Real Name: Takeda Takahashi

Class: Human

Occupation: Warrior

Group Affiliation: None

Known Relatives: Suchin (mother), Kenshi Takahashi (father)

Aliases: None

Base of Operations: Thailand, Earthrealm

First Appearance: Mortal Kombat X #1 (January, 2015)

Powers: Takeda was a masterful fighter armed with katanas and bladed whips.

History: (Mortal Kombat X #1-3) - Kenshi Takahashi went undercover to infiltrate the Red Dragons, but when his cover was blown he was forced to go into hiding. His old love Suchin called from Thailand to tell him they had a son, Takeda. He went to Thailand only to find Suchin murdered by the Red Dragons, but she'd sent away their son before the carnage started. Kenshi found Takeda in a nearby village, and told him his mother died in an accident, not wanting to tell him the truth because he feared his son would be blinded by vengeance. Hso Hao and his Red Dragon underlings pursued them into the Himalayas, and promised Kenshi a gruesome death for his betrayal. Kenshi had purposely wandered into the domain of Scorpion, who killed Hao by plunging his kunai blade into his artificial heart. Kenshi told Scorpion he was leaving Takeda in his care so he could finish his mission of finding the Red Dragon leader Daegon, and Scorpion agreed to train the boy and protect him. Hanzo trained Takeda for years, with Forrest Fox as his frequent sparring partner. Takeda was extraordinarily fast, but Hanhzo said he lacked killer instinct, and warned him that hesitation in martial situations could lead to his death and the death of his allies. Raiden visited Hanzo, having given him the cursed Kamidogu dagger for safekeeping. He warned him that after the Neatherrealm war the boundaries between worlds was weak, and a silent demon had made his way to Earthrealm. He said a champion would be needed to vanquish the demon, and although Hanzo knew Raiden was a liar, it was a fact that people died after he visited. Fox heard a voice in his head, commanding him to take the Kamidogu, carve off his own face, kill many of the Shira Ryu Temple warriors, and take Takeda to Hanzo. Fox disabled Hanzo with one of his old poisons, and said he'd reawaken Scorpion by killing his adopted family, reminding him of how he lost his wife and son to Sub-Zero. Fox told Takeda to put him out of his misery with a blade, but he refused. Scorpion overcame the poison, blasting Fox with fire, and Takeda finished off Fox with his blade. Scorpion blamed Raiden, and told Takeda he'd show him how to make a god beg for mercy.

(Mortal Kombat X #9-11) - On their journey Takeda asked Scorpion about his past, and he shared his tragic story. He told Takeda that when he contemplated suicide, feeling unfulfilled after getting vengeance on Sub-Zero, Kenshi talked him out of it. He showed him that the hellfire he wielded was not rage, but shame for failing to save his family. Takeda and Scorpion reached the Sky Temple, and Raiden appeared in a bolt of lightning, attacking them. He told them they should never have pursued him, and they fought. Takeda stabbed him with his katana, but it had little effect. Raiden had been possessed by the Kamidogu, but his spilled blood purged the curse. Raiden took them to the Jinsei Chamber, using Earthrealm's life force to heal himself and Takeda, whom Raiden had burned with lightning. Raiden revealed that years ago he contacted the Elder Gods to banish Shinnok, sending the amulet that contained his life force to a dark dimension. The Kamidogu served as a key to open up the dimension, and he'd entrusted each one to a champion, but one was missing. A demon corrupted the blood magik and possessed Sub-Zero, who had the missing dagger.

(Mortal Kombat X #13-15) - Scorpion and Takeda tracked down Sub-Zero finding an entire city covered in ice. Sub-Zero was fully in thrall to the Kamidogu, and Scorpion felt the hellfire well within him. Hevik watched on, using entrails to view the combat, and bragged to himself that he would soon have the Kamidogu and Scorpion's soul. Scorpion and Sub-Zero engaged in bloody combat, and Takeda managed to steal the Kamidoguy as sub-Zero's blood magik began to run out. Sub-Zero was no longer possessed, and tried to back of the fight, but Scorpion continued to brutalize him. He unleashed a burst of hellfire, and Takeda grabbed him, begging him to not give into a life fueled by revenge, reminding him that they had to save the world and rebuild the Shirai Ryu. Scorpion knew he was losing himself, and walked away, confident that Sub-Zero was fatally wounded, and would only live long enough to reflect on his mistakes.

(Mortal Kombat X #16) - Raiden commended Scorpion for retrieving the Kamidogu and sparing Sub-Zero's life, saying both of them had their share of vengeance for a lifetime. He told Scorpion and Takeda where the remaining Kamidogus could be found.

(Mortal Kombat X #21, 22) - Scorpion and Takeda arrived at Liu Kang Temple, meeting with Shujinko, and asking him for the Kamidogu. Havik had arrived ahead of them, turning Shujinko's trust in Scorpion to suspicion, and convincing Shujinko that the magik was too powerful for Scorpion to be given possession of. Scorpion accused Havik of being a servant of the blood demon, but Havik convinced him to talk things over while Shujinko went with Takeda. Havik claimed Raiden was corrupt, and said he should know since he was the one to corrupt him. Shujinko told Takeda how his father spent time at the Liu Kang Temple, but was not dissuaded from seeking vengeance against Daegon. Shujinko produced the Kamidogu and attacked Takeda.

i (Mortal Kombat X #24) - Scorpion attacked Havik, blaming him for killing his clan. He broke his neck, and battered him bloody, but Havik still stood. He presented Scorpion with Takeda, defeated by Shujinko, held hostage with a blade to his throat. Havik said they could rule together, and he would bring him to the brink of death to unleash his hellfire, and make him a revenant again. Scorpion fought back, but refused to succumb to the temptation of hellfire, and with his dying breathe he made it clear he chose his own destiny, and told Takeda he would always have choices. Havik was disappointed, and despite Takeda swearing vengeance, let him go free.

Comments: Created by

Takeda was a character from the Mortal Kombat video game series, first appearing in Mortal Kombat X the DC comic before his video game debut in Mortal Kombat X. This entry covers only Takeda's DC appearances. For a full history of the character see http://mortalkombat.wikia.com/wiki/Takeda_Takahashi.

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