Class: Extraterrestrial

Known Representatives: None

Aliases: None

Base of Operations: Skyrn

First Appearance: DC Comics Presents #9 (May, 1979)

Powers: Skyrnians could move their consciousness, inhabiting inanimate objects or mind controlling sentient beings. Skyrnians could project intense cold, and needed that cold to survive. They were also telepaths capabale of reading minds and creating illusions.

History: (DC Comics Presents #9) - The Skyrnians feared because their planet was undergoing global warming as their sun grew bigger and brighter with each time-cycle, threatening to eventually go nova. They needed a suitable cold planet to repopulate, and one Skyrnian scanned space and thought he’d found a suitable target in Earth. He distilled himself down into pure consciousness and traveled to Earth, possessing sculptor Anton Lupescu, who created a gigantic Ice Monster sculpture for him to inhabit. Anton was being interviewed by Daily Planet reporters Clark Kent and Lois Lane when he came out of his trance, and told them the Ice Monster had to be destroyed. The Ice Monster kidnapped him to keep his secret, but Superman battled him and freed Anton. The Monster traveled to Metropolis, where he found the climate far too hot. Since Skyrn was thousands of light years from Earth, the Earth they thought was suitable for them was in an ice age thousands of years ago. In desperation the Ice Monster kidnapped Anton again and had him create another Ice Monster. Splitting his consciousness between the two forms the Skyrnian tried to freeze the Atlantic Ocean, but Superman and Wonder Woman defeated them by moving and planning at superspeed, baffling the alien. After destroying the Ice Monsters Superman stored the Skyrnian’s consciousness in a thermal container.

Comments: Created by Martin Pasko, Joe Staton & Jack Abel.

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