Real Name: Zanna
Class: Extraterrestrial (Ak-Sel)
Occupation: Ruler
Group Affiliation: None
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: None
Base of Operations: Ak-Sel
First Appearance: Challengers of the Unknown I #13 (April-May, 1960)
Powers: Zanna's lingua-stat translated any form of sentient speech, and he had access to warcrafts and spaceships.
History: (Challengers of the Unknown I #13) - Zanna peacefully ruled the planet of Ak-Sel until renegade scientist Dakyab stormed his palace with his rebels and took over, shrinking Zanna with a fixation ray, placing him in a space ball, and launching him into space. The space ball ended up on Earth, where it was discovered by the Challengers of the Unknown. They examined the ball under an x-ray, which cracked it open, and Zanna emerged, growing from a few inches tall to human sized. He explained his predicament, and the Challs wanted to help him restore order to his planet, and boarded a spacecraft his follower Vraba had brought to Earth in search of his leader. They arrived at Zanna's resistance base in an extinct volcano, but Dakyab had seen the ship land and sent his men to crush the opposition. Zanna and the Challs fled in a shuttle craft to a second base in Ak-Sel's floating islands. Dakyab's men were searching for Zanna in the countryside, leaving his palace vulnerable. Zanna used anti-gravity beams to send the floating islands to the royal palace and sieged it. Dakyab tried to escape using the fixation ray, shrinking himself, and putting himself inside a space ball he intended to launch into orbit, but Zanna stopped him just in time, allowing him to remain a prisoner in the space ball.
Comments: Created by an unnamed writer & Bob Brown.
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