Class: Artificial life-form

Known Representatives: None

Aliases: None

Base of Operations: Mobile across the galaxy

First Appearance: Adventure Comics I #305 (February, 1963)

Powers: Sun-Eaters absorbed solar bodies for sustenance by absorbing their light and mass. Sun-Eaters traveled through space at faster-than-light speeds and could discharge intense bursts of solar energy.

History(Final Night #1, 4) - Superman organized a summit of superheroes, including Lantern, to listen to an alien named Dusk. She'd seen the Sun-Eater snuff out the sun of countless planets, and she was there to warn the heroes that the Sun-Eater was headed towards Earth. Superman and a team of heroes used their powers to create a smaller second Sun. It drew the Sun-Eaters' attention, and it absorbed it, but was still after Earth's real sun and engulfed it. Superman's powers were being drained because he was cut off from the sun's energy, and he accepted Luthor's help in determining a way to defeat the Eater. Superman helped Batman foil Vandal Savage's theft of the Mona Lisa, an attempt to take advantage of the chaos caused on Earth by the Eater. Superman's powers faded to the point where all he could do to help was delivering supplies to hospitals. He visited Ma and Pa Kent, and told them the situation was really bad. Luthor designed miniature forcefield units that would hopefully shield the Earth from the sun going nova, but they needed to be delivered via spaceship. Luthor refused to pilot the ship himself, afraid he would die, and allowed Superman to accept the mission. Rookie hero Ferro couldn't bear to let the world lose Superman, so he got in the ship before Superman had a chance to. The sun went nova before Ferro could plant the forcefields, but Parallax sacrificed his life to absorb the Sun-Eater and reignite the sun. Superman spoke with Batman, saying Parallax redeemed himself, but Batman disagreed.

(Green Lantern IV #13) - The Guardians of the Universe used a sun-eater to construct a sciencell for Superboy Prime.

(Green Lantern: Sinestro Corps Special #1) - Superboy Prime was freed from his sun-eater prison by the Sinestro Corps.

(Legion of Super-Heroes III #7, 8) - The Controllers gutted an entire planet, turning it into a giant factory, and sent it to limbo. The planet’s control center operated machinery and robots to fulfill the purpose of the planet for the Controllers; manufacturing Sun-Eaters. Chameleon Boy, Element Lad, Phantom Girl, Shrinking Violet and Ultra Boy of the Legion of Super-Heroes were stranded in limbo and came across the planet. They observed a Controller having a discussion with the Armorer that ran the control center before using a stargate to warp to another planet. The Legionnaires saw a stargate labeled with an icon of Earth, but they knew they couldn’t simply return home with the threat the Sun-Eaters being produced posed to the entire universe. The Legionnaires ripped apart the solar feeders that powered the growing Sun-Eater and used them to destroy the control center, but concluded that they still might have to destroy the entire planet, and their only way home because there were hundreds of facilities where the Controllers could start all over again. A giant security robot incapacitated Ultra Boy Element Lad and Chameleon Kid with a molecular attractor, but Phantom girl phased and Shrinking Violet shrunk to avoid the attack. The robot brought the Legionnaires back to the Armorer, who was shocked when scanning his data banks he learned that the Legion had defeated a rogue Controller. He could conceive of no power great enough to conquer his masters. The Legionnaires revived, and Element Lad turned the robot into a puddle of mercury. He demanded the Armorer tell him why the Controllers were creating Sun-Eaters but the Armorer replied that the powers and motives of the Controllers were beyond human conception. Chameleon Boy morphed his form into that of a Controller, and chided the Armorer, who knelt before him, allowing Ultra Boy to knock him out from behind. Phantom Girl and Shrinking violet met up with the rest of their teammates, saying they’d come up with a plan to destroy the planet and still return home. Element Lad turned the Armorer’s base into nuclear explosive material, and as they entered the stargate to Earth, with the Armorer in tow, Ultra Boy threw a ten pound rock of fissionable material behind them, blowing up the planet.

(Adventure Comics I #305) - The Sun-Eaters roamed the galaxy, feeding on solar bodies by absorbing their heat and energy. For his initiation into the Legion of Super-Heroes Marvel Lad (Mon-El) fought a feeding Sun-Eater, and made it flee by blasting it with his heat-vision, which was hotter than a sun.

Comments: Created by Jerry Siegel & John Forte.

Sun-Eater received a profile in Who's Who: The Definitive Directory of the DC Universe #22.

Sun-Eater had a cameo in Aquaman V #26.

Sun-Eater's appearance in Adventure Comics I #305 was reprinted in Adventure Comics I #403, 500, Legion of Super-Heroes III #7, 8 was reprinted in Tales of the Legion of Super-Heroes #332, 333.

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