Membership: Argent, Arsenal, Cyborg, Damage, Flash III, Jesse Quick, Nightwing, Starfire, Tempest, Troia

Base of Operations: Island off of Manhattan's East River

First Appearance: Titans Secret Files #1 (March, 1999)

History: Teen Titans founders Nightwing, Arsenal, Tempest, Troia and Flash formed a new incarnation of the Titans with past Teen Titans members and new recruits like Damage.

(Titans #15, 16) - Troia suggested the founding Titans go away on a camping trip to a deserted island to work out their differences, which had come to a head in the last week. The team kept butting heads, and things only got worse when a monsoon hit the island. The Titans sought shelter in a cave, where they discovered the Gargoyle, who'd been exacerbating their negative feelings. The Titans were taken to Limbo, where they were de-aged to their thirteen year old selves from when they first became Teen Titans. After reliving some of their childhood memories they battled the Gargoyle, but the Gargoyle took a fall, he wanted them to stay angry at each other, which would ensue their imprisonment in Limbo. While the rest of the Titans worked out their problems Arsenal told them Limbo was about stagnation, and that sometimes friends had to disagree to make each other better. To make an example he told Nightwing he was sick of hearing about Batman all the time and decked him. With that they were transported out of Limbo.

(Titans #17-19) - Starfire obtained a spaceship and went with the Titans to the Vegan System to help Ryand'r. Ryand'r and the Tamaranians were fighting the Gordanians on Karna, and had the Titans split up to deal with three Gordanian military outposts, easily breaking the Gordanian forces. The Titans learned that the Tamaranians were the invaders, not the Gordanians, and that Starfire used false pretenses to get their help. The Gordanians had taken Tempest hostage, and the Titans went to rescue him, but Tempest said he wasn't going anywhere; he was trying to negotiate peace between the races. Just then the main Gordanian army arrived on the planet, and the Titans were forced to surrender. Thanks to Tempests' diplomacy the Gordanians and Tamaranians agreed to become allies, with Starfire staying on Karna to lead the Tamaranians. The rest of the Titans returned to Earth. While the team was gone Damage left the team to take a sabbatical to deal with recently recovered childhood memories of his abuse.

(Titans #20) - The Titans welcomed Jesse Quick as their newest member. They said their goodbyes to Cyborg and Flash, who were both leaving the team. Nightwing had a cloned human body made for Cyborg in Science City, and Cyborg wanted to try living a normal life.

(Titans #21) - The Titans saved Liam Harper from the Hangmen, who were trying to abduct Liam in order to keep Cheshire quiet at her trial for the destruction of Quarac. Quaraqi survivors wanted to assassinate Cheshire before her trial, so Arsenal convinced the Titans to go to the Netherlands to protect Cheshire.

(Titans #23, 24) - Troia came to Titans Tower, but the Titans no longer remembered her because of the manipulations of Dark Angel. Troia was overwhelmed and left them. Chandra left the Titans after Nightwing raised suspicions that she'd sold them out to Deathstroke because he'd uncovered her searches for information about Cheshire in their computer logs. She told Arsenal she never betrayed them, but sent Quaraci terrorists after Cheshire, and since the terrorists knew of her involvement with the team she'd only be a danger to them.  Troia returned with the Titans of the Earth-Kingdom-Come hypertimeline. After a brief misunderstanding and fight between the two teams of Titans they started working together to go after Dark Angel. The Titans of Kingdom Come were risking damaging the fabric of reality by leaving their own hypertimeline, so they had limited time to work, and made up a cover story of being top-secret military agents. Tempest opened a portal to Dark Angel's netherworld and the Titans went in after her.

(JLA: Our Worlds at War #1, Action Comics #781) - On President Luthor's request the Titans went to Zaire, Africa to battle an Imperiex Probe that had landed on Earth to hollow out the planet, but the battle went badly for the heroes. More Probes arrived and the heroes were only saved by Superman, who destroyed the Probes.

Comments: Created by Devin Grayson

The Titans received profiles in Secret Files & Origins Guide to the DC Universe 2000 and Sins of Youth Secret Files #1.

The Titans had a cameo in Beast Boy #1.

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