Real Name: Schuyler (first name unrevealed)

Class: Human

Occupation: Sailor

Group Affiliation: None

Known Relatives: Quentin Schuyler (father)

Aliases: None

Base of Operations: Mobile, 1930s-40s

First AppearanceAdventure Comics I #37 (April, 1939)

Powers: Skip was a trained sailor and aviator.


(Adventure Comics I #41) -Col. Danforth sent an urgent letter to his old friend Skip Schuyler, worried that someone was trying to rustle his cattle. He introduced Skip to his beautiful daughter Leslie, and Skip was bowled over. The rustlers used an airplane to stampede the cattle, leading them to the highway, where armed rustlers loaded them onto trucks. Skip used his own plane to foil the rustlers, grounding their plane and arresting the pilot.

(Adventure Comics I #42) - Skip's ship landed in an Asian country, and he missed the days before war ravaged the landscape. Planes bombed the village he was in and he saved a child from being crushed beneath a collapsing wall. He led the boy to find a Red Cross station when he started tugging on Skip and led him to a house. The man who answered was none too friendly, and pulled a gun as the boy yelled at him, and Skip knocked the man out. A woman was being held captive by a thug upstairs, and Skip made short work of the goon and freed her. She was Diana Allen, a US correspondent, and was kidnapped by Hawkins, a fugitive from justice who decided to kidnap her, but she knew her little friend Lung Yen would bring help.

Comments: Created by Tom Hickey.

In the pre-Crisis on Infinite Earths DCU Skip lived on Earth-2.

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