Real Name: Jack Mobley

Class: Altered human

Occupation: Computer programmer, engineer

Group Affiliation: None

Known Relatives: Gladys Mobley (daughter), Wendy (ex-wife)

Aliases: None

Base of Operations: Mobile

First Appearance: Justice League America Annual #7 (1993)

Powers: Terrorsmith can temporarily transform any human he touches into a monster possessing superhuman strength, speed or a number of other superpowers. A transformed victim usually takes on the form of their own worst nightmare, and the shock of the physical transformation sometimes kills them. Terrorsmith has little control over his creations.

History: (Justice League America Annual #7)-Jack Mobley was a relatively successful computer programmer, but he could never get along with others and found his career going downhill. His wife accused him of blaming other people for his problems and left him, taking their daughter with her. Soon after he was diagnosed with terminal pancreatic cancer. Jack's life would get even worse when he was attacked by Lissik and Venev, two of the Space Parasites. Jack was among the small number of Parasite victims that survived the attack, having his metagene activated and gaining superhuman powers. His new horrific appearance caused panic in everyone he came across, and he found himself in the middle of a hostile mob. Even worse, anyone coming in contact with him was transformed into a gruesome monster. This brought the attention of Justice League America, and Jack fled to his ex-wife's house. He killed her new husband and begged her for reconciliation. She refused, so he transformed her into a monster. Suddenly accepting his fate, Jack decided to become a supervillain. Fashioning a costume, he named himself Terrorsmith and assembled a small army of his creations. He blamed the JLA for what he had become, and demanded his monsters find and kill them. The monsters fled from him, wanting no part of his plan. He broke down in tears as Wonder Woman II arrived on the scene. She talked Terrorsmith into giving himself up, and he even aided the JLA in combating the Space Parasites. Terrorsmith was last seen riding away on a bus, contemplating whether to use his powers for good or evil.

List of appearances: JLA #1
Justice League America Annual #7
Showcase '94 #7

Comments: Created by Bill Loebs & Greg LaRocque

Last updated: 3/23/2002

Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.

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