MembershipDingo, Pete, Stan, one other unnamed

Base of Operations: Angel Island

First AppearanceSea Devils #34 (March-April, 1967)

History: (Sea Devils #34) - The Sea Angels were groovy hippies that took to the ocean for adventure and a few laughs. They made a base on a remote island, and raced undersea motorcycles. For a joke they dressed up two buoys like sea monsters to scare a cargo ship. The Sea Devils responded, and were not amused. The Sea Angels laughed at their conservative, authoritarian ways, and told them they didn’t own the ocean so they couldn’t tell them to stop their fun. Sea Devil Dane Dorrance conceded but warned them he’d be watching. The Angels found a message in a bottle telling them how to control a sea monster imprisoned by a medieval sorcerer, and they used the monster to scare the Sea Devils for giving them a hard time. An identical monster started robbing cargo ships, and the Sea Devils demanded an explanation. It turned out that there were two monsters trapped by the sorcerer, and they’d been discovered by the villainous Professor Steed,. He sent the message to the Sea Angels so they’d take the blame for his monster’s piracy. The Sea Angels had grown attached to their monster, but agreed to lend it to the Sea Devils to help take down Steed’s monster. The beasts clashed, but the Angel’s monster died when Steed shot it with a piece of the magic seaweed that kept them imprisoned for centuries. Dane dove into the water, retrieved the seaweed, and used it to kill Steed’s monster. The Sea Angels weren’t having fun anymore after seeing their monster die, and the Devils conceded that deep down they were okay kids.

Comments: Created by Bob Haney & Chic Stone.

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