Chapter Four - Continued

Chapter Four
Command What?!?
The Soothing Warmth Of Dawn
Special Delivery

Mona informed me that the doctors were going to give Stephanie some radium treatments. To my understanding, these treatments take quite some time to work completely and stop the progression of the cancer.

Several weeks later, Mona said that the doctors wanted to do an exploratory on Stephany. They wanted to find out why she no longer shows any signs of active cancer. Mona wanted my opinion. I hesitantly told her that I would allow my daughter to have the surgery.

First, it would show what God has done for Stephanie. Second, because of her very young age, the scar from the incision would probably be undetected when she got older.

About a week later, Mona stopped me to say that Stephanie had her operation. I knew that Mona had good news because she was smiling.

She told me of how the doctors were amazed at what they found when they had gone in. I was all ears to hear this testimony.

Apparently, the doctors entered and found the result of many months of therapy which Stephany didn't have. The cancer had crystolized. "How could this be?" they wondered, "She only had a few of the treatments."

As they prepared to remove the damaged portion of the colon, the surgeon lifted the edge of the crystolline formation. As he did, the remains of the cancer lifted off. Underneath, they found brand new, pink colon.

Only God, by His grace and love for Stephanie, could have done this. Only the hand of God could cause a miracle of this magnitude. The Word tells me that by the stripes on Jesus' back we were healed (1 Peter 2:24).

This scripture does not say "were", not "will be." This means that Christ took affliction on Himself by thirty-nine stripes across His back so that our healing can be had at that point. We don't get our healings today because we already had them two thousand years ago.

God allowed the doctors to open her up to prove that she had her total healing. Also, He allowed the crystolline remains of the cancer to be there for the doctors to see and therefore prove that Stephanie's illness was indeed cancer and not some other less threatening disease. All undeniable proofs were there yet Stephanie had a total and complete healing.

To God be all the Glory!

Command What?!?

In the early 1980's while I was working at the college, one of the nurses from the nursing department told me about a teenager named Amy Wilson who was suffering from a convulsive coma. According to doctors, Amy had very little chance of living much longer.

As I started home that evening, I found myself heading toward town. I felt that the Lord had a mission for me and I was not to let Him down. I had to do all that was necessary in God's eyes.

I arrived at the hospital and headed for the elevator. As I reached Amy's floor and the doors opened, I became reluctant to continue. I didn't know what to expect. This was the first time I'd ever done any ministry such as this. Never-the-less, I knew that I must go on. God wanted me there.

As I entered Amy's room, her parents stood sadly by her bedside. I spoke with them for several minutes then asked, "Would you mind if I would lay hands on Amy and pray for her?"

At this point, I believe that they were willing to try anything for Amy. They seemed somewhat desperate to find a way of healing for her. I would too. She was a beautiful child.

I laid my hands on Amy and prayed according to the Word of God Hebrews 6:2-3 and James 5:15-16). I remember the power which was exibited in that prayer. I felt that God could and would heal her. I had seldom prayed such as that before.

As I finished my prayer, I believed that I would open my eyes and she would be miraculously healed. Well, I opened my eyes and there before me lay Amy, still in a convulsive coma.

The devil tried to steal my ministry by telling me that it wasn't going to work because I didn't anoint Amy with oil (James 5:14).

I determined to not let the devil do that. I knew that the oil was only a symbol of the blood of Jesus and a representation of the Holy Ghost. I already knew that the Spirit was there because of His awesome power that was revealed in that prayer.

The Lord brought to my remembrance Romans 12:8b-9a. I promptly told her parents that God works in many mysterious ways and though she could've been healed right there before us, God chose not to.

I enlightened them concerning the gifts of the Spirit. One of them is the gift of 'miracles' which are instantaneous healings as well as other things, such as you are finding within the covers of this book, which cannot be explained otherwise.

Another, is the gift of 'healings'. This consists of various kinds of healings. Some may happen quickly but not instantaneously, while others may take more time while still having signs of the presence of God's healing touch.

The nurse at the college kept in touch with me concerning Amy and how she was doing. The first time she informed me that Amy had come out of the coma and eventually was sent home with little hope that she would improve. She was in a state of severe retardation when she went home.

The last report told of awesome results. The doctors were amazed at Amy's progress. They found it hard to believe that she had achieved a fifth grade education and was swiftly improving and gaining ground toward the ninth grade level of learning where other girls her age would be.

I believe that Amy has every opportunity to exceed any and all expectations which the doctors may have for her.

According to all the reports, Amy has been a very great testimony for the Lord.

I pray that one day I will see, or hear from, Amy. It would greatly bless me to speak with her and hear how she is presently doing. Also, it would help me to put a proper finish to this section.

She has no idea how much of a blessing she has been to me through all this. She has helped me to see true courage in action as she worked hard at pressing on to her goal, that is to live a normal life. She has greatly helped me to better understand the need for perseverence.

She is truly a great testimony for God.

The Soothing Warmth of Dawn

On March 2, 1972, I was elated by the birth of my first child, a daughter. Since she was the 'Dawning' or begining of my family we named her Dawn Marie. She was beautiful. She had a dark complexion, dark eyes and black hair just like her great-grandfather. Dawn was born healthy though she had problems with bronchial congestion.

The doctors gave her many medications to relieve her of her congestion but nothing seemed to help her to breathe any better.

When she was six years old, I had to enter the hospital for tests.

While I was in the hospital, I awakened one Sunday morning to a beautiful April sunrise. The huge sun quietly rose from behind the Blue Ridge Mountains. The morning fog dissipated slowly as the warm rays of sunshine crept over the blue-gray mountains. All this directed my thoughts to my Dawn. The baby which I longed to hold as I had only a few days before.

I felt such a perfect morning could never be anything less. Then, at about 10 a.m. the phone rang. I answered it only to hear the voice of my wife telling me that she had to bring the baby to the emergency room. She was having extreme difficulty breathing. Then my wife described to me the most devastating news.

The baby had stopped breathing in the emergency room. She had turned blue as the nurses rushed her to an emergency booth. In shock, my wife heard someone say the baby had died.....

My thoughts began to get jumbled. I couldn't concentrate. I knew I had to slow down,,, but I couldn't.

I tried to organize my thoughts, but I could only think of my baby. I would never hold her again. I would never walk her to school. I would never watch her grow into a fine young woman. I would never see her alive again...... Then I realized that my wife was still talking on the phone saying that she would call me as soon as she heard anything else.

At about 2 p.m, my wife walked into my room. She told me how they worked hard to save dawn's life. Again, my thoughts started becoming jumbled but I heard her say that the baby was in an oxygen tent in a room on a lower floor. The next morning the doctors were to conduct more tests to determine how extensive the damage was.

In the emergency room, the doctors were able to revive her and run various tests. They discovered that Dawn had an enlarged heart which was twice its normal size, a heart murmer and bronchial congestion.

Suddenly, I had an idea.Though I was unsaved and hadn't attended church for several years, I was raised in the church and knew that God might heal her. I immediately phoned the pastor where my mother attended church. I had explained our dilemma at great length. I was very desperate. He agreed to have the church pray specifically for Dawn in the service that evening.

I asked nurses if I could go see my daughter. Each time they said there was no way for me to go to another floor to visit with her. I was so disdraught, I even considered how I might sneak down the fire exits to see her.

Finally, a nurse came to inform me that since I was there for tests and was not contagious, they would allow me to go down the back elevator to Dawn's floor.

She looked so tiny and alone under the plastic cover of the oxygen tent. I wanted to hold her but I wasn't allowed. I wanted to comfort her but the nurses said that we were not to move the tent.

The next morning, the sunrise was not noticed as I dwelt on my own Dawn. I could think of nothing else.

About mid-day I received news about Dawn. The doctors had put her on machines which showed that the heart was normal. Believing that the equipment was faulty, they brought in other machines. Still, they showed a normal heart.

Not sure of what was happening, doctors ordered brandnew machines to be brought to her. They plugged her in and turned them on. Again, the proof was there. She was healed. Her heart was perfect.

Except for a minor congestion, Dawn was in the best of health. Her doctor wanted to keep her for observation which they did. She was released on Wednesday in perfect health.

Dawn has had no illnesses since then, until January 1998 when she had appendicitis, which she had removed. Other than that, she has had no illnesses short of minor colds or flu which everyone gets. Still, it seems that she is healthier than most of her peers.

Only a healing God can do this kind of miracle. One of God's titles is Jehovah Rapha, meaning, 'the God who Heals."

Special Delivery

My daughter, Dawn, had grown to be a beautiful, fun loving and succesful young woman. She is very talented and is concerned for the things of God.

She met a young man named Kaylon Chapman who showed Dawn a deep compassionate love. Kaylon would take her to church with him and worship together.

When they discussed marriage I was quite pleased. My desire for my children was for them to marry those who would be concerned for the spiritual welfare of others. Kaylon is just that.

They tied the knot on May 7, 1994, and being hard workers, they were able to purchase a home in which to raise their family.

When Dawn told me that I was to be a grand-father again, I was elated.

Dawn said that the doctor revealed that she was to have a boy. For some reason this seems to take away much of the excitement as you near the birth date so I attempted to add to the excitement.

I began telling Dawn that she was not having a boy and that she was indeed going to have a girl; this was wishful thinking on my part since I had only one grand-daughter out of four grand-children.

Anxiously, we all waited for the baby to arrive on its April 1, 1994 due date.

As we got into the middle of April, the family was begining to get uneasy but the doctor said that we needn't be overly concerned.

This continued to three weeks over due.... four weeks over due.

On May 5, 1995, my daughter Krista, who was living in Maryland, had just given birth to her first child, a daughter, Sabrina Marie Thompson, who was very healthy and right on time. Besides, Dawn's baby was to be born a month earlier. She was now downhearted. "Could the baby be deformed or sickly?" we wondered, "Could he be dying for some inconceivable reason?"

As it this was not already bad enough, my cockatiel had hatched an egg and began raising her little chick. This certainly didn't help what Dawn was feeling.

When they were five weeks over due, the doctor was asked about this over due factor. We were ensured that the due date was at the first of April, but we were told that this was not all that abnormal. I don't doubt that the doctors were right.

I don't know about you all, but according to my biology teacher in high school, there is only a nine month gestation period. We are now starting toward ten and one half months.

Those of us in the family knew that because of the prayers being offered by our churches, God would have everything in total control. Still, a question would arise in my mind. "For what purpose would God allow the child to carry this far over due? Why would he allow this hardship to come against Dawn and Kaylon.

Finally, onMay 10, 1995, Dawn had to be taken to the hospital. She gave birth to a son whom they called Christopher Lee Chapman. I just called him 'Bucky'.

He was a handsome little man, but more importantly, he was a healthy baby being 20 1/2 inches long and weighed 6 pounds 15 and one quarter ounces. He was perfect.

If this little fellow would have been born at the due date he would have been unnaturally tiny, weak and sickly.

Because of the prayers, God had allowed little Christopher to have more time to develope safely within his mother's womb, since he apparently had been developing rather slowly, showing His ultimate power and authority over all things.

Throught it all, God was able to show His power and authority over all things, as well as His concern for our needs and desires (Psalm 37:4).

God heard the cried of His children Psalm 10:17) and was moved by them.

To God be all the praise, the honor, and the glory.

Angels Encamped About Me, Too!

Testimonies of God At Work
Chapter One - Motorcycle Madness
Chapter Two - Bumper Cars
Chapter Three - Behind A Badge But Under The Blood Chapter Five - Other Sundry but Wonderful Things
Chapter Six - Weather or Not
Chapter Seven - Whooooo Acts Like A Devil?
Calendar of Events

Email: Jots 'n' Tittles Ministries