Real Name: Swamp Knucker
Class: Plant elemental
Occupation: Plant elemental
Group Affiliation: Parliament of Trees
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: None
Base of Operations: Brazil, south of Concordia, Mesozoic to present
First Appearance: Swamp Thing II #72 (May, 1988)
Powers: Swamp Knucker had complete control over all forms of plant life and could travel to the Green. His consciousness could inhabit one or several bodies made from any available plant life, and these bodies could be instantly regenerated when damaged. Swamp Knucker possessed superhuman ferocity, strength and stamina, and was armed with massive jaws and razor-sharp claws and teeth.
History: (Swamp Thing II #72-74) - The presence of two plant elementals walking the Earth, Swamp Thing and Sprout, was causing nature to go to war with itself. The Parliament failed over and over to resolve the situation, so they awoke Swamp Knucker, a prehistoric dinosaur plant elemental, and sent it out into the world to kill Swamp Thing. Knucker devoured Swamp Thing, but Swamp Thing managed to take control of Knucker’s physical form. John Constantine realized that Swamp Thing’s friend Chester was the next chosen human to become a plant elemental, and sensing he was a good choice, tried to convince him to let it happen. Swamp Thing appeared and forbade Chester from sacrificing himself, and bound the Sprout’s essence to his lover Abigail Arcane so it would be safe while he found a way to dispose of Knucker. Swamp Thing brought Swamp Knucker to Mars, hoping his primal power woukd never return to Earth to threaten it. Swamp Thing and Knucker both saw the vestiges and potential of life on Mars, and Swamp Knucker did exactly what Swamp Thing hoped he would, he realized a chance for creative potential and personal freedom, and started creating plant life on the planet.
Comments: Created by Rick Veitch.
Swamp Knucker had a cameo in Swamp Thing II #75.
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