Married to Kimberly (Duke) Huckabee, M.S., CCC-SLP, Speech-Language
Pathologist. Two sons: Stephen, age 15, student at Arkadelphia High School and
Alex, age 10, student at Peake Middle School
Education and Licensure:
Employment History:
8-96 to Present
Psychological Examiner—Gurdon Public Schools. Perform psycho-educational testing of school-aged children in the districts of: Bismarck, Carthage, Gurdon, Kingsland and Sparkman according to the guidelines established by the Arkansas Department of Education. Participate in some of the evaluation committee conferences. Provided in-service training for teaching staff on issues related to special education testing at the LEA Special Education Supervisor's request (example: adaptive behavior and mental retardation.) LEA Special Education Supervisor: Barbara Davis. Previous LEA: Marth Burks.
8-93 to 5-96
Psychological Examiner -- Dawson Educational Service Cooperative -- Arkadelphia Arkansas. Performed psycho-educational testing of school-aged children in the districts of: Bismarck, Carthage, Fordyce, Gurdon, Kingsland and Sparkman according to the guidelines established by the Arkansas Department of Education. Participated in some of the evaluation committee conferences. Provided in-service training for teaching staff on issues related to special education testing at the LEA Special Education Supervisor's request (example: adaptive behavior and mental retardation.) LEA Special Education Supervisors: Regina Weiner and Vera Rideout. DSM-III-R and DSM-IV Supervising Psychologist: Dr. Charles Weiner.
1-94 to 5-94
Psychology Instructor -- Taught one section of Tests and Measurements at Ouachita Baptist University, Arkadelphia. Psychology Department Chair: Dr. Randolph A. Smith.
12-92 to 6-93
Psychological Examiner -- Rafael Otero, Ph.D. Neuropsychological testing (interpretation by Dr. Otero), objective and projective personality testing, psycho-educational testing, mental status evaluations, and cognitive testing of children, adolescents, adults, and geriatrics in private, juvenile justice, psychiatric hospital, and rehabilitation hospital settings. Participated in a multi-disciplinary treatment team at the Texarkana Rehabilitation Hospital representing Behavioral Medicine for treatment and discharge planning. Treatment team consisted of: Physiatrist, Nursing, OT, PT, Speech, Social Work, and Behavioral Medicine. Group therapy for adjustment to disability. Inpatient monitoring for psychopathology that might interfere with treatment efficacy. On call (with another licensed psychologist supervising) for Dr. Otero during two week trip to Spain. Administered, scored, interpreted, and dictated all reports (except for neuropsychological testing.) Hospital privileges granted at Pinewood Psychiatric and Texarkana Rehabilitation Hospital under Dr. Otero's supervision. Supervisor: Rafael F. Otero, Ph. D.
8-92 to 11-92
Resident Initiatives Coordinator -- Arkadelphia Housing Authority, Arkadelphia, Arkansas. Establishing a resident organization for the residents of public housing. Assisted in the interviewing and screening of applicants for public housing and rent assistance. Authored a handbook for residents of public housing including information regarding community resources and opportunities as well as describing rights and responsibilities of public housing residents. Coordinated the housing authority anti-drug program and surveyed residents to determine needs. Attempted to enlist residents in programs aimed at encouraging home ownership and self-sufficiency. Supervisor: J. W. Bryant, Executive Director.
1-92 to 5-92
Clinical Extern -- Southwest Arkansas Counseling and Mental Health Center, Incorporated, Texarkana, Arkansas. Externship of over 600 hours providing outpatient mental health services to children, adolescents, and adults. Duties included scheduling appointments, intake interviews, mental status evaluations, therapy, psychological and psycho-educational evaluations, referrals, crisis intervention, dictating reports and progress notes, and clinical staffing with the team consisting of a psychiatrist, psychologists, psychological examiners, licensed counselors, social workers, and a registered nurse. Experience included play therapy with abused and neglected children, behavior therapy, behavior modification, hyperactivity, conduct disorders, learning disabilities, chronic mental illness, family conflicts, personality disorders, depression and suicide, bipolar disorders, and substance abuse. Worked in both the Texarkana office and the Hope office. Supervisor: Michael McAllister, Ph.D.
Fall Semester 1992
Teaching/Research Assistant -- Northwestern State University. Graduate Assistantship. Duties included assisting in the Clinical and Community graduate class by training graduate students to make behavioral observations, administer and score Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales - Interview Edition, training and direct assessment of the graduate students to conduct clinical and crisis interviews, grading papers and tests, coordinating assessment and research volunteers, typed and proofed research for Dr. Griffith according to APA guidelines for professional publication, and administered and scored 70 Piers-Harris Self-concept Scales and 70 K-TEA's, comprehensive and brief forms (tested 35 students pre and post treatment) for whole language tutoring program for Dr. Griffith and for masters thesis research. Supervisor: Dr. Carol Griffith.
Spring and Fall Semesters 1991
Psychology Instructor -- Northwestern State University. Graduate Assistantship. Taught three sections of undergraduate Introduction to Psychology. Duties included lecture preparation, consultation with students, administration and grading of tests, grading research projects, and enlisting research volunteers. Supervisor: Dr. John Boutee, Department Chair.
Fall 1990
Teaching Assistant -- Northwestern State University. Graduate Assistantship. Duties included filing research, typing tests, administering and scoring tests, operating video equipment for recording training tapes and lecture supplements, served as class facilitator in the absence of professors, organized and supervised the test bank for the check-out and return of psychological tests and Introduction to Psychology tests, recruiting and coordinating research subjects, scoring test protocols for Dr. Griffith's neuropsychological gender difference research. Supervisor: Dr. Carol Griffith.
1-86 to 8-89
Associate Pastor and College Minister -- Baring Cross Baptist Church, Arkadelphia. Duties included: preaching and presenting the MBSF (Missionary Baptist Student Fellowship) program to supporting churches and camps, representing MBSF at local, state and national meeting, designing and implementing Christian education programs for college students, visitation, and counseling. Also conducted workshops, wrote Vacation Bible School material for denominational publication, participated on three member committee to design a new denominational youth program that became the Discovery program, corresponding and reporting to sponsoring churches, record keeping, promotional programs, preaching each Wednesday night's church Bible study, and filling in for the pastor as needed. James Calhoun, Pastor.
1-84 to 11-85
Assistant Pastor -- County Avenue Baptist Church. Texarkana, Arkansas. Duties included: Christian education director, visitation director, shut-in ministry, coordination of emphasis campaigns and special programs, additional pastoral counseling, pulpit supply, pastoral functions during pastor's frequent illness and extended trip to the Philippines, and other duties as needed for 800 member church. Dr. Paul D. Magness, Pastor.
Professional and Related Memberships:
Memberships and Special Activities: