Class: Hypertimeline (Earth-Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy) extraterrestrials

Known Representatives: Jeltz

Aliases: None

Base of Operations: Mobile throughout the universe; Earth-Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

First Appearance: (in comics) Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy #1 (1993)

Powers: Vogons used Construction Ships capable of hyperspace travel. The ships were equipped with matter transference beams and demolition beams capable of destroying an entire planet. Vogon guards carry stun rays. Vogons write the thirst worst poetry in the universe, and a listener forced to hear one of their poems will suffer greatly.

History: (Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy #1) - <50 years ago> The Vogons were developing outlying regions of their galaxy, and intended to put a hyperspatial express route through Earth's star system. Earth would have to be demolished for their intergalactic highway to be built, so they posted a notice at the Alpha Centuri Planning Department.

(Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy #1) - A Vogon Construction Ship destroyed Earth. The ship's Captain discovered two stowaways, Arthur Dent and Ford Prefect, and jettisoned them from his ship without delay.

(Restaurant at the End of the Universe #1) - The Vogons attacked the Heart of Gold ship in an attempt to kill the last two remaining humans in the universe, Arthur Dent and Trillian.

Comments: Created by Douglas Adams. Adapted to comics by John Carnell and Steve Leialoha.

The Hitchhiker's Guide series of comics were based on the book of the same name.

It was hinted at in Restaurant at the End of the Universe #1 that the Vogons were under orders from big-wigs in the psychiatric profession to destroy Earth. You see the Earth of Earth-Hitchiker's was actually a computer program that would have helped reveal the meaning of life, thus putting a bunch of psychiatrists out of work.

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