Real Name: Unrevealed
Class: Extradimensional technology-user
Occupation: Criminal
Group Affiliation: None
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: None
Base of Operations: unnamed dimension
First Appearance: New Adventures of Superboy #31 (July, 1982)
Powers: Whitefire's body generated flames, and he could channel them through his trident. His trident could also generate a beam that teleported people and objects across dimensions.
History: (New Adventures of Superboy #31, 32) - Whitefire and his gang went on a crime-spree, and Whitefire teleported the goods to the Earth dimension for safe-keeping, although he had to bring a number of Earth items back to his world because of conservation of mass. Robot police tracked the stolen goods to Whitefire's hideout, but he showed them that all he had were worthless Earth objects, and they left. Whitefire returned to Earth to collect his bounty, trading places with Detective Gregory King of Earth, and attracting the attention of his superhero son Chris King. Chris King turned into Power Punch and battled Whitefire, but was hampered by a super-cold. His partner Vickie White joined the melee, but Whitefire teleported her back to his dimension so he could bring one of his goons to Earth as backup. She found that she'd lost her powers under the white-sun, but by turning back into Vicki she gained superpowers, defeating Whitefire's gang. On Earth Power Punch used his cold to his advantage, taking out Whitefire with a super-sneeze. He seized Whitefire's trident and used it to return him to his dimension and bring Vicki and Gregory back. The police on Whitefire's world made another call on him, and caught him red-handed with the stolen goods.
Comments: Created by John Taylor
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