Real Name: Nicholas Scratch

Class: Human mutate

Occupation: Rock star

Group Affiliation: None

Known Relatives: None

Aliases: None

Base of Operations: Gotham City

First Appearance: Azrael #47 (December, 1998)

Powers: Scratch could persuade anyone to take his advice or point of view simply by talking to them.

History: Scratch was intelligent but ignored growing up because he was fat, clumsy and quiet. He studied astronomy in college and caught a glimpse of light from a distant solar system. The light was encoded with a message that transformed his mind and body. By age 24 he was a fabulously wealthy rock star and a consultant to powerful men the world over. He assembled a private army, surgically enhanced them to resemble devils, and set his sights on conquering Gotham City. He persuaded the American government to quarantine Gotham after a devastating earthquake and began to set up shop. Scratch's organization was dismantled by Azrael, who also publicly defeated him in combat and drove Scratch into hiding.

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Scratch received a profile in Batman: No Man's Land Secret Files #1.

There were pin-ups of Scratch in Batman: No-Man’s Land Gallery #1.

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