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Sandy C. Huckabee

Sandy C. Huckabee

Ordained Baptist Minister

Licensed Psychological Examiner

Most Importantly: My kids' Dad

2304 Forrest Park Drive
Arkadelphia, Arkansas 71923

World's Most Dangerous Virus: Are You Infected?

Meetings and News

  • Arkadelphia Sunrise Rotary meets each Tuesday at 7:00 a.m. at the HSU Cafeteria.

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    Deep Thoughts?

    ..."My mark on the world will probably be a coffee stain"..."...........................Huckabee's rules of probability and chance:..."If there's a chance it can go wrong.... it probably will".........................Motto for TQM...."If we don't get it right, on the front end - we'll get it, right on the back end".........SCH...

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