Real Name: Unrevealed
Class: Human
Occupation: Circus performer
Group Affiliation: None
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: None
Base of Operations: Saratoga, FL
First Appearance: Strange Adventures I #205 (October, 1967)
Powers: Tiny was extraordinarily strong and armed with a mallet.
(Batman I #337, 338) - Lorna Hill hired Waldo, a clown who once performed for Haly’s Circus with the Flying Graysons. Waldo made fast friends with the rest of the workers, including Tiny and Vashnu. Dick Grayson, feeling adrift, was delighted when Waldo Flynn wrote to him. Waldo was happy he left the Sterling Circus to join Lorna Hill’s circus, and talked up the fact that they were like a family. Dick watched an aerial performance by Cleveland Brand, who’d taken over his deceased brother Boston’s role as the daredevil character Deadman. Cleveland injured his arm during practice, and Dick asked Lorna if she’d like to see a demonstration of his skills that made him famous as one of the Flying Graysons. During his performance clown Jo-Jo Jones was shot, and Dick spotted someone running away from the big top. Dick subdued the runner, who turned out to be Waldo, but he refused to believe he was a murderer. The police told Dick that the bullet that shot jo-Jo went through his body, and they’d be back the next day to find it. That night Dick went into action as Robin, to see if anyone else was looking to retrieve the bullet. He confronted a hooded figure, who turned out to be Lorna, and wondered if she was the shooter. Lorna recovered the bullet, but assured Robin she had the same goal as him, to clear Waldo’s name. They were beset by the circus’ tigers, and while Robin tried to tussle with them, Lorna showed him how to sooth them The lion-tamer Magnificent Melanie had released them, admitting she thought Robin was trying to frame Waldo had had momentarily lost her temper. Melanie was engaged to Waldo, and explained to Robin that she’d been arguing with Jo-Jo, who was her ex, because he refused to accept they were done as a coupe. Dick visited Waldo in the hospital, where he was being watched over by Vashnu, Lorna and Tiny. When Robin caught him, the drop injured him, but he regained consciousness and asked to talk to Dick. Waldo said he’d been arguing with Jo-Jo about Melanie and when he turned away from the argument a gun was tossed into his hand. He admitted the gun went off, but it wasn’t aimed at Jo-Jo and he knew he was being set up. Robin did some more investigating and closed the case. Jo-Jo had terminal cancer and wanted to frame Waldo for murder for “stealing” his girlfriend. Waldo wasn’t responsible for his death, and Jo-Jo had killed himself with a gun on a timer hidden in the bleachers. The crew of Hill’s Circus were overjoyed when all charges were dropped against Waldo.
Comments: Created by Arnold Drake & Carmine Infantino.
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