Real Name: Valdo

Class: Terrestrial species

Occupation: Monster

Group Affiliation: None

Known Relatives: None

Aliases: None

Base of Operations: The Golden People's undersea kingdom

First AppearanceSea Devils #29 (May-June, 1966)

PowersValdo possessed superhuman strength and durability, and was aquatic.

History(Sea Devils #29) - Valdo was an undersea monster kept by the Golden People to test those who wished to be king of their people. A fissure exposed the Golden People’s undersea kingdom, and the Sea Devils investigated. The Golden Goddess desired Sea Devil Dane Dorrance to be her king, and forced him to take the test of the kings. Dane wanted no part of it, but she forced him into a tank to fight the dragon-like monster Valdo. Dane tossed a spear into the monster’s mouth, wounding it, and it fell into the tank’s spikes, impaling itself. The Goddess told Dane he’d passed, and she’d give him time to say goodbye to his friends before she executed them and made him her king.

Comments: Created by Bob Haney? & Howard Purcell.

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