Real Name: Speaker

Class: Extraterrestrial

Occupation: Explorer

Group Affiliation: None

Known Relatives: None

Aliases: None

Base of Operations: Mobile across the galaxy

First Appearance: Flash Comics #84 (June, 1947)

PowersSpeaker could communicate in and translate any language.

History(Flash Comics #84) - A group of extraterrestrials from a society where everyone had extemely specialized abilities explored the universe in their floating city. As they neared Earth their mechanic died, and they needed to repair their city’s flying mechanism. Hawkman learned of their plight and flew to their city. An alien named Speaker explained their situation, and noted that their directives normally forbade them from landing on inhabited planets. Hawkman said he didn’t think any Earthlings would object to helping them out. The aliens caused a stir when they went out to eat and didn’t have any money. The aliens said their society considered capitalism primitive and barbaric. They further angered Earthlings by breaking into a tool factory and when Hawkman confronted him the Rayer shot him with a blast of energy that sent him into the stratosphere. Hawkman adjusted his 9th Metal belt to float back down to Earth, landing on the aliens. A mob tried to overtake the aliens, but one of them had the power of hypnotism and froze the madding crowd. Hawkman said their sets of morals and values were not compatible with Earth, but said he’d find a way to fix their city. He processed a piece of 9th Metal to create a paint, and coated the city’s flying mechanism with it, allowing the aliens to resume their explorations through space. Hawkman said he’d never forget his encounter with them.

Comments: Created by Robert Kanigher & Jon Chester Kozlak.

In the pre-Crisis on Infinite Earths DCU Speaker lived on Earth-2.

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