Real Name: Kal-El, aka Clark Kent

Class: Parallel earth (Earth-Superman 2001) extraterrestrial (Kryptonian)

Occupation: Superhero, tri-vision news reporter

Group Affiliation: None

Known Relatives: Jor-El (father, deceased), Lara (wife, deceased)

Aliases: Skyboy

Base of OperationsMetropolis, formerly Arizona, (Earth-Superman 2001)

First AppearanceSuperman I #300 (June, 1976)

Powers: Superman, like all Kryptonians, gained superhuman powers while under a yellow sun. He had incalculable levels of superhuman strength and invulnerability. He possessed the powers of heat-vision, telescopic vision, super-hearing and flight. 

History(Superman I #300) - <1976> On the planet Krypton scientist Jor-El and his young wife Lara had a baby, Kal-El. Jor-El realized that Krypton was doomed to explode, but the scientific community ignored him, so he sent his infant son on a rocketship to Earth before Krypton was lost. Kal-El's spacecraft crashed on Earth, and the U.S. and USSR were both determined to gain possession of the extraterrestrial object. After an intense race Lt. Thomas Clark recovered the craft and brought it to a top-secret military complex. Kal-El emerged, and the scientists found that the infant alien had remarkable superpowers, including invulnerability, superstrength, and flight under the effects of the yellow sun. They taught him to be a loyal American, and made a costume for him out of his invulnerable baby blanket, dubbing him Skyboy. Skyboy's existence was kept secret, but at U.N. meetings the USSR revealed that they had information about his rumored existence, and demanded he be made a ward of the U.N. and not indoctrinated into U.S. culture. In the year 1990 President Wiener revealed Skyboy's existence, and the USSR threatened war if he was not handed over to the UN. A third world power had emerged in the past decade, and they saw this situation as a way to become the premiere superpower by pushing the US and USSR into WWIII. General Kent Garrett raised Skyboy to be a responsible and heroic young man, and Skyboy felt the need to use his powers to prevent natural disasters, even though he'd always kept his activities secret. Garrett revealed that the world now knew of his existence, and told him it was up to him if he wanted to be a ward of the UN. Meanwhile the third power used their tech to launch the U.S.' nuclear missles against the USSR, and vice versa. Skyboy felt responsible for the world's imminent collapse, and disarmed all of the missiles by pushing his powers to their limit. The US and USSR started peace talks, inspired by Skyboy's humanity. Skyboy didn't want his very existence to threaten the planet, and hung up his costume. He attended the funeral of Gen. Garrett, whose heart gave out under the strain of near-war, and the alien mourned the only man he considered family. He adopted the name Clark Kent after Garrett and the man that recovered his spacecraft. He moved to the east coast and made a name for himself as a news reporter. In 2001 a supposed alien named Moka appeared in Times Square to announce that it was he who saved the world from nuclear holocaust in 1990, and demanded the Earth's allegiance. In truth Moka was an android created by the third power, and their latest bid for world domination. Clark realized people were hungry for a hero, and might embrace Moka, so he dredged up his old suit, and embraced his destiny as Superman. Superman easily destroyed Moka, telling the people of Earth that they didn't need an imaginary savior to lead them. He knew the people of Earth could control their own destiny, and he told them he had faith in them before flying off. Humanity was inspired by his actions, and erected a statue to honor his actions. A young boy asked Clark if they'd ever see Superman agin, and he said that the world was on a pretty steady course, but if humanity was ever in dire need of a hero he'd return.

Comments: Created by Cary Bates, Eliot S! Maggin, Curt Swan & Bob Oksner.

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