Class: Extraterrestrials
Known Representatives: Ch'al Andar (Golden Eagle), Fel Andar (Hawkman), Duc'at Falcara, Katar Hal (Hawkman), Andar Nal, Andar Pul, Shayera Thal (Hawkwoman)
Aliases: None
Base of Operations: Thanagar
First Appearance: The Brave and the Bold #34 (March, 1961)
Powers: The Thanagarians were a long-lived race possessing enhanced strength, endurance and senses. They were fierce combatants and used wings made of Nth metal to fly.History:
(New Gods III #18) - Yuga Khan destroyed a Thanagarian probe station, and while Lar Grand managed to save the lives of a few Thanagarians, they initially attacked him, thinking him the enemy. After clearingup the misunderstanding Lar brought the survivors to Thanagar to spread the word about Khan, possibly the greatest threat to life in the universe.
(Firestorm II #21 (fb)) - Firestorm Professor Stein lived with the alien G Nesh for years until the Thanagarians ruthlessly slaughtered them all and put him in a containment unit.
(Strange Adventures II #1, 2) - A Thanagarian vessel orbited Old Rann and were boarded by Lord Synarr, who had returned to this plane of existence in Weird's corporal form. He slaughtered the Thanagarians aboard the cruiser and landed it on Hardcore Station.
(Firestorm II #20) - Rannian scientists Arus and Leyla stole a Thanagarian Ca'arra hawk, a revered animal that was the visual inspiration of Thanagarian warriors. They wanted to strike against their oppressors, and fled into space with the hawk. A number of heroes involved in the Infinite Crisis saw the Thanagarians attacking the ship, and decided to intervene. The Thanagarians were impressed with Animal Man, who d absorbed the power of the hawk, and decided to show him an art sphere hologram of the destruction the Rannians had unleashed on their planet. Getting involved in the Rann-Thanagar war turned out to be a pointless endeavor, as the Rannians killed the hawk, so the Thanagarians retaliated by blowing up their ship. The heroes were taken aback by the senselessness of war.
(R.E.B.E.L.S. #17) - Vril Dox of L.E.G.I.O.N. brokered a peace treaty between the Thanagarians and Rann. They no longer shared the same solar system, let alone the same planet, and those who blamed Rann for Thanagar's destruction were dead or deposed. They signed an official end to the Rann-Thanagar War.
Comments: Created by Gardner Fox & Joe Kubert.
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