Membership: Tad Trigger, Tom Trigger

Base of Operations: Gotham City

First Appearance: Detective Comics I #667 (October, 1993)


(Robin II #133, Batgirl I #59) - Penguin moved into Bludhaven and took over Blockbuster’s criminal empire after he was killed by the vigilante Tarantula. At no small expense Penguin had Blockbuster’s corpse stuffed, mounted and put on display at Blockbuster’s former estate, which Penguin now owned. Penguin assembled a criminal army, including Gas Bag, the Trigger Twins and Brutale. Robin and Batgirl moved to Bludhaven, and with the Bludhaven PD looked into who’d moved into Blockbuster’s business. Batgirl and Robin showed up at Blockbuster’s estate only to be confronted by Penguin and his army. Penguin said he specifically came to Bludhaven to get away from the Bat-Family, and was angered Batgirl and Robin hadn’t been driven off by Shrike. Penguin had his criminal army, including the Trigger Twins and Brutale attack the heroes. Batgirl and Robin were outnumbered, but Penguin’s gun-happy goons kept taking each other out with friendly fire. Penguin’s henchman Gas Bag released a knockout gas and when Batgirl and Robin woke they found themselves tied up. Penguin planned to unmask the heroes to expose their identities and then kill them. His henchman Two-Ton asked if he could have the honor of unmasking them, as it would boost his rep. Several other goons started bidding for the honor, so Penguin decided to auction off the unmasking rights, calling in several other gang leaders including Little Willie, Fat Willie and Lavender Bob. Little Willie won the auction, but realizing they had hours to kill before Willie could arrive in Bludhaven Penguin decided to free the heroes and pit Batgirl against Robin, with all his goons placing bets on the winner. Penguin said he didn’t want anyone to feel cheated, so he declared it a fight to the death. Robin hoped that Batgirl could read him and work with him on a plan. Batgirl and Robin fought, taking time to work out some personal issues, especially with how they related to Batman. Batgirl took the dive, and Penguin handed Robin a gun, demanding he finish her off. Robin shot Batgirl, aiming for her shoulder, and when Penguin checked on her she attacked him. Penguin ordered Gas Bag to gas them, but he was recalcitrant, saying Penguin tried to fix the fight. Batgirl and Robin fled Penguin’s estate, taking out both Brutale and the Trigger Twins.

Comments: Created by Chuck Dixon & Graham Nolan.

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