Real Name: Unrevealed

Class: Human technology-user

Occupation: Criminal, mystic

Group Affiliation: None

Known Relatives: None

Aliases: None

Base of Operations: Mobile

First Appearance: Challengers of the Unknown I #21 (August-September, 1961)

Powers: Zardoc's helmet gave him the power of telekinesis and the ability to turn his thoughts into reality. Zardoc needed absolute concentration to utilize his powers.

History: (Challengers of the Unknown I #21) - Zardoc found a meteor that crashed to Earth, and it gave him the power of mind-over-matter. He placed the meteor in a helmet, organized a gang, and started testing out his powers, levitating a railway track and ripping a silo from the ground. His next test involved causing a landslide, but the Challengers of the Unknown arrived to battle him. The villain almost killed Rocky and Ace when he levitated the bridge they were on and spun it into the sky. The Challs space-pet Cosmo sensed their distress, and created a forcefield to cushion their fall. Cosmo nearly defeated Zardoc before he conjured a dragon from his thoughts to fight the pet. The Challs distracted Zardoc, causing the dragon to disappear, and Zardoc fled. The next time they met the Challs distracted Zardoc with a reflection oif Cosmo, allowing them to remove his helmet, the source of his power.

Comments: Created by an unnamed writer & Bob Brown.

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