Real Name: Zod

Class: Extraterrestrial

Occupation: Pet

Group Affiliation: None

Known Relatives: None

Aliases: None

Base of Operations: Mobile in outer space

First Appearance: Challengers of the Unknown I #17 (December, 1960)

Powers: Zod had a whirling drill-like face. When exposed to oxygen Zod transformed from a tiny pet into a giant behemoth.

History: (Challengers of the Unknown I #17) - Two aliens were doing scientific experiments on Earth during an ice age. They were trapped in an avalanche, and their space pet Zod was left in a capsule. Thousands of years later the navy bombed an iceberg that was a danger to passenger ships, exposing the capsules. Earth's atmosphere caused Zod to grow to an enormous size, and it went on a rampage in a coastal village. The Challengers of the Unknown revived the aliens, who shrunk their pet back to normal size and returned it to their spaceship.

Comments: Created by an unnamed writer & Bob Brown.

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