Real Name: Diana of Themyscira

Class: Amazon

Occupation: Superhero, ambassador, formerly Goddess of Truth

Group Affiliation: formerly Justice League of America, JLA, Star Sapphire Corps, White Lantern Corps

Known Relatives: Hippolyta (mother)

Aliases: None

Base of Operations: Washington, D.C., Paradise Island, formerly Gateway City

First Appearance: Wonder Woman I #98 (May, 1958)

Powers: Wonder Woman possessed vast superhuman strength, endurance, durability, regenerative abilities, and could fly. She was a skilled combatant using weapons or in hand-to-hand combat, and was an excellent military strategist. She wore bracelets that could deflect any projectile, and wielded the unbreakable lasso of truth that could force someone bound in it to answer all questions truthfully.

History: The Amazons were created from the souls of women murdered by men, and given shelter on Paradise Island. Their queen Hippolyta received a message from the gods to create a vessel for the one unborn soul out of clay. The clay became Diana, who was imbued with the powers of the Greek gods.

(Titans I #24 (fb)) - An Amazon sorceress created a doppelganger of princess Diana to act as her playmate.

As Wonder Woman she would act as an ambassador of peace in man's world.

(Justice League of America I #1) - Flash came upon Saranna and Jasonar, two refugees from Kalanor. Their home dimension had been conquered by the tyrant Despero, and Jasonar had perfected an anti-weapon device to disable Despero's arsenal. Flash summoned the JLofA and they prepared to use Jasonar's dimensional traveler to go to Kalanor, but Despero had ambushed Wonder Woman and the JLofA and held them in stasis in their hq. He planned to banish them to other dimensions, but couldn't affect Flash, who'd been exposed to the radiation of the dimensional traveler that made him immune to Despero's teleport beam. He challenged Flash to a variation of chess, using the JlLofA as pawns. he rigged the game with his mental powers, and each time Flash lost a pawn, a leaguer was teleported to another dimension. Flash lost and entered a dimensional traveler to the world of Narx. Wonder Woman and Superman were sent to a dawn world full of dinosaurs, but managed to overcome the beasts. The rest of the planets the JLofA were on were targeted for destruction by Despero, but the League saved the planets and returned to Earth. Despero caught up with Jasonar and was about to take his anti-weapon device, when Snapper, who'd stowed away on Despero's traveler turned the anti-weapon on him, sapping his energy. The League allowed Jasonar to take Despero back to Kalanor as a prisoner.

(Justice League of America II #0 (fb)) -Batman and Superman invited Wonder Woman to the Batcave after their first Justice League case to discuss how to make the League last. The heroes agreed to meet with each other once a year.

(Justice League of America I #4) - Wonder Woman and the JLofA nominated Green Arrow as their new member when they received a message from the alien Carthan, who'd kidnapped the Arrow. he told the team he'd placed three engines of destruction around the world, and that it was up to them to disable them and free Arrow. Carthan was only posing as a villain, he'd been exiled from his planet Dryanna by tyrant Xandor, and the engines prevented him from leaving Earth. Wonder Woman and Martian Manhunter disabled the engine in Keystone City that was causing insects and animals to grow to giant size. The rest of the JLofA disabled the other two engines and freed Arrow, but Carthan imprisoned the team in a hollow diamond so he could explain that he was not a villain. Batman, who wasn't trapped, knocked him into the control panel of his ship, and Carthan couldn't dissipate the diamond. he showed Green Arrow the stress point of the diamond, and the archer used his skills to shatter the prison with a diamond-tipped arrow.

(Justice League of America I #5) - A gang of criminals escaped imprisonment, and the JLofA were challenged by them. Wonder Woman, Flash and Green Arrow confronted King Clock, Professor Menace and Captain Cold in an ice palace. After avoiding Clock's quicksand clock trap they forced the villains to flee. On the verge of capturing them Green Arrow shot arrows that caused an explosion, and his teammates thought he purposely sabotaged their capture. Aquaman, Martian Manhunter and Green Lantern dealt with the Getaway Mastermind, Electric Man and the Puppet Master, who caused deadly weather to slow down the heroes. As they pursued the villains plane, Green Arrow arrived, show more arrows that caused an explosion and knocked out the Leaguers. At hq the League accused him of being a traitor. He told them that he observed that Captain Cold, King Clock and Menace were robots rigged to explode, so he destroyed them before his teammates got in range. The Getaway Mastermind's ship had an explosive forcefield, so he activated it before the JLofA could reach it and be killed. The exonerated Arrow had already captured all the villains, but told the League he knew there was a real traitor among them. Green Lantern had been captured by Dr. Destiny and replaced by him, so they subdued "Green Lantern" and took him to the police. They walked into Destiny's trap, as he had a ship nearby that hit the League with an anti-gravity and will-deadener ray. He prepared to put them aboard a rocket ship, and with their wills gone they'd be helplessly floating in space forever. His prisoner Green Lantern escaped, because using the will-deadener on the League sapped power from the ray aimed at him. The League apprehended Destiny and closed the case.

(Justice League of America I #6) - Wonder Woman and the other members of the JLofA had an incident of bad luck on standard cases, but didn't realize their difficulties were caused by Prof. Amos Fortune, who was testing his Stimoluck that caused either good or bad luck in anyone it was aimed at. Letters to the JLofA came in requesting the League's help, and they found two worthy causes. Flash, Green Arrow and Martian Manhunter handled one case in which Hazel Deeping sought the fortune on her farm hidden by her grandfather because she needed the money to aid her grandparents. The grandfather left a clue in the form of a poem, but by the time they realized the treasure was in the farm's antique gateposts Fortune, with his luck boosted by the Stimoluck, had purchased them from Deeping. Fortunately the League had also found a valuable painting by Gilbert Stuart and a reservoir of oil on the farm. Aquaman, Green Lantern and Wonder Woman went to Sea Dunes to solve a series of robberies to a museum. The museum was built from an old castle and impenetrable, but the custodian Charles Hobart was using a fishing reel to steal pieces from the barred window. The put him in custody, but spotted Fortune taking off with other pieces Hobart had stolen and hidden in a cliff face. They pursued him, but Fortune managed to capture all the members of the JLofA through sheer luck, and he tied them to a Wheel of Misfortune that would destroy the human glands that gave people good luck and would cause the League to forever after have bad luck. The Wheel only affected human physiology, so Martian Manhunter was able to escape, disable the machine and defeat Amos Fortune.

(Justice League of America I #15) - Stone giant Untouchable Aliens stole military weapons and tried to eradicate Brasilia, Tokyo and Central City, but were foiled by Wonder Woman and the JLofA. Green Lantern probed their minds and brought the League to their world, an Earth separated from ours because it existed one minute into the future. The Aliens set off a cobalt bomb at the same time our Earth tested a nuclear bomb, weakening the barrier between world. The Alien's cities were going to merge with the three Earth cities they tried to destroy, because two objects occupying the same time and space would be disastrous. They could not move their own cities because the cities were rigged to explode if tampered with, a failsafe against invasion. Green Lantern used his ring to completely separate the Alien's Earth from ours, preventing catastrophe.

(Justice League of America I #34) - Wonder Woman and the JLofA had dreams where parts of their teammates costumes attached themselves to them and gave them their teammates powers and weaknesses. In their dreams they overcame this and defeated a giant Italian statue, giant seashells and Joker and Chac. When they woke these dream adversaries became real, as did the objects that handicapped them. Their enemies had learned from their dream defeat, but by switching up tactics the league defeated them. They reasoned that Dr. Destiny was involved, and although he was in jail he'd built a Materioptikon in his dreams. The League had him sent to a psychiatrist in hopes of removing his dream powers.

(Justice League of America II #0 (fb)) - Batman, Superman and Wonder Woman met at the JLA Satellite. Batman blamed Superman for letting Red Tornado sacrifice himself to stop the Nebula Man. Wonder Woman told them they had to face reality, that they'd lose many more heroes in their fight against evil.

(DC Comics Presents #9) - Lois and Clark interviewed the famed sculptor Anton Lupescu at his cabin outside Metropolis, but he seemed to go into a trance that forced him to finish an immense ice sculpture. Once he finished it he collapsed, reviving briefly with full memory of why he d fallen into a trance. He tried to tell Clark why his sculpture must be destroyed before it came alive and dragged him off. Clark changed to Superman and teamed with Wonder Woman, who was visiting Metropolis, to battle the Ice Monster. They saved Anton, but the Monster escaped. Superman and Wonder Woman returned to Anton s cabin only to find him gone, kidnapped by the Ice  Monster. His housekeeper Mrs. Quinch told them that Anton had revealed all to her. The Skyrnians, an extraterrestrial polar race whose planet was undergoing global warming, were looking to repopulate on Earth, so one of them sent his consciousness into Anton and made the Ice Monster sculpture a receptacle for his mind. The heroes found Anton being forced to carve another Monster. The Skyrnian divided his consciousness between the two sculptures, but Superman and Wonder Woman defeated them by moving and planning at superspeed, baffling the alien. After destroying the Ice Monsters Superman stored the Skyrnian's consciousness in a thermal container. He commented that their plans to repopulate Earth were doomed from the start because Skyrn was thousands of light-years from Earth, and the Earth they thought was suitable for them was in an ice age.

(DC Comics Presents #22) - Wonder Woman transported Superman onto the JLofA satellite, and he told her he d lost his powers due to a mental block. Wonder Woman transported him to Captain Comet to undue the mental block he had.

(DC Comics Presents #32) - Wonder Woman was on JLofA monitor duty when she was approached by Eros, god of love, who d fallen for her. She spurned him, telling him her heart belonged to Col. Trevor, and he was enraged. Superman arrived at the JLofA satellite, and Eros struck them both with his arrows, making them fall passionately in love. Superman and Wonder Woman embraced and kissed, but used their will to prevent their newfound passion from going further, knowing in their hearts that they loved Trevor and Lois Lane respectively. They flew  off to finally express their love, with Wonder Woman kissing Trevor at the Pentagon, and Superman kissing Lois Lane in front of Galaxy Communications. Superman s kiss was televised, and Wonder Woman found that she was filled with jealousy. She threw Lois in front of traffic, but Superman saved her. The heroes again fought the urge to find a secluded place to be together, and traveled to Mount Olympus to confront Eros. Eros  mother Aphrodite was unhappy with her sons actions, and led the heroes to a cave containing the Blue Lotus of Lost Love that would remove unwanted passion. Eros  power over them was lifted and they made explanations to Trevor and Lois about their actions. Lois and Trevor wanted another kiss from the heroes, but Superman and Wonder Woman both decided to postpone their true love for yet another day.

(DC Comics Presents #41) - General Darnell ordered Trevor and Prince to deliver a top-secret briefcase, but spies got word of it and attacked them. Trevor handed the briefcase over to Prince and engaged the spies, but was knocked unconscious after being pistol-whipped. Diana ran into an alley, hid the briefcase in a trashcan, and changed into Wonder Woman. She easily bested the spies and watched on as Steve was loaded into an ambulance. She was approached by the Wonder Woman Foundation, a charitable organization fighting for women s equality, and they asked her if she d support them, and wear a new costume they made for her that replaced the eagle emblem on her chest with two W s that represented women everywhere. Wonder Woman said she d talk to her mother about it and get back to them. She summoned her invisible jet, recently repaired by Amazon scientists, and returned to Paradise Island. Hercules and Hermes were on the Island, and Hermes had stolen Hippolyta's belt of strength, enabling Hercules to bind the Amazons. Hercules had promised Hermes Wonder Woman for his effort, and she was not impressed. She told Hermes she d willingly become his lover if he could best her in a race for the belt and he accepted. Wonder Woman defeated him, and he returned to Olympus in disgrace after handing her back the belt. Hercules was furious, and challenged her to a feat of strength. Wonder Woman threw him in a fall of wrestling, and he too left the island in bitter defeat. The Amazons cheered on their sister, and after a talk with Hippolyta Wonder Woman decided to try her new costume out.

(Justice League of America II #0 (fb)) -Batman, Superman and Wonder Woman attended the wedding of Donna Troy. Batman told Nightwing he was proud of the strong team he'd assembled, and Nightwing said it was thanks to Batman, who taught him that you didn't need parents to have a family.

(Justice League of America II #0 (fb)) -Batman, Superman and Wonder Woman met at Challengers Mountain to discuss JLA Detroit. Batman disapproved of Aquaman leading a group of rookies, and feared someone would be hurt, but Wonder Woman told him they should leave the new team alone.

(Justice League of America II #0 (fb)) -Batman, Superman and Wonder Woman met at the Batcave, and Batman told his friends that he'd taken on a new Robin, Jason Todd. He felt alive again having a Robin, and was sure that Todd was destined for greatness like Dick.

(Action Comics I #565) - Ambush Bug posed as a mugging victim to get Wonder Woman's attention. He told her he was starting a feminist magazine, but when he called her sweetcakes she gave him a beating.

(Adventures of Superman #440) - Wonder Woman made a date with Superman in Smallville after their time together during Millennium, and they shared a kiss.

(Justice League of America II #0 (fb)) - JLI Embassy; Batman told Wonder Woman and Superman that he'd knocked out Guy Gardner with one punch after an argument. Superman told him that wasn't proper League behavior, but imagined that it must have felt good to shut up the insufferable Gardner.

(Justice League of America II #0 (fb)) - Superman and Wonder Woman confronted Batman over the files he kept on how to defeat them. Wonder Woman told him he'd become unhinged ever since losing Jason Todd, and had to stop reliving the horrors of his past.

(Demon III #17) - Klarion the Witch-Boy was on Paradise Island looking to cause mischief, and witnessed Circe slay Wonder Woman. Her soul was headed to the Halls of the Dead, but Klarion cast a spell diverting her soul to the Beyond Region. She arrived in a pit where the demon Etrigan was being held prisoner. Etrigan was bonded to Jason Blood, but a spell cast by Klarion put Jason's mind in control of Etrigan's body and vice versa. A harpy named Banshee was guarding her captive and attacked Wonder Woman, and the sight of blood inflamed Jason's demonic body, allowing him to break his bonds. He made quick work of Banshee and forced a bloody kiss on Wonder Woman. Fearing the control his demonic body had on his mind he transformed back into his human form with Etrigan in charge. Etrigan and Wonder Woman talked, realizing Klarion had left them both stranded in the Region, and Etrigan told her about the gate out of the dimension. He asked her to take his arm and lend him some of her virtue so they could escape together, but she knew that something wasn't right about him. Jason's companion the Thing-That-Cannot-Die made his way into the pit from a side entrance, and blew Etrigan's cover by calling him a fiend. Etrigan responded by attacking him, saying he'd see if there was a way to keep the Thing dead for good. Woman stayed his hand, and used her lasso of truth on him, finding that Etrigan possessed not a single redeeming thought or motivation, so she knocked him out and chained him up again. With Thing's help she reached the exit from the Beyond Region, and she asked Thing if he had the virtue to leave as well. Thing found that he could not, admitted there was no virtue in lying, and confessed he was exiled to the Region for committing very bad acts. Before she left Wonder Woman told him to not give up, and fan the flames of goodness he felt inside himself to find redemption. but the Thing found he still didn't possess the virtue necessary to leave himself.

(Justice League of America II #0 (fb)) - Batman and Wonder Woman met at the Fortress of Solitude after Superman's death and comforted each other.

(Showcase '93 #11) - Wonder Woman responded to a hostage situation, but it turned out to be a ruse so Ben and Sneaker could steal her magic lasso. Wonder Woman pursued them into the sewers, where they'd handed the lasso over to Lamia of Acacia, a woman cursed with a monstrous form by the gods. She as trying to hang herself with the lasso, but Wonder Woman stopped her. Wonder Woman convinced her to stop trying to end her life because her friends depended on her. Lamia thanked her for the insight, and warned her that her gods were petty gods.

(Green Arrow III #16 (fb)) - Wonder Woman attended Oliver Queen's funeral.

(Flash II #140) - Wonder Woman was among the heroes that attended Linda Park's funeral.

(DCU Holiday Bash #3) - Wonder Woman visited Mike and Joanna at Christmas at their new house. Artemis arrived and called Wonder Woman a traitor for celebrating a Christian holiday, but he responded that she was there for friendship and nothing more. To make Artemis feel better they engaged in a tussle like the Themysciran Solstice contest.

(Guy Gardner: Warrior #17) - Ice returned from her homeland, and after doing some serious thinking decided she didn't want to be with Guy anymore. She talked things over with Wonder Woman, who believed despite Guy s swagger he genuinely cared for her, but she still decided to break up with him when the time was right.

(Guy Gardner: Warrior #18) - Wonder Woman told Guy he should go talk to Ice, who was unwinding in the Arctic, but warned him that he had to actually listen to her, and probably wouldn't like some of the things she had to say.

(Guy Gardner: Warrior #20, 21) - Guy Gardner and Green Lantern Alan Scott wanted to learn why Green Lanterns were turning up dead and stripped of their power rings, so Guy recruited his Justice League America teammates to travel to Oa. Most of the heroes questioned Guy's ability to lead, but Wonder Woman stuck up for him. Approaching Oa they spotted several dead Green Lanterns, and on Oa the heroes were attacked by power constructs and confronted by the source of the carnage, the power-mad Hal Jordan. Hal told them they should never have come after him, because all he wanted was to resurrect Coast City, but the Guardians and GLC got in his way. He defeated the heroes and destroyed Guy Gardner's power ring.

(Adventures of Superman #522 (fb)) - Wonder Woman, Superman and a number of heroes went to Metropolis after it had been decimated during Zero Hour. The heroes contained a group of DMN junkies and then set about rebuilding the city. They couldn't finish the job in one day so Zatanna linked minds with Perry White and Superman to rebuild the city from their memories, using Wonder Woman and the other heroes as a power source for her spell.

(Martian Manhunter II #0) - The JLA had a meeting and Martian Manhunter told Wonder Woman and his other teammates he was taking a leave of absence to take a pilgrimage to Mars.

(Martian Manhunter II #2) - Martian Manhunter reported to Wonder Woman about his recent encounter with Antares, a probe that seemed designed to raw other members of its creators race to Earth.

(Martian Manhunter II #13, 16) - Saturnian starships teleported Jemm from the JLA Watchtower, and shocked at his deteriorated condition they attacked the Watchtower. Wonder Woman and Green Lantern defended the Watchtower until Martian Manhunter boarded the starship to heal Jemm. Manhunter helped forge a peace treaty between the Red and White Saturnians through the marriage of Jemm and Princess Cha Rissa, and told the story to Wonder Woman.

(Sins of Youth: JLA, Jr. #1, Sins of Youth Secret Files #1) - The de-aged Wonder Girl and JLA fended off an attack by the Point Men, and returned to the Watchtower with Anarky's help. At Captain Marvel's suggestion they visited the wizard Shazam, but he couldn't undo Klarion's spell. They traveled to Young Justice's Justice Cave, where the JLA and JSA's childish tempers erupted in a battle that lasted hours. After everyone was too tired to fight, the heroes made up and decided to split up to find a way to reverse Klarion's magic.

(Green Lantern III #73) - Kyle went to Gateway City to learn something about the superhero trade from Wonder Woman. She enlisted him to help her capture two Khunds and a Sychian that tried to steal a warp prototype from Dyna Tech. She'd fought the aliens before, and they were hiding, so to draw them out Wonder Woman and Kyle staged a public battle during which Kyle pretended to put her out of commission. The ruse worked and Wonder Woman and Kyle defeated the aliens, but the Sychian destroyed the warp prototype before being defeated. Wonder Woman told Kyle her lesson was that when there was no option but combat one must embrace it, the prototype was only destroyed because Kyle was holding back when fighting the Sychian female.

(JLA #1-4) - Wonder Woman and Green Lantern were aboard the JLA Satellite when it was attacked by the Hyperclan. Despite Wonder Woman s best efforts to fight them the Hyperclan blew up the Satellite. The JLA convened, and after Batman and Superman gathered concrete proof that the Hyperclan were not the heroes they wanted the world to believe they were, the JLA planned a confrontation. The team split up, Wonder Woman traveled to the Pacific Ocean where the Hyperclan had set up a watchtower that beamed worldwide mind control rays. She met Aquaman there, and the two argued because Aquaman told her protecting the sea was his job, not hers. The pair was attacked and defeated by Fluxus and Tronix of the Hyperclan, who then took them to the Hyperclan hq of Z Onn Z Orr and imprisoned them in the Flower of Wrath. The JLA escaped and defeated the Hyperclan, but they learned that the Hyperclan were White Martians, and they had summoned an invasion force towards Earth. Superman sent out a worldwide broadcast, telling the people of Earth that the Martians were on their way, and that their one weakness was fire. The JLA rounded up the invasion force, which had already been humbled by Earth s populace, and Martian Manhunter hypnotized them into taking human form and becoming peaceful members of society. The JLA constructed their own Watchtower on the moon.

(Final Night #1-4, Spectre III #47) - Superman organized a summit of superheroes, including Wonder Woman, to listen to an alien named Dusk. She'd seen the Sun-Eater snuff out the sun of countless planets, and she was there to warn the heroes that the Sun-Eater was headed towards Earth. Wonder Woman and a team of heroes formed a ground crew to deal with the panic that the Sun-Eater's approach would cause. The Sun-Eater attacked the sun, chilling Earth, and Wonder Woman and a number of heroes helped put out a fire caused by a boy who tried to keep his mother warm, but ended up burning down their apartment building. Wonder Woman then repaired a bridge that was weakened by the rapid freezing. At  S.T.A.R. Labs Lex Luthor designed miniature forcefield units that would hopefully shield the Earth from the sun going nova, but they needed to be delivered via spaceship, and rookie hero Ferro piloted the ship. The sun started going nova before Ferro could plant the forcefields. Parallax sacrificed himself to dispel the Sun-Eater and reignite the sun.

(Green Lantern III #81) - Coast City; Wonder Woman was among the heroes who attended a memorial service for Green Lantern Hal Jordan.

(JLA #5, JLA: Tomorrow Woman #1, Aztek: The Ultimate Man #10) - Wonder Woman and the JLA held a membership drive, planning on creating a twelve-member permanent roster. They went through many applicants, but were most impressed by Green Arrow, Aztek and Tomorrow Woman. Tomorrow Woman joined the team, and the JLA spent the week battling IF (Implicate Field), a renegade weapon from the Lord of Time s arsenal that used electromagnetic pulses to destroy everything in its  path. The JLA had to shift their attention to the Miracle Babies, ten million children under the influence of the Sole Jurisdiction empire, acting as their militia. Tomorrow Woman was capable of removing the hatred from their minds and making them normal children, but she could only act on a small scale. The JLA agreed to link minds with her, ending the rage of all the Miracle Babies on Earth once and for all. Tomorrow Woman later gave her life to deactivate IF, and the team learned that she was an android created by Professor Ivo and .O. Morrow to destroy the team, but had disobeyed her programming after forming a will of her own. The JLA swept down on the mad scientist duo s headquarters and apprehended them.

(JLA #6, 7) - Wonder Woman and Aquaman defeated rampaging robots Animech and Mangatron in Tokyo when Martian Manhunter summoned theam, along with the rest of the JLA, after finding Zauriel, an angel that had fallen to Earth. Neron and the Demons Three were watching the JLA s movements, and when Flash tried to teleport from the JLA Watchtower to Earth they froze him inside the teleporter. While Superman tried to help him the Demons pulled the moon out of orbit towards Earth. The rest of the JLA assisted Zauriel against Heaven s bull-host, who were intent on wiping him out. Asmodel, the leader of the host, arrived on Earth. After a titanic battle Flash, who d escaped the teleporter, used his speed vibrations that could move matter across spacetime to send Asmodel and the Host back to Heaven. The JLA met aboard the Watchtower to induct Green Arrow, but they were attacked, and knocked unconscious by the Key.

(JLA #15) -

(Martian Manhunter II #4 (fb)) - Wonder Woman and the JLA needed a place to care for the wounded and used Jemm, and Martian Manhunter offered to take him to Z Onn Z Orr and explained that Martians were responsible for Saturnians because they created them.

(Martian Manhunter II #6-9) - Wonder Woman and the JLA got a distress signal from Martian Manhunter s hq Z'Onn Z'Orr and found the half-dead Jemm there. Jemm projected his thoughts, and he believed his attacker to be the Manhunter. The JLA found Martian tech in a desert terraforming it to resemble Mars, and a lab filled with gruesome genetic experiments. They also found Malefic, who was disguised as Martian Manhunter, and who was responsible for the abominations they d seen. He fought the JLA and in the course of the battle Malefic s Martian tech exploded. He d succeeded in making the JLA think that Manhunter'd gone rogue. The JLA later found Manhunter and asked him to surrender to them. The JLA questioned Manhunter at the JLA Watchtower, and Malefic turned himself invisible and attacked the JLA. They assumed Manhunter was responsible, leading to a huge fight. Manhunter tried to extricate himself by flying off in a JLA shuttle, but Malefic had anticipated this, and rigged it to go up in flames. Malefic then started hunting down the individual members of the JLA. Manhunter revealed that he d survived and challenged his brother to a one-on-one confrontation on Z Onn Z Orr. Manhunter piloted Z Orr into the sun and left Malefic behind to burn alive. The JLA apologized to Manhunter for ever having doubted him

(Green Lantern III #103)- Wonder Woman and the JLA were introduced to time-traveling Green Lantern Hal Jordan by Green Lantern Kyle Rayner. Hal was welcomed as a new inductee into the JLA.

(JLA #23) - With the return of Wonder Woman, Hippolyta resigned from the JLA, telling them she was no longer interested in being a superheroine, and preferred having her daughter on the team. Justice Legion A visited the JLA Watchtower.

(DC One Million #1) - Justice Legion A invited Wonder Woman and the JLA to travel with them to the year 85,271 to compete in Olympic-style games and celebrate the return of Superman Prime to Earth. They accepted, and before she left Wonder Woman had Steel examine her invisible plane, a treasure from Lansinar where animal-headed men created impossible wonders. When Hourman sent the JLA to their time, he was unable to retrieve them, because he d been implanted with a virus by Vandal Savage and Solaris. The virus also took out all of the Justice Legion.

(DC One Million #4) - Solaris was on a rampage decimating planets, and the JLA stopped him by having Green Lantern cause him to go super-nova. The JLA witnessed the return of Superman Prime before returning to their own time.

(JLA #24-26) - Wonder Woman and the JLA got a report of a alien invasion in Phoenix, Arizona, but when the team showed up in Arizona the invasion turned out to be a ruse. They were confronted by the Ultramarine Corps, who were under orders from General Wade Eiling to execute the JLA. The fight went badly for the JLA until Superman convinced the Ultramarines that Eiling had gone insane, and his orders no longer carried presidential approval. The JLA and Ultramarines fought Eiling, who had transferred his consciousness into the indestructible body of the Shaggy Man. Although they couldn't defeat him, they transported the General millions of miles into uninhabited deep space.

(JLA #27) - Professor Ivo placed an upgraded Amazo in the Florida Everglades to free him from Belle Reve prison. Amazo instantly duplicated the powers of any active JLA member and defeated Wonder Woman and the JLA, and when they called in the reserves, his power only increased as he duplicated the abilities of the reserves. Superman temporarily disbanded the JLA, causing Amazo to lose his powers and shut down.

(Martian Manhunter II #24) - Manhunter told Green Lantern Kyle Rayner a cautionary tale about his choco cookie chomping days when he went berserk after Booster Gold and Blue Beetle hid his cookies. He told Kyle to beware the power of addiction. Wonder Woman told Manhunter she never remembered this incident, and he said it was an amusing tale and its own justification, true or not.

(JLA #32) - Wonder Woman and the JLA discovered that Locus was conducting disturbing genetic experiments in No Man's Land Gotham City. The JLA waged war against Locus to force them out of Gotham.

(JLA #33) - One of the White Martians brainwashed to think it was a human acted as a secretary in WayneTech until he went down in a plane crash in the Andes. This fractured his mental blocks, and unsure of his identity he adopted Bruce Wayne s and went on vacation in France. Batman sent several JLAers to apprehend him, fearing his mental blocks would break down again while Wonder Woman and Superman kept a superspeed surveillance on the other sleeper Martians. The JLAers assigned to  Wayne  provoked him, and he reverted to his White Martian form, but they defeated him before he could telepathically free his fellow Martians.

(Day of Judgment #1-5) - Wonder Woman and the JLA battled Asmodel, who'd merged with the Spectre and unleashed Hell on Earth. The Sentinels of Magic separated Asmodel from most of the Spectre-Force, containing it in Madame Xanadu's orb and undoing Zauriel's enchantment. They knew it was only a temporary measure, so Wonder Woman and a small band of heroes went to Heaven to try to convince Jim Corrigan to reclaim the Spectre-Force. Jim Corrigan told the heroes his mission of vengeance was over and he couldn't re-bond with the Spectre, and directed the heroes to Purgatory. In Purgatory the heroes met a number of fallen heroes willing to bond with the Spectre, among them Green Lantern Hal Jordan. Hal was chosen as the Spectre's new host, but Keeper angels tried to keep the heroes from leaving with Hal's soul. The fallen heroes of Purgatory battled the Keepers, allowing Hal and the others to return to Earth. Hall became the Spectre's new host, but a new threat emerged when Neron possessed Superman. Hal defeated Neron, sending him back to Hell.

(JLA #36-40) - With Mageddon approaching Earth, Metron brought Big Barda and Wonder Woman of the JLA to check on Wonderworld, home of the Theocracy, the first line of defense against Mageddon. Wonderworld was decimated and Mageddon had killed the Theocracy. On their way back to Earth the heroes saw other civilizations cut down by Mageddon. Mageddon sent the New Injustice Gang after the JLA, and Barda and Wonder Woman joined up with Plas to combat Gang member Queen Bee, who was setting up a hive in NYC. They defeated her, and the rest of the JLA defeated the Gang but the threat of Mageddon loomed as war spread across Earth. The JLA built an anti-war ray, a device utilizing Amazon purple-ray tech that gave all of humanity the ability to resist Mageddon s urgings for them to destroy each other, as well as temporary superpowers so that they could all help fight Mageddon, and the final blow was delivered when Superman absorbed the anti-sun that powered Mageddon.

(JLA #42) - Atom shrunk down Wonder Woman and the JLA so they could enter the brain of a young boy who d developed a tumor. The tumor was actually a microscopic society of intelligent bacteria that were mining the boy s dendrite to power their cities, and the JLA tried to convince the bacteria leaders to find an alternative energy source and stop harming the boy. The bacteria leaders refused to listen to reason and imprisoned the JLA. The JLA escaped in time to witness bacteria rebels destroy the power station that was mining dendrite. At this point the boy s doctors removed the tumor, and the JLA rescued as many of the bacteria as they could. Once they left the boy s brain the surviving bacteria were killed off by the boy s immune system.

(JLA #43-46) - Ra's al Ghul stole Batman s secret files, files he had hidden from even his own JLA teammates, which detailed ways to neutralize every member of the JLA if they ever went rogue, and began using those plans against the JLA. Ra's agents shot WW on the head with a device that made her go through a VR scenario where she confronted an opponent that was her physical equal.. The fact that she'd die before giving up was her downfall, and her body went into shock as her mind refused to stop fighting the opponent, but she was saved when Plas removed the device from her brain. Ra's activated the Tower of Babel, a device that scrambled the language center of every human mind on the planet, and the result was worldwide chaos. The JLA located Ra's stronghold thanks to Batman, and Superman destroyed the Tower, but Ra s had already accomplished one of his goals. While the Tower was in use Turkey and its neighbor Rhapastan went to war, and Ra s agents in Rhapastan were ready to unleash biochemical weapons on Turkey. WW and the JLA stopped Ra s agents and confiscated the biochemical weaponry. Back at the Watchtower Superman called a meeting to decide if the JLA should expel Batman for keeping secrets and making plans that Ra s was able to exploit to nearly destroy the JLA. Flash voted for Batman to stay, although he was angry at Batman he trusted that everything he did was for the cause of good. After the votes were tallied Batman was expelled.

(JLA: A League of One) - Wonder Woman contained Mount Vesuvius with JLA tech, and the JLA recieved a commemorative statue from the Pope. In Thymyscira she learned from Zoe and Althea that the Delphic Oracle had a prediction for her. The Oracle told her about the dragon Drakul Karfang in Switzerland that was destined to fall before the JLA, but kill them before dying. Wonder Woman was determined to cheat fate by taking the JLA out of action, she took them out with cheap shots, and put them in suspended animation in Watchtower lifeboats. Batman proved the hardest to defeat, and she distracted Superman by sending the lifeboats into space with a limited oxygen supply so he'd be forced to save them. As she readied to confront Drakul she reflected on her failure to be an ambassador of peace. She fought Drakul, and tricked her into revealing the location of her heart, hidden in the Swiss mountains, the destruction of which was the only thing that could end Drakul's life. She survived Drakul's flaming breath only because she represented truth, where Drakul fed off deceit. She offered to keep Drakul's heart safe if Drakul would cease hostilities, but Drakul attacked her and fled. Wonder Woman destroyed Drakul, but was badly wounded, and would have died if Superman didn't save her. The JLA accepted that Wonder Woman had no choice but to do as she did to save the JLA from destruction.

(JLA #47-49) - The Queen of Fables transformed Manhattan into a medieval forest and kidnapped Wonder Woman, so Aquaman and the JLA entered the forest to rescue her. Wonder Woman was in a deep sleep, so following fable logic Aquaman kissed the sleeping beauty to revive her. Batman arrived in the forest and gave the JLA the enchanted tome from which the Queen escaped, and which could trap her once again. The JLA didn't want to subject the other citizens of the enchanted book to the Queen, so they made her realize that outside of her enchanted world she would age and die, then when she tried to renter the enchanted book Flash switched it at superspeed, leaving her trapped in United States Tax Code Manuel. With the Queen trapped Manhattan returned to normal.

(JLA #50) - While battling Dr. Destiny s dream-self, Wonder Woman and other members of the JLA who voted Batman off the team argued with their teammates who voted for Batman to stay. The JLA defeated Destiny, but Superman realized that the team was in discord ever since Batman left; they no longer trusted each other. To solve this Batman was readmitted, but only after sharing his secret identity with the rest of the team. As another show of faith the other JLAers with secret identities shared them with the team.

(Green Lantern III #134-136) - Green Lantern Kyle Rayner assembled Wonder Woman and the JLA to confront Nero. He warned them that it might be impossible to stop someone as powerful and insane as Nero without killing him. Wonder Woman was vocal about being opposed to the idea, but Kyle wanted them to be prepared for the worst. Nero unleashed a demonic army across NYC, and the JLA dealt with them all. Nero then attacked Times Square, but was defeated by Kyle Rayner.

(JLA#51-54) - The Cathexis unleashed the sentient energy Id on Earth, which transformed wishes into reality, causing havoc all over Earth. When Superman wished he could separate his superhero and private lives the Id split him and the other members of the JLA with secret identities in two. The JLAers found the situation disastrous, as they were no longer felt complete, and figured a way to reunite their civilian and superhero selves. The JLA captured the Id using Wonder Woman s lasso and Flash s vibrations, recombined their identities and sent the Cathexis packing back to the sixth dimension.

(Green Arrow III #4) - Aquaman brought Green Arrow to the JLA Watchtower, and Wonder Woman and the team was in shock because he was back from the dead. Arrow was taken back by changes in the JLA because he didn't remember any of the last ten years of his career before his death. He turned against his teammates, and Batman knocked him out and promised to find out how Arrow came back from the dead and why he was suffering from amnesia.

(JLA #55-58) - When the JLA fought Id Martian Manhunter had a fleeting wish about not wanting to be lonely, so Id woke up Earth s White Martians. They created a power base and kept the JLA busy with a number of distractions, including activating a nuclear power station in Murmansk while Wonder Woman and the JLA were there handing out food. Green Lantern contained the explosion, and Batman found the Martian s lair in Phoenix, Arizona. The Martians captured both Batman and Martian Manhunter. The Martians set up Ion Stations that introduced viral subatomic particles into the atmosphere that attached to oxygen atoms and set them at slow combustion so there d be no fire on Earth, eliminating the Martians one weakness. Superman located one of the stations, but was attacked by the Martians. Martian Manhunter escaped the Martians and destroyed the Ion Stations, but it would take time for the atmosphere to heal. The JLA took a stand at Superman s Fortress of Solitude, using the armaments Superman had stored there. They were defeated, and tricked the Martians into exiling the JLA to the Phantom Zone using Superman s projector. Here they came up with a plan to defeat the Martians without being scrutinized by their telepathy. Atom was hidden at microscopic size in the Fortress, and freed the JLA. The JLA lured the White Martians to the Moon, and a number of heroes with sorcerous abilities created an oxygenated atmosphere on the Moon so that the JLA could create fire there to use against the Martians. Martian Manhunter sent the defeated Martians into the Phantom Zone. Manhunter was badly injured in the exchange, and Batman reminded him that he was never alone, despite being the last Green Martian, because the JLA was always there for him.

(JLA #59) - Wonder Woman and the JLA rounded up a number of villains that had been Jokerized and gave them the antidote to the Joker Venom. They fought the Jokerized Dr. Polaris, who had absorbed the electromagnetic energy of the South Pole, threatening worldwide catastrophe. He held them back, until they had Plastic Man, who was not vulnerable to Polaris  power, confront him. Plas defeated Polaris, and he was given the antidote to the Joker Venom.

(JLA #61) - Wonder Woman and the JLA fought the mythic Cyclopicon and Kraken, whose battle was causing massive tidal waves. They next confronted an army of creatures from Pandora s box. Abra Kadabra, who was under the influence of a Burrower alien with mysterious motivations, had awakened all these creatures. Kadabra was defeated, the JLA took the Burrower to the Watchtower to examine it, and the mythic monsters went back to where they came from.

(JLA #62-64) - Eudia and Venelia of the Wonder Woman Foundation helped Ailani flee Jarhanpur and brought her to the JLA Watchtower. Ailani told them her son was being held in Jarhanpur, and on Wonder Woman s insistence the JLA went there to investigate. They met the country s leader Rama Khan, who treated them as guests. He explained that Ailani s son had been chosen to become the new Rama Khan, who connected the people to the land and harnessed the power of the land. If there was no Khan the land would perish and he refused to give up custody of the child. Wonder Woman persisted in Ailani s right to have custody of her child and forced a fight. Khan harnessed the power of Jarhanpur s land, and Wonder Woman used her lasso on him, finding that he d told the JLA the complete truth. Wonder Woman doubted the truth, and her lasso broke. The JLA was sent away, but with the Goddess of Truth s lasso broken truth became subjective, altering the world. Anything that some people held to be true became true, Earth became the center of the universe, and became flat. The JLA saved people from the chaos while Wonder Woman journeyed to the Land of the Shades to meet the Fates and ask them to repair her lasso. They told her it was her fault it broke, and without truth, fate began to deteriorate. Wonder Woman asked forgiveness of Jarhanpur, the land granted it, and truth was restored. Rama Khan refused to accept this and attacked Wonder Woman and the JLA, but the misuse of his powers caused Jarhanpur to crumble. The JLA reunited Ailani with her son.

(JSA #33-37) - The Ultra-Humanite used Johnny Thunder s Thunderbolt to conquer the world, and imprisoned Wonder Woman and virtually every superhuman on Earth in stasis tubes, only reviving them when he needed mind-controlled slaves to serve in his personal guard the Thunderfront. Wonder Woman served as a member of the Thunderfront when they attacked the JSA, the only heroes not under the Humanite s control. The JSA used a device that disrupted the braincaps Humanite used to control the Thunderfront, leaving them unconscious but freed from Humanite s mental domination. The JSA later defeated the Humanite. Wonder Woman and the JSA attended the funeral of Johnny Thunder, whose body gave out after he was freed from the Humanite s control.

(Green Lantern III #149) - Wonder Woman attended a JLA meeting to detail the restructuring of the JLA watchtower when the JLA were alerted to a fleet of Crystal Invaders of Karalyx preparing to invade Earth. The JLA scrambled to take out the Crystal Invaders, but Ion told them not to worry, as he'd already sent them back to their homeworld. Ion noticed he was getting some odd looks from his teammates now that he was omnipotent.

(JLA #66-68) - Wonder Woman and the JLA investigated a rain of deep-sea life that fell over Daytona Florida, when they discovered Tezumak, one of the Ancients who d traveled from 1,000 B.C. to kill the JLA because the Ancients believed the heroes to be destroyers. His teammate Manitou Raven joined the fight, temporarily taking the JLA out of commission. Green Lantern freed his teammates as Manitou prepared to sacrifice Wonder Woman. With the tide turning against them Manitou and Tezumak returned to Atlantis in the past, revealing a ruined Atlantis above water where the Atlantic Trench was. When Atlantis was threatened during the Imperiex War Tempest sent it into the past, and the JLA was determined to bring it back to the present to replace the ruins before them. Tempest cast another spell, sending the JLA into the past.

(JLA: Our Worlds at War #1) - Wonder Woman and the JLA fought a group of Imperiex Probes in space, and although victorious the explosions caused by the defeated Probes severely injured the team. Wonder Woman was in critical shape, and Superman brought her to Hippolyta.

(Action Comics #781) - Imperiex lost the ability to generate Probes after the JSA destroyed his command ship, so he launched his remaining Probes in full force. One wave attacked attacked the space ark paradocs, which were defended by Green Lantern, Wonder Woman and Hippolyta. Hippolyta sacrificed her life to fight them off.

(Superman II #173) - President Luthor, the Atom and Doc Magnus devised a plan to crack Imperiex Prime's armor and channel the energies back to the galaxies he stole them from using a Boom Tube provided by Darkseid. Superman, Strange Visitor and the Blackhawks were responsible for delivering a payload of 30 hydrogen bombs to drop on Imperiex Prime while Wonder Woman and Green Lantern drew Imperiex's fire. Strange Visitor absorbed Superman's energy and left him behind while she bombed Imperiex, sacrificing herself to crack his shell. Brainiac-13 stole the released energy using Warworld and used the LexCorp Towers, actually a temporal displacement cannon, to bombard Apokolips with the energy. Darkseid used this attack as a reason to declare war on Earth.

(Superman: The Man of Steel #117, Action Comics #782) - Superman, Captain Atom, Captain Marvel, Wonder Woman and the Alien Alliance led an assault on Warworld, with Maxima sacrificing herself during the battle. The resurrected Steel severed the energy tendril connecting Warworld to Apokolips, and Wonder Woman temporarily stopped a tendril from reaching Earth by blocking it with Paradise Island, which she brought into space, but the battle was still a stalemate. Superman found that Imperiex' energy was powering Warworld and came up with a plan to end the war. Troia, Tempest and Wonder Woman increased Darkseid's power so he could use the Omega Effect to create a Boom Tube that opened up to the beginning of time, which swallowed Warworld. Imperiex set off a big bang that melded with the original, allowing him to fulfill his purpose, and scattering B-13's consciousness across all spacetime.

(JLA #70, 72-75) - Wonder Woman and the JLA found an Atlantis that Gamemnae of the Ancients had rose from the sea floor, and kept themselves hidden among the population because Rama Khan, leader of the Ancients, still wanted them dead. The JLA discovered a mystic pool where Aquaman, who d been transformed into water, was being held prisoner. He told them his people were underwater, kept as slaves for the glory of the Atlantis above water. The JLA learned that Gamemnae was responsible for Aquaman s condition, the enslavement of Aquaman s Atlanteans, and the Ancient s false belief that the JLA were evil. The JLA confronted the Ancients, but were slain in battle with them. Manitou Raven realized that Gamemnae was evil, not the JLA, and cast a spell to preserve them. Manitou cast a containment spell that sealed off Atlantis from the rest of the world, so that Gamemnae could not conquer it. Thousands of years passed, and in the present, when the raised Atlantis had been revealed to the world, Gamemnae broke free, drained Earth s water supply, and battled the JLA that Batman assembled as a contingency plan while his team was stuck in ancient Atlantis. Manitou animated the bodies of the JLA to battle Gamemnae, and her spell to absorb others into her only affected the living she fully resurrected the JLA. With this part of the plan complete Zatanna and members of the new JLA went to 1,000 B.C. where they freed Aquaman, who merged with the ocean, and sank Gamemnae's Atlantis. Zatanna cast a spell that returned Aquaman s Atlantis to the present day. Gamemnae, weakened by this change in history, was easy prey for Manitou Raven, and he sacrificed himself to destroy her.

(JLA / JSA: Virtue and Vice) - Wonder Woman attended the first annual JLA and JSA Thanksgiving celebration when the teams were called to Arusha, Tanzania to stop Doctor Bedlam from disrupting the Pan-African Conference on World Hunger. The JLA and JSA defeated Bedlam, but the attack was a ruse on the part of Johnny Sorrow to give him the opportunity to have Despero possess President Luthor, who was at the conference, and to have the Seven Deadly Sins possess members of the JLA and JSA. The possessed heroes destroyed JSA headquarters and incapacitated the unpossessed JLA and JSA members. Wonder Woman was among the heroes banished to Fate s Tower by the possessed Dr. Fate, but they escaped then freed a number of JLA and JSA members imprisoned in Limbo. The JLA and JSA helped Shazam re-chain the Deadly Sins in the Rock of Eternity, defeated Johnny Sorrow and freed Luthor from Despero.

(JLA #76) - Martian Manhunter used telepathy to council Wonder Woman and the JLA on dealing with their deaths at the hands of the Ancients. The JLA recovered the scattered atoms of Plas from across the Atlantic and pieced him back together. He explained the trauma of not being whole for over 3,000 years, and quit the JLA to spend more time with his son.

 (JLA #77) - Mnemon, a synthetic lifeform that recorded history by draining the memories of others, landed on the moon and Wonder Woman and the JLA investigated. Atom entered Mnemon, who was quick to start eating the memories of the JLA. Mnemon s actions always led toplanetwide destruction, whoich it considered its  own form of art. With Atom s guidance Superman destroyed the magnetic field that kept it cohesive with his heat vision, but this freed the miniature black hole that powered Mnemon. Through great force of will Superman held Mnemon and the black hole in his hands long enough to fly into space and toss it into a wormhole.

 (JLA #78, 79) - A large mass of Mirror Matter, previously thought to be only theoretical, was headed toward Earth, and Wonder Woman and the JLA disposed of it by having Firestorm transform it into marshmallow fluff. Wonder Woman wanted to speak to Batman about a brief romantic encounter they had in ancient Atlantis but they were interrupted by an extraterrestrial video feed from Kylaq sent to them by Green Lantern Kyle Rayner, who was in deep space. The Peacemaker and his Paciforce decreed that Kylaq would join his forces or perish. The JLA debated handling a political situation so far from Earth that they didn't know all the details about. Batman argued against interfering, but Wonder Woman said the JLA had a responsibility to any innocents in danger, and Superman said that handling the Peacemaker was a preemptive measure, because he could eventually target Earth, so the JLA traveled to Kylaq. On Kylaq the JLA defeated the Paciforce and arranged peace talks between the Kylaq and the Peacemaker. The Kylaq introduced the JLA to their minister of defense Kanjar Ro. Peace talks broke down and the JLA fended off another assault by the Paciforce, but the JLA had to deal with the ruthless Kanjar Ro s plan to enact a coup. They spread video footage of him torturing captured Paciforce members, and the Kylaq rejected his place in their government. The JLA sent Kanjar offworld.

(JLA #80-82) - Batman and Wonder Woman had dinner, but rather than explore whatever feelings they had for each other, Batman wentout crimefighting and took care of hitman Plunder. Wonder Woman demanded another date. The commune Safe Haven, an organization protected by metahumans, was at a standoff with government forces A.T.F. and D.E.O. that wanted to investigate the commune when the JLA intervened. The JLA heard the case of Shepherd, who ran the Haven, and wanted to act as intermediaries. This went south when tensions led Haven members and government agents to fire at each other. An explosion seemingly killed everyone at the Haven, and the JLA were blamed. Superman, Major Disaster and Faith were all convinced that they were responsible, but Batman later examined the scene and found that no one had died. Axis America, led by Shepherd, aka Ubermensch, appeared to battle the JLA and revealed themselves as agents of Mr. Manson, the government operative behind Safe Haven who sacrificed it and used the metahuman the Mouth to convince the JLA they were responsible for hundreds of deaths. All this was so Manson could reclaim Faith for the U.S. government. Faith recognized the setup and forced Manson to leave her alone for the time being, and Axis America retreated.

(JLA #83) - Superman entered Martian Manhunter's transconsious articulator for subconscious therapy. He envisioned President Luthor going to war with Quarac because they supposedly had W.M.D.s, and the American public felt betrayed that the U.S. declared war before they had proof. Superman didn't stop Luthor because he couldn't make up his mind as to the justness of the war. In the end of his vision Luthor told him patriot don t ask questions and killed him with kryptonite. Wonder Woman and the JLA woke Superman from the articulator, and he vowed never to use it again.

(JLA #84-89) - A wave of fear and remorse washed over the inmates of Arkham Asylum, the prisoners of Blackgate and President Luthor. Wonder Woman and the JLA investigated, and when Martian Manhunter, who d rejoined the team after Scorch healed him of his fear of fire, tried to fix Luthor s mind, he was assaulted by a powerful psychic force. Hostile nations and hate groups started feeling remorse and killing themselves. Firestorm s powers were taken away, and realizing it was connected to world events, Manitou Raven guided the JLA to Vandal Savage s mountain stronghold. Vandal recognized the world events as the attack of the Burning, a Martian he killed 20,000 years ago. He presented the Burning s head to the JLA, and they brought Savage and the head to the Watchtower, only to discover Superman, who d been attacked and bonded to the JLA meeting table. They freed Superman, but the revived Burning defeated the JLA and would have killed them if Major Disaster didn't use evac protocols to teleport them to Superman s Fortress of Solitude. Superman suspected that the Burning was actually Martian Manhunter, and in preparation of combating him they entered the Phantom Zone to ask the White Martians for aid. The Burning was already in the Zone and had slaughtered the Martians. The Burning again defeated the JLA, but they were saved and spirited away by Green Lantern John Stewart, who d been brief on the Burning and how to deal with it by the Guardians of the Universe. The Burning was a dangerous, chaotic race that the Guardians genetically modified to become Martians, and gave them an innate fear of fire so they couldn't access the powers of the Burning. When Manhunter overcame his fear of fire, his race memory turned him into the Burning, who needed fear and fire in multitude to asexually reproduce. Batman contacted the amnesiac Plas as his backup plan and convinced him to confront the Burning while Manitou contacted Martian Manhunter on the spiritual plane and found his soul dominated by the Burning. Burning unleashed nuclear attack to create the chaos and flames he d need to asexually reproduce, but the JLA stopped the bombs, except for one that hit Chongjin, North Korea, but Flash evacuated the population. Plas fought Burning to a deadlock because his mind was non-organic and not vulnerable to telepathy. Thanks to Manitou Martian Manhunter separated himself from the Burning, and Scorch sacrificed herself to sap the Burning s flame. Manhunter confronted the Burning and destroyed him with his Martian-vision.

(JLA #90) - Batman and Wonder Woman teamed up to take down the Steel Fang, and once again tried to talk about their feelings for each other. Wonder Woman, struggling with her emotions, asked Manhunter to use his transconciousness articulator. He reminded her that it was only a peek at the subconscious, and that she should still actually talk to Batman. She saw possible futures where Batman s influence made her darker, and others where she brought out the light in him. They were capable of great love or great disaster, and when they finally talked they agreed it wouldn't be worth the risk.

(JSA #54) - Wonder Woman, the JLA and JSA celebrated Thanksgiving at JSA hq. Wonder Woman gave a speech about acknowledging the suffering of the Native Americans during Thanksgiving, severely irritating Wildcat because he felt she was being inappropriate. Kulak and the Warlord of Ys ruined the Thanksgiving meal, but were quickly defeated by the heroes. The JLA and JSA settled for ordering out, and had pizza for Thanksgiving.

(JLA #91-93)- A meteor storm ripped holes in the JLA Watchtrower, and Plas plugged the holes with his body as a stopgap until Wonder Woman and the JLA arrived to make repairs. The storm was caused by a rip in spacetime when an alien ship arrived near the moon. The JLA investigated and met the alien Pe-Paey, who told them he monitored Earth s progress from time to time and needed to locate specimens of the silver-masked monkey. The JLA traveled with Pe-Paey to South America, but found a construction crew demolishing the monkey s last habitat for grazing land. Superman spotted a silver-mask and tried to save it, but the crew s explosives were already set and the blast killed the monkey, probably the last of its species. Pe-Paey was upset; his people s Book of Lol predicted the silver-masks would become Earth s dominant species. He asked to see all of Earth, and the JLA obliged, taking him to monuments, museums, an in the interest of full disclosure, and at Superman s request, strife ridden countriedlike Santa Prisca and Minglia. The JLA foiled insurgents and terrorists in Minglia, and asked Pe-Paey what he thought. Pe-Paey assured them the silver-masks should have been the dominant species, and that humanity was choosing to become extinct, so he would help. He used his ship to bring meteors crashing toward Earth, but the JLA stopped any damage and told him their race was confused, not suicidal. Disheartened by the inaccuracies in the Book of Lol, the only thing he believed in, Pe-Paey returned to his ship and blew it up, killing himself.

(Flash II #208, 209) - Wonder Woman and the JLA summoned Flash to the JLA Watchtower, demanding to know why they no longer remembered his secret identity. He initially refused to talk to team, and ran away, but after Superman talked to him he returned. He revealed that the Spectre erased the world s knowledge of his secret identity to protect his family, but he was ready to reveal himself as Wally West to his friends.

(JLA #94-99) - Batman investigated a number of child abductions and murders that seemed to have a common perpetrator, and got the JLA involved. Manitou Raven had already learned that the Tenth Circle was responsible, so they spirited him away with vampire bats. Atom examined his telling stones at microscopic size looking for clues about where Manitou went, but soon after disappeared. They learned that most of the missing children possessed the metagene and could be powerful as a collective. Superman found children being taken into a van in Metropolis, and intervened, but the metahuman Nudge took control of his mind, and took him to her master Crucifer. Crucifer bit Superman, bringing him under his control, and sent him after his teammates. After defeating and abducting Faith Crucifer sent him back to the JLA Watchtower. Wonder Woman, in her research of the Amazon archives, matched a symbol found at the abductions to the Tenth Circle, a cult of vampires defeated by the Amazons in the early days of Greece. Superman surreptitiously destroyed the archives because they described how the Circle could be defeated, and lured Wonder Woman to Castle Crucifer. Superman attacked Wonder Woman, and Nudge, rebelling against Crucifer, tried to influence the battle, but when Superman briefly regained his senses Crucifer stabbed Wonder Woman with a sword. Crucifer dumped Wonder Woman on a highway, with the Tenth Circle calling card on her, a challenge for the JLA to oppose him. Wonder Woman was brought to Themyscira to be healed by the Amazons purple ray. Batman didn't want the team walking into a trap, and considered it misdirection. John Stewart had encountered the Doom Patrol while battling Tenth Circle members abducting more young metahumans, and the DP told him the Circle was their responsibility. Batman and the JLA went to the DP s Key Mordaz hq to compare notes. Chief s tech was able to find Atom in the telling stones, he d found a side-door dimension that Crucifer used for transporting his cultists. The JLA and DP teamed up and confronted Crucifer in Barnes, Saskatchewan, where he prepared to transfer the souls of his vampire lords into the metahuman children he collected. The heroes drove him off, and Atom destroyed the vessel containing Crucifer s heart he had stored in the side-door dimension. Crucifer was weakened enough for Superman to break Crucifer s hold over him destroy him.

(JLA #100) - Manitou Raven sensed a disturbance in the Earth, and there were several volcanic eruptions, the hole in the ozone layer opened further, and other geothermal events signaled an extinction level event. Gaea, speaking through the earth-powered Major Disaster damned humanity for their abuse of her and their failure to get along. Sister Superior of the Elite v.2 had also realized that Gaea was ready to destroy humanity, and proposed a plan to Wonder Woman and the JLA, and although they doubted her trustworthyness they agreed. The Elite stormed Washington, demanded all governments dissolve and declared themselves rulers of Earth because humanity had proved themselves unfit to rule. After UN meetings and a staged defeat of the JLA by the Elite, every nation on Earth put aside their differences to tackle the Elite. Gaea once again believed in humanity, seeing them unite against a common enemy, and held back her wrath.

(Superman / Batman #9-13) -Wonder Woman learned that Superman's cousin kara Zor-El landed on earth, and was determined that she should be trained on Paradise Island. Kara spent her first day in public with Superman in Metropolis, and Wonder Woman, Artemis and Harbinger went to retrieve her. Artemis was in charge of Kara's combat training on Paradise Island, but Kara's stay was interrupted when Darkseid sent an army of Doomsday animates to bring Kara to him. Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman and the Amazons fought them off despite heavy casualties, but they managed to bring Kara to Apokolips. Batman, Superman and Wonder Woman got a boom tube from Big Barda, enabling them to travel to Apokolips on a rescue mission. Wonder Woman and Barda were defeated by the Female Furies, and Granny Goodness wanted to present Wonder Woman to Darkseid as a possible leader for the Furies. Wonder Woman threatened to strangle Granny with her lasso, forcing the Furies to release them. Darkseid had brainwashed Kara to serve him, but Superman subdued her with Batman's kryptonite ring, and Batman armed a number of hellspores that would destroy Apokolips, forcing Darkseid to promise to leave Kara alone and let the heroes return to Earth. On Earth the damage Darkseid did to Supergirl was undone with a combination of Amazonian science and Barda's mother box. Darkseid was waiting for Kara and Superman in Smallville, and told them he wasn't breaking his word because he'd come to kill Superman, not Kara. He shot omega beams at Superman, but Supergirl jumped in front of her cousin and was seemingly disintegrated. Superman actually spirited her away with the JLA teleporter so Darkseid would think her dead. Wonder Woman threw a celebration on Paradise Island to introduce Kara to the superhero community.

(Identity Crisis #1) - Wonder Woman was among the heroes that attended Sue Dibny's funeral. She spoke the eulogy and after the funeral she joined the JLA in hunting down suspects in Sue s murder.

(Identity Crisis #4) - Jean Loring was supposedly attacked at home, and Slipknot was a suspect. Wonder Woman and Green Arrow visited Slipknot in prison, and after Wonder Woman used her lasso on him she determined he was innocent.

(Identity Crisis #6) - Wonder Woman learned of the death of Jack Drake, Robin s father, and went to visit Hippolyta s grave.

(Identity Crisis #7) - Wonder Woman and the JLA had a meeting in the wake of learning that Jean Loring had killed Sue Dibny.

(JLA #102) - Flash responded to an apartment building on fire, and saved almost all the residents, but came upon the bodies of two children that had already perished. He was unnerved and blamed himself for not doing enough. Wonder Woman and the JLA offered their friendship to Flash, and told him he'd never forget the dead children, but that in time the rawness of his emotions would fade, and on some days he'd feel okay.

(JLA #103) - John Stewart heard two calls for help from two apartments. He chose one and stopped a man from beating a woman, but when he responded to the second call he found the woman who yelled dead at the hands of her stalker. Stewart snapped and beat the man to death. His wrong decision reminded him of the planet he let die, and he worked nonstop fighting crime around the city, until he passed out from exhaustion. Wonder Woman and the JLA was there for him and he finally saw reason in Superman's argument that heroes did the best they could but weren't infallible.

(JLA #104) - Manhunter resumed his John Jones identity, taking a job at the Kennedy detective Agency. he was considered an excellent employee except for the fact that he was distant and made his co-workers uncomfortable. His boss had Detective Loony Linda try to learn more about them. John found her to be an intellectual, and she was interested in him despite his efforts to push her away. He gave his identity away by reverting to Martian Manhunter to save a woman from her abusive husband. Wonder Woman and the JLA, who were worried about Manhunter, visited his apartment, as did Linda. They all agreed that Manhunter pushed people away not because he felt uncomfortable, but because he had a hard time when he felt comfortable and friendly with people. Manhunter admitted that the wounds of his families  death opened any time he felt anything for anyone.

(Enginehead #6) - Bones and the DEO were tracking new unpredictable metahuman Enginehead, who continually slipped away from them. Enginehead, trying to fix the flaw in humanity, had taken a woman whose car accident he'd caused and rebuilt her as a cyborg. Bones sent the Metal Men and JLA to battle Enginehead. Enginehead needed a final spark to create what he saw would be a new world that was without the flaws of the old, and after showing Tin his vision of the universe, agreed to give him his spark. Tin felt overjoyed and brave, telling his teammates he'd just saved the world. Enginehead ended up sacrificing part of himself to build Irontown, a new kind of engine and home for the disaffected of the world. The woman he transformed became one of the first residents.

(JLA #105, 106) - Wonder Woman fought a new villainess whose sword negated her strength and powers. After a hard fought battle Wonder Woman was victorious, but she was rattled because the battle almost cost her her life. She sought emotional support from the JLA, but she couldn't explain her feelings to them. She went to Superman, and told him she remembered her mortality, and was in fear for her life, so Superman comforted her. They looked in on Joey, son of the superhero that died on Superman's watch and saw him demonstrating superpowers, tossing around playground bullies. They met with Mrs. Abernathy and discovered her whole family gained super powers from a meteor during a fishing trip. She wanted the JLA to leave them alone, but they soon discovered she was using vigilante methods to uncover the improprieties that led to the destruction of the apartment building where her husband died. She was ready to kill the landlord when the JLA talked her down, making her realize that if she killed him she'd go to jail and her children would have lost both parents. Batman, Superman and Martian Manhunter made her understand they'd lost loved ones as well and knew her pain. Together they all visited her husband's grave. Although she found peace Joey still blamed Superman for his dad's death.

(JLA #107) - On maintenance day Wonder Woman and the JLA monitored Krona s cosmic egg and learned that a new universe was forming inside it. They agreed to not act, but just observe.

(Green Lantern: Rebirth #1-6) - Wonder Woman and the JSA quarantined Warriors after Guy Gardner lost control of his powers and destroyed the bar. The only thing standing was a statue of Green Lantern, leading the heroes to worry that Hal Jordan was involved and had returned to the dark side. Wonder Woman and the JLA confronted Hal, but he promised he wasn't responsible for what they d seen. Green Lantern John Stewart went berserk, having been possessed by Parallax through his power ring, and attacked and incapacitated his teammates. Ganthet summoned Wonder Woman and a number of other heroes to battle Parallax, who d completely taken over Hal Jordan. They weakened him enough for the Spectre to separate Hal from Parallax, allowing Hal s soul to return to his body, resurrecting him. Parallax possessed Ganthet, and Hal was ready to stop him, but Wonder Woman and the JLA stood in his way because they didn't trust him using his power. Hal told them there was no time to argue and teamed with the other Green Lanterns to banish Parallax to the Central Power Battery, roving he was still a hero.

(JLA #109) - Wonder Woman and the JLA fought a water creature in Madagascar, a seismic creature in the Arctic and an energy creature in Illinois, all manifestations of the aftershocks caused by the cosmic shift Krona was responsible for.

(Flash II #219, Wonder Woman II #214) - Giganta tried to take advantage of Wonder Woman having been blinded by Medousa and attacked the Amazon. Giganta threatened to dstroy the Themysciran embassy when Flash showed up to distract Giganta, and Wonder Woman choked her out with her lasso. Flash was concerned because his enemy Zoom had teamed up with Wonder Woman s foe Cheetah. She told him she d help find them, and Flash reluctantly agreed. Touching her lasso he admitted he got annoyed with her preaching an thought that as a goddess she couldn't relate to the common man. They found Zoom and Cheetah and fought. Zoom wanted to help  Wonder Woman be a better hero the way he  helped  Flash, and decided she needed to learn humility. He went to Themyscira, badly beat Amazon Io, and threatened to kill every Amazon to motivate Wonder Woman. She defeated him before he could kill anyone, but both Zoom and Cheetah managed to escape.

(JLA #111-114) - The Crime Syndicate of Amerika, who d been posing as the JLA, revealed themselves and attacked the heroes. Wonder Woman and the JLA were battered and forced to retreat. The essential differences between the anti and positive-matter universes that prevented the Crime Syndicate from ever being victorious on the JLA s Earth no longer applied after Krona tampered with the universe, meaning Earth was theirs for the taking. The JLA knew there only advantage was that the Syndicate was small because they had a tendency for in-fighting and back-stabbing, so the JLA would raise all their reserve members. Qwardians traveled to the positive-matter universe and blamed Earth for the reality altering wave Krona unleashed. They prepared to attack Earth with the doomsday weapon Erdammeru. The JLA and their reserves split into three teams, one to fight the Qwardians, one to battle the Syndicate, and one to travel to the anti-matter universe to shake up the Syndicate s Earth. Wonder Woman was on the team that battled the Qwardians, and after fighting them to a standstill, the Syndicate, who d been temporarily driven off Earth, arrived to pick off the weakened loser. Diataria Lysis was afraid of Qwardian leader Roval s insatiable bloodlust, and brokered peace between Qward and Earth. The JLA informed the Qwardians that Krona was responsible for Qward s destruction, and had been defeated by the JLA. The Qwardians returned to the anti-matter universe, but vowed to destroy the Crime Syndicate s Earth for having dared try to invade their planet. Batman had planned for this to happen, and set his team on the anti-matter Earth into motion. The rest of the JLA entered the anti-matter universe, and forced the Syndicate to ask them for a favor, help in defeating the Qwardians. The Construct, who d become an integrated being and was grateful to the JLA, contacted Flash and promised it could communicate with Erdammeru, the Qwardian doomsday weapon. Erdammeru still didn't understand the concept of other and refused to make peace with the Construct, but their connection enabled Green Lantern John Stewart to absorb the weapon into his power ring, defanging the Qwardians. This was broadcast to the populace of anti-matter Earth, and when the people saw that the Syndicate was not invincible and began to rise up against them.

(Blood of the Demon #3) - Zatanna sent a distress call to Wonder Woman and other members of the JLA when Batman confronted the Demon, but they were all occupied. Wonder Woman was busy fighting a hi-tech militia.

(Blood of the Demon #4, 5) - Batman called in Wonder Woman and Superman to deal with the Demon, and they waited for him in Jason Blood s apartment. The Demon was put in the thrall of Morgaine Le Fay, and they defeated Morgaine and broke her control using Randu Singh s mystical amulet.

(JLA #118) - Zatanna went to see Wonder Woman on Themyscira and told her of her decision not to mindwipe former members of the Secret Society of Super-Villains who remembered the JLA s identity. Wonder Woman told her the JLA wanted nothing to do with her after she killed Maxwell Lord, but knew she could in the future be forced to kill again as a warrior. She suggested that Zatanna might have to make tough choices of her own.

(Justice League of America II #0-6) - Batman, Superman, and Wonder Woman met in the Batcave to discuss forming a new Justice League of America. They went over a number of possible candidates for the new League. Black Lightning and Hawkgirl arrived at the Batcave saying they had an emergency they needed help with. They presented the villain Trident, who had a Starro attached to his neck. Solomon Grundy was using Starros to create a group on unquestioning supervillain henchmen to assemble a new Amazo that would serve as Grundy's new immortal body. The heroes went to the Rocky Mountains and confronted Grundy and Professor Ivo, who had transformed Red Tornado's android body into the new Amazo. Grundy allowed Amazo to fly off, and told the heroes they needed his help to beat Amazo, and proposed that after helping them defeat the android they should fight over who got possession of him. Amazo still retained vestiges of Red Tornado's memories, and going on pure instinct he went to the house of Tornado's wife Kathy and his daughter Traya. He frightened them, and the heroes caught up to him and attacked. Amazo used his Parasite powers to drain the heroes of their powers, but they still managed to rupture the control rods that kept his powers in check. His body self-destructed, and the League stripped out the Amazo software and returned Red Tornado to his proper body.

(Green Lantern IV #15-17) - Wonder Woman and the Justice League traveled to Russia to bring Green Lantern Hal Jordan back to America. Hal had violated the Freedom of Powers Act, which forbid superheroes from operating outside American soil, so they told Hal he was coming with them for his own good. Alan Scott was also present, and demanded an explanation, so Hal told him that his friend Cowgirl had been captured by Chechnyan terrorists. The League held off the Rocket Red Brigade, who wanted to arrest Hal, while Hal finished his rescue mission. Alan Scott used his Checkmate connections to clear Hal, but Russia demanded a formal apology from the League to the Rocket Red Brigade.

(Justice League of America II #7) - Superman, Wonder Woman and Batman decided to form their new Justice League of America from the heroes present during their battle with Solomon Grundy. They built a Hall of Justice in Washington, D.C. on the former site of JSA hq. The Hall also had a teleport to the new JLA Satellite. The new members all accepted their invitations, and the group took a team photo

(Green Arrow III #75) - Wonder Woman and the Justice League arrived in Star City in time to save Green Arrow and his family from being killed by Deathstroke and Drakon. The villains set off an explosive filled with kryptonite, making the decision to run away and fight another day. The league watched as Mayor Ollie Queen (Green Arrow) resigned from office.

(Green Lantern: Sinestro Corps Special #1) - Green Lantern was investigating the newly formed Sinestro Corps, and recruited Wonder Woman and the JlofA to help him track down leads. They confronted Zoom, a former Society teammate of Sinestro, but he had no information for them and managed to flee. Green Lantern admitted that there was little evidence of the Corps presence on Earth at the present.

(Tales of the Sinestro Corps: Cyborg-Superman #1, Green Lantern IV #24)   The Sinestro Corps planned their invasion of Earth, and intended to take out the JlofA. Cyborg-Superman and his Manhunters disabled the JlofA satellite s defense systems, rendering the satellite inoperable, and the Sinestro Corps battered Wonder Woman and the League, allowing their Warworld to enter Earth's orbit. The Sinestro Corps intended to conquer the planet, making it a symbol of the Sinestro Corp s power and their ability to control any planet. Wonder Woman and the Justice League were among the heroes who helped stave off the invasion.

(Tales of the Sinestro Corps: Superman-Prime #1) - An army of Earth s heroes, including Wonder Woman and the Justice Leage appeared to take Superboy down during the Sinestro Corps invasion of Earth. The heroes focused on wrecking his armor, because after a year on Oa, and away from a yellow sun his Kryptonian body still wasn't at full strength, and his armor collected sunlight. Superboy bragged that once the sun rose on Earth he d be at full power. Superboy was battered by Wonder Girl and Wonder Woman, who blamed him for Superboy s death, as well as Supergirl and Power Girl, who blamed him for the death of the Superman of Earth-2. As the fight went against him, Superboy broke down in tears. He tried to wipe them away, saying that it was impossible foir boys to cry, and then whining that no one ever thanked him for sacrificing his Earth to save the multiverse. The battle lasted until dawn, and he flew into the sunrise. As he achieved full power he declared himself the one, true Superman. The Guardians arrived with Sodam Yat, the new Ion, and pitted him against Superboy-Prime.

(Green Lantern IV #25) - The Sinestro Corps War raged on Earth, and while Wonder Woman and an army of superheroes battled the Corps the Anti-Monitor prepared to unleash an anti-matter wave to destroy Earth. With Earth s destruction, the entire 52 would fall, and he would once again rule all that was. The GLC ruptured the heart of Anti-Monitor s Warworld, the Sinestro Corps central power battery, and created a shield around Warworld and the Monitor. The ensuing blast nearly destroyed the Anti-Monitor, and he was finished off by Superman-Prime, who betrayed him for having destroyed his home, Earth-Prime. GL Hal Jordan defeated Sinestro in personal combat, and the Sinestro Corps, lacking any leadership, fled Earth. The heroes rejoiced and began rebuilding the damage the Sinestro Corps did.

(Titans II #2) - Trigon was bent on destroying every Titan, past and present, and the Titans asked their mentors for help. Wonder Woman saved Red Star from being killed by Trigon's minions.

(Titans II #9, 10) -  Jericho possessed Green Lantern Hal Jordan and tried to kill the candidates for president, but the Justice League foiled him. Jericho fled to Titans headquarters, possessing Nightwing, but the League was right behind him, and demanded that the Titans release the villain into their custody. Jericho panicked and jumped into Flash s body and vibrated out of Titan headquarters, but he couldn't evade the Justice League. The Titans joined the League in battling Jericho as he leapt from body to body, until he ended up in Superman. Previously he would never have been able to enter Superman's mind, but his power had grown immensely. He still wasn't strong enough to take control of Superman, who expelled his astral form from his mind. Jericho s astral form dissipated into the wind.

(Justice League of America II #0 (ff)) - Batman and Wonder Woman consoled Superman and Ma Kent after Pa Kent's death.

(Titans II #38) - Wonder Woman and the superhero community attended the funeral of Atom Ryan Choi.

(Justice League of America II #0 (ff)) - Batman, Superman, and Wonder Woman met at the Hall of Justice to discuss Flash's discovery of a parallel Earth resembling their own.

(Justice League of America II #0 (ff)) - Batman, Superman, and Wonder Woman fought Lex Luthor after an incident involving his son.

(Justice League of America II #0 (ff)) - Batman, Superman, and Wonder Woman attended Hal Jordan's wedding. They had a pool going as to who would be the last of them married, and they'd always assumed it would have been Oliver Queen.

(Justice League of America II #0 (ff)) - Batman, Superman, and Wonder Woman met on Paradise Island to discuss Wonder Woman's upcoming wedding. Batman and Superman were surprised that she'd give up her immortality for a man, but her mind was made up.

(Justice League of America II #0 (ff)) - Superman and Wonder Woman met in Crime Alley after Batman's death, and Superman regretted that Batman hated him in the end.

Comments: Created by Robert Kanigher, William Moulton Marston & Harry G. Peter.

The Crisis on Infinite Earths initially erased Wonder Woman's history, and she was introduced as a new character post-Crisis, with Black Canary replacing her as a founding member of the Justice League of America. After Infinite Crisis her history was partially restored, specifically her membership in the JLofA. If her history above looks a bit wonky, it's because of this. DC never attempted to clear up this mess, so neither will I.

Wonder Woman received a profile in JLA-Z #3. Wonder Woman received a profile in Who's Who: The Definitive Directory of the DC Universe under the Justice League of America entry.  She received profiles in JLA-Z #2 under the JLA (The Magnificent 7  Era) and JLA (Current) entries. She received a profile in Sins of Youth Secret Files #1 under the JLA, Jr. entry

Wonder Woman had cameos in Action Comics #650, Adventures of Superman #435,  Aztek: The Ultimate Man #8, Batman Plus #1, Catwoman III #58, DC Comics Presents #6, 26, DCU Holiday Bash #1, Demon III #31, 32, Faces of Evil: Prometheus #1, Flash II #207, 216,  Green Arrow III #1, 17, 47, Green Lantern III #101, 146, 150, Guy Gardner: Warrior #27, Impulse #14, 44, JLA #28, 101, Martian Manhunter III #14, 17, R.E.B.E.L.S. Annual #1, Resurrection Man #22, Spectre III #22, Swamp Thing II #70, 75, Teen Titans III #30, and Titans II #4

There were pin-ups of Wonder Woman in Legends of the DC Universe 3-D Gallery #1 and Superman: The Man of Steel Gallery #1.

Bizarro-Superman wrote and illustrated the Captain Marvel and the Sham Shazam, Wonder Girl vs. Wonder Tot, One-Piece, Two-Piece, Red-Piece, Blue-Piece, First Contact, J'onn J'onzz Celebrity Roast  and Wonder Woman s Day Off  comic books featuring Wonder Woman in Bizarro Comics #1.

In JLA #60 Plastic Man told his friend Woozy Wink s nephew Wheezy a Christmas story in which Wonder Woman and the JLA saved Santa Claus from Neron, who wanted to replace Santa, giving out presents in exchange for boys and girls being naughty.

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