's body was made up of silicoid, he possessed a degree of invulnerability and did not physically age. He could travel through fault lines and create seismic vibrations. He was armed with a wirepoon gun that shot a steel barb connected to strong wire.

History: (JSA #69 (fb, BTS) - <1940s era> At the age of seven Sandy’s father left his mother. He went looking for a father figure and became a huge fan of the mysteryman Sandman, so much so that he made himself a costume in hopes of one day being a mysteryman himself. As Sandy the Golden Boy he helped Sandman out on a case and Sandman took him on as a regular sidekick. In his civilian identity of Wesley Dodds the Sandman took on Sandy as his ward.

(Adventure Comics I #74) - Sandman and Sandy were on nighttime patrol when they saw a man cracking a safe with unparalleled ease. They tried to stop him, but he anticipated their every move and locked them in the vault. They were able to escape by setting off the alarm inside the vault, but the police that responded mistook them for the perpetrators and they had to flee. The duo did some detective work and determined that the thief was Professor Hiram Gaunt, who’d invented a machine that stimulated unused neurons, making himself a superhuman genius. They tracked Gaunt to a casino where underworld figures were trying to recruit him for planning robberies. They took out the criminals, and Gaunt admitted that Sandman was the only problem he couldn’t figure out.

(Adventure Comics I #75) - Sandy was reading a book of Norse myths and told Wes that he wished he could tangle with a customer as tough as Thor. The next evening Sandman told Sandy he’d get his wish. A criminal posing as Thor had just robbed a bank Wes was a shareholder in. They tracked down Thor, but he easily defeated the heroes, badly injuring Sandy with a hammer shot to the head. Thor escaped to his Viking ship, but made the mistake of removing the protective armor he wore to give the impression of having godlike abilities. He reasoned that the police would be on the lookout for a Viking, not a common criminal. His timing was bad, as Sandman and the NYPD spotted them, and without Thor’s metal bodysuit he was easy prey for Sandman, who avenged his partner by sending Thor to the hospital.

(Adventure Comics I #77) - Millionaire Monroe Alvin was terrified of the dark and plagued with dreams about being a violent criminal who met a violent end. He decided that Sandman could help him, and placed an ad in the paper. Sandman and Sandy found him at his mansion talking with thugs Torchy Grogan and Bugs Baron, and he insisted he no longer needed Sandman’s help. Sandman learned that the hoods were blackmailing Alvin with pictures showing him committing crimes. Sandman learned from one of Alvin’s servants that he’d been hit by a car and lapsed into an amnesiac state for three days. Sandman and Sandy knew the crooks must have posed Alvin while he was in shock, and when Alvin was ready to hand a million dollars over to the crooks, the heroes intervened. They defeated Bugs and Torchy, and put the final piece together when they learned that Alvin’s doctor Hoak was responsible for coming up with the plan.

(Adventure Comics I #80) - Wes and Sandy visited Wes’ friend Nick Parks, an aspiring detective who’d just gotten his first case, guarding the Hackle Jewlery Company. Wes didn’t place that much faith in his friend since he was prone to narcolepsy. Parks nodded off when the Company was robbed by Felix Black and his gang, putting his detective company in danger. Black spent decades without sleep, and had turned to crime to ruin the good night sleep of others. Parks pursed Black and his gang and caught them red-handed. They knocked out Parks, and were forced to flee with Parks in toe. Black took them to his mansion, and his gang decided they’d had enough of his lunatic plans and demanded he fork his money over to them. They were also planning on executing parks, even though Black had specifically forbid his gang from murdering anyone. Black wept, realizing he should never have chosen a life of crime. Sandman and Sandy located the gang, and saved his friend. One of Black’s gang shot him in disgust before the Sandman apprehended him. Miraculously the bullet only grazed his skull, but finally allowed him to sleep. Black thanked Sandman profusely and promised to serve out his sentence and then dedicate himself to humanity. Sandman noted that he had once again acted as an instrument of fate.

(Adventure Comics I #85) - “Gentleman Jack” placed an anonymous ad in ther paper requesting a meeting with Sandman. Sandy wanted to come along, but Sandman chastised him, saying he’d only get in the way. The hero obliged, and recognized Jack as a criminal he put away. Jack explained that he never wanted for comfort, nor missed it until he went to jail because of Sandman. Sandman thought he was just an interesting psychological case for recreating his own prison, but then Jack revealed his plans for revenge, he’d long dreamed of making his prision a luxurious home while watching Sandman slowly die in solitary. He locked Sandman in a cell and slowly started pumping air out of the room. Fortunately Sandy had followed him to Jack’s, and freed his partner. The heroes defeated Jack’s goons, and sent him back to jail. Jack raved that he was framed, and was put in solitary, his worast nightmare. Sandman left him a note telling him that his own charcter shaped not only his dreams but his fate.

(JSA #18 (fb)) - <1944> Opal City; Sandy and the JSA fought Johnny Sorrow. Sandy damaged the subspace prototype Sorrow was wearing with his wirepoon, and the villain vanished into thin air.

(JSA #18) - <six months later) Johnny Sorrow kidnapped Sandy and revealed that when Sandy damaged his subspace device he was shunted into the dimension of Subtle Realms and irrevocably transformed by the King of Tears. The JSA came to Sandy's rescue, but Sorrow opened a gateway to the Subtle Realms and unleashed the King on Earth, then disappeared. Sandy and the JSA managed to capture the King inside of a vial.

Sandman invented a silicoid gun, and during a test of the weapon it blew up and transformed Sandy into an insane monster made of silicoid. Sandman was forced to keep Sandy captive in a glass chamber for decades.

(JSA #69, 70) <Octoer 28,1951> Sand visited Sandy in his glass cell and once again apologized for turning him into a monster.

During his imprisonment Sandy regained his sanity, but Sandman only realized this after Sandy broke out of his cell. Sandy was eventually restored to a seemingly human form.

(JSA Secret Files #1, JSA #1) - Sandy learned that his beloved mentor Sandman had passed on and that he inherited Sandman's fortune. Sandy and several other superheroes attended the funeral and Sandy read the eulogy. As the service drew to a close the Sons of Anubis attacked the heroes. After the battle Scarab appeared and told the heroes that a threat to Earth’s existence was approaching, and they must reform the Justice Society of America to combat it.

(JSA #2) - Sandy and the newly reformed JSA found out why Scarab needed their help. A new Dr. Fate was about to be born, and Mordu was trying to locate and kill the Fate-Child. The JSA were charged with finding the child before Mordu. Now calling himself Sand because he had long ceased being a kid sidekick, he traveled to Tibet with Sentinel and Hippolyte. They encountered and defeated the Sons of Anubis, but did not find the Fate-Child in Tibet.

(JSA #3, 4) - Mordu abducted the Fate-Child and defeated the JSA, but the battle lasted long enough for the Fate-Child to transform into Dr. Fate and trap Mordu inside his amulet. The JSA returned to their hq and named Sand their first chairman. As Sand accepted the honor he suddenly lost control of his powers and crumbled into sand.

(JSA #5) - Sand reformed his body and went to Tylerco for a diagnosis. He learned that the treatment Sandman gave him years ago that transformed him from a silicoid monster back into a human was not permanent; Sand was once again a silicon-based organism. He hoped he could learn to control these rediscovered powers with practice. Sand sensed a disturbance in the geomagnetic field and traveled along fault lines to find its source. He ended up in Kinambura, Africa where the villain Geomancer was terrorizing the natives. Sand defeated Geomancer and gave him over to the local authorities.

(Day of Judgment #4) - Sand and the JSA joined the JLA in their fight against Asmodel, who'd usurped the Spectre-Force.

(JSA #6) - Sand called a press conference to officially announce the JSA’s reformation and the reopening of the JSA headquarters and museum. Sand and the JSA then confronted Black Adam who was running amok in midtown Manhattan. Dr. Fate and Hourman III used their powers of time-travel to steal the thunder that created Black Adam from the past and used it to transform him back into his human alter ego Theo Adams in the present. The JSA then handed Adam over to Chase and the D.E.O.

(JSA #7-9) - Sand and the JSA watched a news bulletin about a disturbance in Milwaukee, and Sentinel correctly guessed that his son Obsidian was the source of the trouble. The JSA immediately set off for Milwaukee and confronted Obsidian. Obsidian possessed Sand, Dr. Fate IV, Hawkgirl II, Hourman III and Flash I with his own shadows and forced them to help him defeat and capture their JSA teammates. Dr. Mid-Nite II liberated the unpossessed members of the JSA and Sand was freed from Obsidians’ control when Sentinel defeated Obsidian in a one-on-one confrontation. Sand offered Mid-Nite membership in the JSA.

(Young Justice: Sins of Youth #1) - At Star-Spangled Kid’s insistence Sand and the JSA attended Young Justice’s Justice for All rally in Washington, as did Old Justice, the Titans and JLA. It was interrupted by Klarion, who magically de-aged Sand and most of the heroes into children. Doiby Dickles pulled out an extraterrestrial aging gun to return the heroes to their proper age, but another of Klarion’s spells intercepted his shot. The result was that the younger heroes present were aged to adulthood, but the other heroes remained children.

(Sins of Youth Secret Files #1, Sins of Youth: JLA, Jr. #1) - The de-aged Sandy and JSA had a dispute with the de-aged JLA that resulted in them brawling for hours. Once they made up the JSA and Doiby Dickles went aboard the Steel Eagle so they could travel to Myrg so Doiby could find another aging gun to reverse Klarion's spell.

(Sins of Youth: Starwoman and the JSA (Junior Society) #1) - Sand, Doiby and the JSA battled Prince Marieb on Myrg, retrieved an aging gun, and returned to Earth.

(Young Justice: Sins of Youth #2) - Doiby tried using his new raygun on Sand and the other heroes affected by Klarion’s spell but it had no effect. Since the heroes’ ages were skewed by a combination of magic and science, they would need Klarion’s cooperation to undo the transformation. The heroes attacked Agenda’s headquarters in Alaska, where Superboy, Superman, Wonder Girl and Wonder Woman were being held hostage. The hq was defended by the Junior Injustice Society, but the heroes prevailed, forced the Agenda to flee, and freed the prisoners. They then forced Klarion to team with Doiby and return everyone to their proper age.

(Martian Manhunter II #18, 19) - The JSA invited Martian Manhunter to their hq for a training session, and Manhunter easily dispatched Sand and the other new JSAers. Kanto and a squad of Parademons attacked JSA hq. Kanto exposed Star-Spangled Kid to the living death, stealing her soul and leaving her body in a coma, and took the soul back to Apokolips. Martian Manhunter and the JSA went to Apokolips to reclaim the Kid’s soul, and allowed themselves to be captured by the Parademons while Manhunter found Kanto, bested him in combat and learned that Darkseid was using the Kid’s soul in the D.E.M., a technoorganic device that bonded with the Source Wall an used her soul to relay information back to him about the Source. Manhunter freed the JSA and Dr. Fate linked his soul with the Kid, allowing him to pull her from the Source and reunite her with her body.

(JSA #11, 12) - Director Bones of the D.E.O. briefed Sand and the JSA about the recent terrorist activities of Kobra, who had kidnapped Maser and was threatening to incinerate every capital city in the world. At the same time Hourman III sensed that Extant was adversely manipulating the time-stream. Sand had no choice but to split the JSA into two teams, one to attack Kobra’s Blackhawk Island headquarters, and one to search the time-stream for Extant. Sand was on the team that went to Blackhawk Island, and after freeing Maser they brought Kobra into custody. Sand was irked to learn that Bones main interest in the Kobra situation was to regain control of Blackhawk Island, which was owned by the D.E.O. Metron crashed-landed Hourman II’s timeship into the roof of JSA HQ and told the team that their timeline would cease to exist if they didn’t immediately follow him into the time-stream.

(JSA #13) - Aboard Hourman III’s timeship Metron explained to Sand and the JSA that Extant used stole Metron’s Moebius Chair to travel to the end of creation and create a new universe of his own making. Unless the JSA stopped him, Extant’s new universe would go backwards through time and erase the current universe.

(JSA #14, 15) - In Extant’s timeline, Sand and the JSA had a skirmish with Extant’s troops, then they stormed Extant’s castle, where they discovered the recently resurrected Dove II. Dove gave her life to distract Extant, and the JSA used the opportunity to rip the worlogog that was powering Extant’s timeline away from the villain. Extat’s timeline vanished and the JSA returned to their own time. Extant escaped back into the timestream, but Atom Smasher followed him. When Atom Smasher returned he told the JSA they wouldn’t have to worry about Extant any more, but refused to give ay more details. Sand then had to say goodbye to a number of his JSA teammates, who decided to either quit the team or go on sabbatical. Sand and his remaining teammates visited a memorial to Atom I, Hourman I and Dr. Mid-Nite I to honor the fact that their killer had finally been brought to justice.

(JSA #16-20) - Sand and Wildcat went to the movies to see Raging Bull. During the showing they were attacked by Geomancer and Killer Wasp of the Injustice Society. Sand was separated from Wildcat during the melee but defeated Wasp and Geomancer by himself. After the fight he met up with his JSA teammates Dr. Mid-Nite II and Black Canary II, and they informed him that Johnny Sorrow was trying to free the King of Tears. Sand, Canary and Mid-Nite tracked Sorrow to Scarab's house in Kingston NY. The house contained a doorway that led to the Subtle Realms, and there they confronted Sorrow. They arrived too late to stop him from freeing the King of Tears from captivity and with the King free the Subtle Realms began spreading to Earth. The JSA banished the King by having Flash I strike Johnny Sorrow at lightspeed, opening a hole in space-time that sucked in both Sorrow and the King of Tears.

(JSA #21) - Black Adam asked Sand to join the JSA, and Sand told him no, saying the public wouldn’t trust the JSA if they had a former villain on their team.

(JSA #22) - Sand confronted Hawkgirl II’s grandfather Speed Saunders to learn more about her background, since she refused to disclose her history to the JSA. Speed revealed that she was the reincarnated Sheira Hall (Hawkgirl I). Hawkgirl had just learned the shocking news herself, and when Sand and the JSA offered a shoulder to lean on she became angry and flew off.

(JSA #23-25) - Sand and the JSA learned that Hawkgirl had been taken to the planet Thanagar, and resolved to follow her there. A number of JSAers were involved in other cases or otherwise unavailable, so Sand reluctantly allowed Black Adam to accompany them. Dr. Fate used Fate’s Tower to transport them to Thanagar where they witnessed the resurrection of Hawkman I. The JSA and Hawkman battled Sin-Eater and his Dark Wingmen who had conquered Thanagar. The JSA were defeated and imprisoned. They escaped and once again battled Sin, with Hawkman ultimately being the one to defeat him and free Thanagar from his rule. The JSA returned to Earth and Sand welcomed Hawkman as the newest member of the JSA.

(JSA Secret Files #2) - Sand was visited by the Gray Man, who showed him how to unlock the power of prophetic dreams, the same kind that his mentor Sandman used to have. In his dream he met with deceased members of the JSA who warned him of upcoming turmoil the JSA would face and gave advice on how to deal with it.

(JLA #58) - Sand was among the number of heroes defeated by the White Martians invading Earth. The Martians were eventually driven off by the JLA.

(JSA: Our Worlds at War #1) - During the Imperiex War Sand, the JSA and the JSA reserves were given a mission by President Luthor to disrupt Imperiex’s link to his ship’s power supply. The JSA not only cut off Imperiex from his power, but they managed to blow up his ship as well.

(JSA #26, 27) - Sand welcomed aboard Alex Montez as the JSA Museum curator. Sand offered to step down as chairman to let Hawkman lead the team, but Hawkman said he was impressed with how Sand had grow up and how he had led the team, so he had no intention of taking his spot. Sand later talked to Hawkgirl II, who was getting annoyed with Hawkman’s attempts to start a relationship with her since she was a reincarnation of his old love Hawkgirl I. She appreciated Sand listening to her, so she kissed him, which was observed by Hawkman. Sand backed off, and she apologized, saying she was desperate to start a relationship with someone who wasn’t Hawkman Sand then walked into a huge melee, an argument between Black Adam and Atom-Smasher escalated to the point where Adam was blindly lashing out at the JSA. Adam easily put down most of the JSA members, including Sand until Captain Marvel arrived and calmed Adam down. Captain Marvel vouched for Adam, saying he deserved a second chance, and the JSA let him stay on as probationary member. Hawkman suddenly started challenging Sand’s leadership, so the JSA voted to determine who would be chairman. Mr. Terrific was elected, and Sand happily stepped down. Sand and most of the JSA were teleported by Roulette to her House.

(JSA #28, 30) - Roulette forced Sand and his JSA teammates to battle each other for the amusement of a crowd of supervillains. Sand was pitted against Hawkman, they were both injected with deadly toxins and forced to race to fid the captive Hawkgirl, who had a vial of antidote around her neck, but only enough for one of them. Hawkman promised Sand they would both survive, but demanded to talk to him about Hawkgirl after their ordeal was over. Sand turned to silicoid form to get rid of the poisons’ effects, rescued Hawkgirl, and gave the antidote to Hawkman. The JSA wrecked Roulette’s House, so she teleported them back to JSA hq with a promise that they would play in her games again.

(JSA #31) - Sand and the JSA investigated the death of supervillain Shakedown. Batman joined them, letting them know Shakedown and his partner New Wave had kidnapped Jessica Weintraub, the infant daughter of a recently bankrupt Gotham computer whiz. When the villains realized they weren’t going to get paid their ransom they turned on each other. Batman and the JSA saved Jessica and captured New Wave. Afterwards Sand and Hawkman talked, and after a word or two by Hawkgirl, Hawkman realized he was overreacting to seeing Hawkgirl kiss him.

(JSA #32) - Sand and Hawkman spent some quality time working on their weapons in the JSA Armory. Sand and the JSA welcomed Johnny Thunder to JSA hq, he claimed to have had a miraculous recovery from Alzheimer’s. In truth it was the Ultra-Humanite in possession of Thunder’s body.

(JSA #33-37) - The Ultra-Humanite used Johnny Thunder’s Thunderbolt to conquer the world, and imprisoned Sand and virtually every other superhuman on Earth in stasis tubes, only reviving them when he needed mind-controlled slaves to serve in his personal guard the Thunderfront. Icicle escaped imprisonment and freed Sand from his stasis tube. Together they located a ragtag version of the JSA that had also escaped Humanite’s control. Sand and JSA targeted the Mindsweepers who unwillingly aided Humanite in controlling the Thunderfront. After a battle with the Thunderfront the JSA used a device that disrupted the braincaps Humanite used to control the Mindsweepers and Thunderfront, leaving them unconscious but freed from Humanite’s mental domination. Sand traveled to timepoint with Hourman II to get advice from Hourman I on defeating the Humanite. The JSA used his advice to ground the Thunderbolt with a lightning rod, taking away Humanite’s source of power. The JSA learned that Humanite was remotely controlling Johnny Thunder, and Sand and Icicle located Humanite. Icicle wanted to kill him, but Sand vehemently disagreed with this idea, and the two fought until Crimson Avenger II showed up and killed the Humanite with her cursed guns. Sand and the JSA attended the funeral of Johnny Thunder, whose body gave out after he was freed from the Humanite’s control.

(Green Arrow III #13) - Sand was awoken from a good night's sleep when Hawkman and Green Arrow started brawling at the JSA hq. Hawkman didn't want Arrow dating JSAer Black Canary because he thought Arrow was bad for her, but Canary didn't like having them fight over her and ended their argument with a sonic scream.

(JLA #69) - With the JLA trapped in the year 1,000 B.C., Batman's contingency plan for a new JLA was activated. JLA-Spheres based on Mr. Terrific's T-Spheres located went to JSA hq to recruit Hawkgirl and Captain Marvel, who'd been chosen by Batman to bring them to the Watchtower. With Sand and their teammates looking on Hawkgirl accepted the offer and took a leave of the JSA, but Marvel declined.

(JSA #41) - Hourman told Sand and the JSA he had a premonition of Black Barax attacking Tylerco to prevent them from performing an experiment that would prove the existence of tachyons. The JSA fought Barax at Tylerco, but he succeeded in wrecking Tylerco’s experiment, and when his time machine malfunctioned it took some of the JSAers back in time to the 1940s’.

(JLA / JSA: Virtue and Vice) - The JLA and JSA’s ranks were decimated when the Seven Deadly Sins possessed several members of the teams, so Sand and a number of JLA reservists responded to the situation. Sand, alongside other JLA reservists and the unpossessed members of the JLA and JSA helped Shazam re-chain Deadly Sins in the Rock of Eternity, and then defeated the Sins’ masters, Johnny Sorrow and Despero.

(JSA All-Stars #1, 8) - When the D.E.O. took Icicle II to prison, Sand accompanied them as an escort. He offered Icicle his freedom if he would turn his back on a life of crime, but Icicle refused. The Injustice Society freed Icicle II from D.E.O. custody, and then attached arcane devices created by their leader Legacy to Sand and other members of the JSA. Sand was turned to glass, while the others were transported to a pocket dimension. Once Legacy was banished to Limbo by the Spectre, Sand’s condition was cured.

(JSA #45) - Sand and the JSA took an interest in then trial of Kobra since they were the ones who stopped his attack on major cities using antiballistic satellites, the terrorist act he was currently being tried for. Sand and Mr. Terrific sat in on the trial while the rest of the JSA provided security, which was necessary because hundreds of Kobra cultists were swarming the district court building where Kobra was being tried. Under Kobra’s orders the cultists threatened to activate bombs implanted in their bodies, killing themselves. Rather than allow the bloodshed the judge and Director Bones of the D.E.O. agreed to let Kobra go free for the time being. Atom-Smasher and Black Adam were outraged, and both agreed Kobra should have been killed for his crimes then and there. Sand and the rest of the JSA vehemently opposed their viewpoint, so the duo quit the team. “Dr. Fate” then removed his helmet and revealed he was really the JSA’s nemesis Mordru.

(JSA #46, 47, 49, 50) - Mordru tore into Sand and the JSA, and transformed Sand into his old monstrous and mindless silicoid form and commanded Sand to fight the JSA. The JSA were on the verge of losing when Mordru opened a gate to Dr. Fate’s Tower and left with Sand and his ally Obsidian, threatening to unravel the universe very soon. Mordru pulled the moon from its’ orbit, causing massive seismic damage, and Sand felt sympathy pains. Mordru trapped him in an hourglass and told him he’d be dead soon, as would the Earth. In another battle with the JSA Mordru sicced Sand on the heroes, but the JSA weakened Mordru to the point where his control over Sand faded and Sand returned to normal. The moon was returned to its’ orbit, but the damage done to Earth could only be fixed by Sand. He went deep into the ground to ease the pressure on Earth’s fault lines, but the effort this took ripped apart Sand’s silicoid form.

(JSA #63, 64) - Sand’s dreamself was seized by Brute and Glob, who brainwashed him and made him into their new Sandman in another attempt to control a section of the Dreaming they called the Dream Stream. Dr. Fate helped the JSA and Brainwave, Jr. enter the Dream Stream, and Sandman, convinced they were his enemies, attacked them. Dr. Fate banished Brute and Glob, mellowing out the Sandman. Brainwave undid the brainwashing on Sandman, and although he resisted, the sight of Hawkgirl, who he cared about more than he admitted, allowed Sand’s personality to emerge from Sandman. His silicoid body had reformed and was recovered from hundreds of miles under the Earth's surface by other JSA members. In its mindless state his body created an army of stone creatures to battle the JSA, but the heroes defeated them, and Sand’s body and mind were reunited. The JSA threw a party to welcome Sand back to the team.

(JSA #65) - Sand and the JSA defeated Solomon Grudy, who was running amok in Central Park.

(JSA #67) - After Sue Dibny’s death Hawkgirl wanted to spend time with family, so she and Sand went to East Asia to see Speed Saunders.

(JSA #68) - Rip Hunter gathered Sand and the JSA and brought them in his Time Sphere to the year 1951. Per Degaton was going to do something on October 30, 1951 and blame it on the disbanded Justice Society, thus altering history. As a result they would be tried for treason and the JSA would never again reform. Rip Hunter had brought the JSA to convince the Justice Society to get back together to oppose Degaton.

(JSA #69-72) <October 28-30,1951> Sand followed Sandman to the townhouse where Sand kept Sandy in the 1950s’ after he’d turned Sand into a monster. Sand showed himself and promised Sandman he never felt a thing when he was a monster. He didn’t like lying, but he knew he needed Sandman to have confidence to return to action. Sand and Sandman met up with the rest of the reformed Justice Society and the time-traveling JSA at the Justice Society brownstone. Hourman informed them Per Degaton was going to assassinate the President. The Justice Society and JSA went to Washington to warn Truman that his life was in danger. Degaton and the Red Morgue attacked Washington, but the teams were ready for him. Degaton used a time-disc to speed up Atom’s metabolism and turn him into a nuclear bomb ready to go off. If he exploded millions would die, but J.J. Thunder and Johnny Thunder summoned the Thunderbolt to turn Atom back to normal. The heroes defeated Degaton, who fled into the timestream. The resulting time distortion caused the Justice Society members to forget their adventure with the JSA. After Degaton was defeated Rip Hunter ferried the JSA back to the present.

(JSA #73-75) - Atom-Smasher asked to be readmitted to the JSA so Sand and the JSA had a meeting and a vote on it. Once they’d voted, Atom-Smasher was already gone back to Khandaq. Captain Marvel told the JSA that Jean Loring/Eclipso and the Spectre-Force were attacking Khandaq, and their help was needed there. The heroes had little luck battling Eclipso and the Spectre, and Black Adam resented their presence and began fighting them. Spectre only stopped his attacks when Atom-Smasher told him he’d accept the Spectre’s judgment, and allowed the Spectre to stop his heart. Black Adam restarted his heart with his magic lightning, and the JSA took Atom back to America after warning Black Adam to stay far away from him in the future.

(JSA #77) - Sand and the JSA had a meeting about their current lack of membership when Air-Wave, whose powers had overloaded, crashed into JSA hq. After recovering Air-Wave flew off to find where the transmissions were coming from that cause him to go haywire he was followed by Green Lantern I and Hal Jordan.

(JSA #78-80) - Sand and the JLA located Fate’s Tower, and found Fate’s helm, but no sign of Fate. Sand put on the helm, reasoning that his silicoid form could best deal with any magic. Nabu awoke from the helm and took possession of Sand. Nabu told them Spectre did something to Fate, but he didn’t know what. He opened a portal to the 5th Dimension so the JSA could rescue J.J. Thunder. Only Hourman, Terrific and Stargirl made it through before Mordru attacked the rest of the JSA, breaking Nabu’s concentration and sealing the portal. Mordru defeated the JSAers and crushed Fate’s helm. Nabu repaired and animated the helm, and told Mordru it was time to settle their conflict. Nabu weakened Fate, and when Terrific, Stargirl and Hourman returned with J.J., he used the Thunderbolt to banish Mordru.

(JSA #81) - Sand and the JSA were called to Philadelphia when Liberty Belle lost control over her powers after an attack by the Society. Stargirl showed her that her daughter Jesse was there, and was worried about her mother. This allowed Belle to focus and regain the use of her powers.

(Teen Titans III #32) - Superboy Prime confronted Superboy because he wanted to take his place, and was willing to kill him to do it. Sand and the JSA and the Teen Titans were called in to combat Prime. There were casualties, but Flash Jay Garrick, Flash and Kid Flash took Prime out of action by running him into the Speed Force.

(52 / WWIII Part Three: Hell Is For Heroes #1) - <Week 5, Day 5> Sand and the JSA went into action after Black Adam decimated Pisa, Italy during WWIII, aiding the survivors.

(52 / WWIII Part Four: United We Stand #1) - <Week 50, Day 7> Black Adam arrived in China, and prepared to destroy the entire country. He defeated China's superhero team the Great Ten before China allowed Sand and the American superhero community to square off against him. Black Adam was a god with nothing left to lose, and each punch he threw was intended to kill. His savagery was winning the day until Martian Manhunter reappeared and flooded his brain with his own loss, the death of the entire Martian species. Black Adam was distracted long enough for Captain Marvel to hurl a Shazam bolt at him. Theo Adam was powerless, and left with amnesia. He staggered away unnoticed from the end of WWIII.

(Tales of the Sinestro Corps: Superman-Prime #1) - An army of Earth’s heroes, including Sand and the Justice Society, appeared to take Superboy-Prime down during the Sinestro Corps invasion of Earth. The heroes focused on wrecking his armor, because after a year on Oa, and away from a yellow sun his Kryptonian body still wasn’t at full strength, and his armor collected sunlight. Superboy bragged that once the sun rose on Earth he’d be at full power. Superboy was battered by Wonder Girl and Wonder Woman, who blamed him for Superboy’s death, as well as Supergirl and Power Girl, who blamed him for the death of the Superman of Earth-2. As the fight went against him, Superboy broke down in tears. He tried to wipe them away, saying that it was impossible for boys to cry, and then whining that no one ever thanked him for sacrificing his Earth to save the multiverse. The battle lasted until dawn, and he flew into the sunrise. As he achieved full power he declared himself the one, true Superman. The Guardians arrived with Sodam Yat, the new Ion, and pitted him against Superboy-Prime.

Comments: Created by an unnamed writer and Paul Norris.

Sandy the Golden Boy received a profile in Who's Who: the Definitive Directory of the DC Universe #20. Sand received a profile in JSA Secret Files #1. Sandy, the Golden Boy received a profile in Sins of Youth Secret Files #1 under the Junior Society of America entry.

Sandy had a cameo in DC Comics Presents #42.

JSA #38 showed a promotional poster of Sand and the JSA in J.J. Thunder’s room.

A portrait of Sandy the Golden Boy was seen in JSA hq in JSA #54.

A photo of Sand and the JSA was seen in Atom-Smasher’s room in JSA #66. JSA #76 showed that Atom-Smasher kept a picture of Sand and the JSA in his jail cell.

Sandy’s appearance in Adventure Comics I #74 was reprinted in Adventure Comics I #498 & Forever People I #9. Sandy’s appearance in Adventure Comics I #75 was reprinted in Adventure Comics I #499 & Forever People I #6. Sandy’s appearance in Adventure Comics I #77 was reprinted in Forever People #8. Sandy's appearance in Adventure Comics I #80 was reprinted in Forever People I #7. Sandy's appearance in Adventure Comics I #85 was reprinted in Adventure Comics I #492 and Forever People I #4.

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