Real Name: Thayer Jost

Class: Human

Occupation: Industrialist

Group Affiliation: None

Known Relatives: None

Aliases: None

Base of OperationsSacramento, California

First Appearance: Doom Patrol III #1 (December, 2001)

Powers: Thayer Jost was a proficient businessman and manipulator, with a vast fortune at his disposal.

History: Thayer Jost was a wealthy businessman who bankrolled his own version of the Doom Patrol.

(Doom Patrol V #21 (fb)) - Robotman decided to be part of Jost’s Doom Patrol against his better judgment. Jost tried to have Robotman recruit Negative Man, but he had no interest. Jost pressed the issue with Robotman, and asked if it was a money issue, but Robotman told him to leave it alone.

(Doom Patrol V #7) - Thayer Jost came under the mental domination of Mr. Somebody, who directed him to gather a team of metahumans. Thayer funded Botfly’s research into creating artificial life, and asked her to join his team. He then recruited the Porcelain Doll and Animal-Vegetable-Mineral Man to his cause. Thayer’s mind scrambled to reassume control, but Mr. Somebody forbid it, and told him he’d erase his mind if that’s what it took.

(Doom Patrol V #10-12) - Jost / Somebody planned on taking apart the Doom Patrol piece by piece. He ordered Porcelain Doll to Oolong island to bring him the Chief, and sent AVM Man to kill teen Titan beast Boy, Elasti-Girl’s adopted son, in hopes of demoralizing the team. He called back AVM when he had a change of plans, but refused to explain himself. The DP stopped Porcelain Doll, but wondered about her motivations. She tried to teleport away to Jost Enterprises, but Elasti-Girl took her teleportation device and confronted Somebody’s henchmen. She was taken captive, and Jost / Mr. Somebody, used the opportunity to call a press conference. He debuted his corporate superteam the Front Men, and demanded the Doom Patrol release Porcelain Doll from Oolong. He painted the DP as villains, showing edited footage of Elasti-Girl’s attack on Jost Enterprises. Jost / Somebody explained to Botfly that the difference between heroes and villains was getting less every day, and the only thing that mattered was the message received by the public. The DP wanted Rita back immediately, so they visited Danny The Bungalow’s new resident Ambush Bug, and had him teleport them to Jost Enterprises. The remaining Front Men quickly fought them to a standstill, and Botfly threatened to kill Rita if they didn’t surrender. Jost / Somebody invited Somebody’s old Brotherhood of Dada teammate, Toy, to Jost Enterprises. He strapped her down, and explained that he was severing all ties to his counter-culture past. He gave a soliloquy about why he’d changed himself, and then popped out her eyes and smashed her head open. Somebody let the horrified Jost momentarily free so he could see what Somebody did with Jost’s own hands. The DP had Ambush Bug teleport Porcelain Doll to Jost Enterprises and traded their captives. Jost revealed himself as Mr. Somebody and explained that he’d be building his Front Men’s reputation on the DP’s backs, and had them attack the DP. Their fight spread all over Sacramento, resulting in collateral damage, and lots of negative press for the DP, especially when Somebody called the media to claim the DP attacked them unprovoked. Somebody called up Chief on Oolong, and let him know he’d purposefully paired each of his team members against each DP member. Their Front Men suits were keyed to deliver a lethal blow to the wearer when each DP member used a certain ability. He was prepared to sacrifice his team for his own ends, but knew Chief didn’t want the DP to appear to be murderers. Chief demanded that the DP retreat, and the Front Men were victorious.

(Doom Patrol V #20, 22) - The Doom Patrol were kicked off Oolong, and with the M.S.E. and Front Men fully embedded Mr. Somebody made his play, revealing to President Cale that he wanted her nation for his own. He left Jost and possessed Cale, but he kept Jost, whose mind was ruined, around as a pet on a leash. Somebody was defeated by the Doom Patrol and abandoned Cale’s body and the earthly plane.

Comments: Created by John Arcudi & Tang Eng Hust.

Thayer Jost had a cameo in Doom Patrol V #14.

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