Real NameLauren Freed

Class: Human magic-user

Occupation: Superhero

Group Affiliation: Honor Guard

Known Relatives: unnamed ex-husband

Aliases: None

Base of OperationsAstro City, Earth-Astro City

First Appearance: Kurt Busiek’s Astro City I (Image) #4 (November, 1995)

PowersWinged Victory had wings that enabled her to fly and possessed superhuman strength and speed. Her powers derived from the Concil of Nike, a group of skilled and influential women who she staid in mental contact with. She could draw upon the Council of Nike to boost her powers as needed.

History(Kurt Busiek’s Astro City I (Image) #4) - Winged Victory was a superhero who always did what she thought was right, regardless of tradition or what others thought of her. Commuters watched in wonder as she soared overhead with some crooks she busted during an armored-car hijacking. Some of them gossiped about the camps she’d set up to keep women safe.

Comments: Created by Kurt Busiek, Alex Ross & Brent E. Anderson.

Winged Victory was originally published by Image Comics.

Winged Victory’s appearance in Kurt Busiek’s Astro City I (Image) #4 was reprinted in Kurt Busiek’s Astro City: Life in the Big City #4.

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