Real Name: Unrevealed

Class: Alien mutant


Group Affiliation: None

Known RelativesNone

Aliases: None

Base of OperationsMobile across the universe

First Appearance: Metamorpho I #14 (September-October, 1967)

PowersThe Thunderer was a cosmic being possessed of unimaginable power. He was invulnerable, could project force-fields and project immensely destructive beams of energy from his eye-stalk. His eye-stalk beams could also send a target to the sub-atomic world. Thunderer traveled in a spaceship.

History(Metamorpho I #14, 15) - Thunderer came from a super-race of aliens that sent out scouts to conquer planets. Thunderer was a mutant and a renegade known for terrorizing weaker planets, much to the chagrin of his people, and planned on invading Earth, and sent his servant Neutrog to pave the way for him. Neutrog defeated the hero Metamorpho, and flew around the world announcing the coming of the Thunderer. The Thunderer landed his spaceship in Washington and demanded Earth’s surrender, but Metamorpho, who’d only been in hiding, confronted him, alongside Element Girl. Thunderer was angry at his servant’s failure, and told him to fix his error. Neutrog proved incapable of defeating the heroes, so his master blasted him into a river. The Thunderer told Metamorpho he’d make a good servant in his new world, but the hero refused the offer and attacked, so the Thunderer blasted him and Element Girl into a sub-atomic realm. Thunderer repeated his demands to the U.N., causing unrest and panic, and laid out his plans to make a world of slaves to do his bidding. Boy genius Billy Barton detected Element Girl and Metamorpho’s presence in a speck of dust and used a chemical reagent to bring them back to size. They fought the Thunderer again, and Billy aided them with a laser guitar that disrupted Thunderer’s beams. The battle seems unwinnable when other members of Thunderer’s alien race appeared and took him into custody, explaining they’d put him away where he couldn’t cause any more trouble.

Comments: Created by Bob Haney & Sal Trapani

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