Real Name: Soren Hook Johnson

Class: Human mutant?

Occupation: Doctor, serial killer

Group Affiliation: None

Known Relatives: None

Aliases: None

Base of Operations: Key West, Florida, formerly NYC, NY

First Appearance: Starfire II #2 (September, 2015)

Powers: Hook could absorb cancer, but the more cancer he absorbed the bigger the tumor in his head grew. Hook could hypnotize others into seeing him as an authority figure they knew whose commands they felt compelled to obey.

History: (Starfire II #5 (fb), 6 (fb)) - Soren Hook was a doctor in NYC who discovered he had the remarkable way to absorb the cancer of his patients. One he discovered his power he worked nonstop, and his health started deteriorating. After one difficult case he passed out and his nurse friend Marco had him take an MRI. His absorption of cancer had formed a tumor in his head, and it was growing. Soren lost complete control of himself, and beat Marco to death. Hew fled, but he kept losing control and murdering people he came across. He sailed away from NY on a boat, killed all aboard, and the boat wrecked.

(Starfire II #3-6) - Soren Hook was floating on a raft when he was picked up by the Lazarus Two. He told the captain that his ship had been wrecked in the hurricane, buyt the captain soon examined the wreckage, and traced it to a boat aboard which everyone was murdered. Soren killed almost everyone on the Lazarus, and jumped off as it crashed into Key West. Hook hypnotized a man into giving him his truck, and at that night he spotted Key West's superhero Starfire having drink. He introduced himself, and when she clasped Hook's hand, and had a vision of his past, causing him to run away. Starfire was deciding how to help Hook when she returned home, only to find him waiting for her with Sol's body at his feet. Starfire subdued Hook, but got more flashes of his past as she witnessed him losing control and killing people. Sol was alive and rushed to the hospital, and Sherriff Gomez took Hook into custody, promising Hook would get jail time, help or both.

Comments: Created by Amanda Conner, Jimmy Palmiotti & Emanuela Lupacchino.

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