Real Name: Unrevealed

Class: Human technology-user

OccupationWould-be world conqueror

Group Affiliation: None

Known RelativesNone

Aliases: None

Base of OperationsWashington, D.C.

First Appearance: Metamorpho I #11 (March-April, 1967)

PowersVrag-Kol was a scientific genius; he and his gang of fake aliens were armed with blasters. He traveled in a mock UFO that could fly and shoot explosive blasts.

History(Metamorpho I #11) - Vrag-Kol and his gang posed as aliens and alerted the public to their presence by giving glimpses of the fake UFO. When a U.S. jet tried to approach them they shot it down to keep Vrag’s façade from being revealed. Washington called Metamorpho and Simon Stagg to investigate, and Vrag introduced himself as a traveler from the stars, and claimed the destruction of the jet was an accident because he thought the pilot meant him harm. He promised Simon Stagg the secrets of his alien technology to lure him aboard his ship, but Metamorpho was suspicious and soon realized they were phonies. Vrag froze Metamorpho with liquid hydrogen and had Simon broadcast to Washington, telling them they had no chance against the unstoppable aliens, forcing them to hand over Bunker Baker Able to Vrag. Vrag gloated over his vast supply of new armaments, but when Metamorpho thawed he became a fireworks display that alerted the army that Vrag was a fake. The army attacked the bunker, disabling Vrag and his crew, and destroying the military cache.

Comments: Created by Bob Haney & Sal Trapani

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