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Sean Jareth, Jedi Apprentice

I've added this page for my own benefit. After I lost my son, I lost a future playmate that I had so many plans for. As an effort to help me heal from the loss, I made Sean a set of Jedi robes. I chose to make them in a size that would have fit him after he was born, and before he passed. Sean's robes are an exact copy of my own. I have had several comments about how cute they are, and that it would have been nice to see him wear them. I made them for him now, because I would have eventually made them for him anyway...actually he would have had several sets most likely (we all know how quickly kids grow). I have considered making a small lightsaber for him as well, but am having trouble deciding on materials for this project...perhaps in the future.

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This is a Jedi Master Bunny, made for Sean by Kaylan

Please visit Sean's memorial site at: http//