Class: Extraterrestrials (Luna)

Known Representatives: Dyne, Shel-Don, U-Ted

Aliases: None

Base of Operations: Selenia, the moon

First Appearance: Green Lantern I #7 (Spring, 1943)

Powers: The Selenites possessed telepathy and limited mind control.

History: (Green Lantern I #7) - The Selenites were natives of Luna's surface, but when their atmosphere depleted they were forced to flee to the planet's core. They met the core's native Core-People, a warlike race that waged war against them for centuries and planned on making all Selenites their slaves. Earth mysteryman Green Lantern, his sidekick Doiby Dickles, and Raakj, a villain from the future, arrived on the moon in a rocketship and were caught up in the conflict. The Core-People kidnapped Doiby and the Selenite prince U-Ted. GL went to rescue them, but his power ring ran out of energy, and the Core-Men king Gorral forced him to fight in a gladiatorial event. Using his wits GL escaped, grabbing Gorral's sword and threatening him until the captives were safe and they were on their way back to the Selenites. Gorral, commanding the giant robot Angrak, attacked the Selenites, but GL battled him in Angrak's control center located in his head, and Gorral fell to his death. GL ordered the robot to destroy itself, and opened peace talks between the Core-People and the Selenites The Core-People needed the Selenite's water supplies, so GL told them to compromise with a pipeline system and reservoir so they could share. He also advised them to use the radium from their core to provide power to their cities, since the moon's molten core was burning out, which would spell their doom. The Selenites rewarded GL with the Moon-Stone which could control the minds of men, and told him to use it to fight crime.

(Green Lantern I #16) - During a lunar eclipse GL's power ring drew him, Doiby and circus freak Harry Danvers the Human Cyclops. They encountered monstrous Moon-Men, who tried to sacrifice them, mistaking them for Selenites, but they fled through underground tunnels until they found the Selenites base. These Selenites, unlike the ones GL previously encountered, only had one eye, and claimed to be descendants of ancient Atlantis. They said the Moon-Men hated them because the Selenites kept them locked underground, but it was for the Selenites safety because the Moon-Men were uncontrollable and violent. Harry decided to stay with them because on the moon he wasn't a freak, and when the eclipse ended GL and Doiby returned to Earth.

Comments: Created by Bill finger & Martin Nodell.

In the pre-Crisis on Infinite Earths DCU the Selenites lived on Earth-2.

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