Class: Extraterrestrial

Known Representatives: None

Aliases: None

Base of Operations: Zamaron

First Appearance: Green Lantern II #16 (October, 1962)

Powers: The Zamarons were immortal warriors trained to physical perfection, and armed with shields and spears. They possessed the star sapphire, which channeled violet, the color of love in the emotional spectrum, capable of spreading love across the universe.

History(Green Lantern IV #19 (fb)) - Male Oans who proclaimed themselves the Guardians of the Universe planned on starting a Corps to protect the universe, and Ganthet presented the Book of Oa which he hoped would protect them from the emotional spectrum born out of life’s sentience. A tribe of women thought it was blasphemy to cleanse themselves of emotion, and left Oa, searching for a home for billions of years before settling on Zamaron and becoming the Zamarons. They found the skeletons of a man and woman embracing, and star sapphires between them that contained the essence of their love. The Zamarons took possession of the sapphires, which harnessed violet, the color of love in the emotional spectrum and determined to shed love’s light across the universe in direct opposition to the Guardians of the Universe.

(Green Lantern IV #19 (fb)) - The Zamarons sent a Star Sapphire to Dala Pharon, which possessed her. She seduced the Green Lantern of Xanador, and after mating killed him. The Star Sapphire encased Xanador in crystal, keeping it in suspended animation, and fulfilling the Zamarons vision of protecting planets through love and spreading love across the universe.

(Green Lantern IV #19 (fb)) - The Zamarons abducted Carol Ferris while she was on a flight, appearing to her as amazonian humanoids. They presented her with the Star Sapphire, and told her she’d been chosen to spread their vision of love and seduce and kill Green Lantern. The sapphire possessed her and she became Star Sapphire.

(Green Lantern IV #19, 20) - The Zamarons sent a Star Sapphire to Earth, possessing Hal Jordan’s love interest Cowgirl. He fended her off, and the Zamarons arrived, declaring that since other Corps were rising they needed their own, and Carol and Cowgirl would be their first members. When Hal fought them they demanded he choose between his two loves, but he outwitted them by kissing one of the Zamarons, causing the Star Sapphire to bind to her. The power was too much for her, and the Zamarons retreated. The Zamarons pried the sapphire off their sister’s skull, and realized that because violet was so far away from the center of the emotional spectrum it exerted too much control over its bearer. They tried to rectify this by turning the sapphire into a ring and power battery that mirrored those of the GLC. They also discussed their fears of the prophecy of the Blackest Night and the battle between factions of the emotional spectrum, and resolved to collect emotions from across the spectrum.

Comments: Created by John Broome & Gil Kane.

The Zamarons received a profile in Who's Who: The Definitive Directory of the DC Universe #26.

The Zamarons had cameos in DCComics Presents #6 and Green Lantern IV #25.

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