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Information/Image Usage Policy

Recent events have forced me to add this page to my site. I regret that I had to do it, but it was inevitable that someone would cross the line of good netiquette eventually. So here are the ground rules for using things from my site:

1.) While most of the stuff on my site is definitely the intellectual property of George Lucas and Lucasfilm LTD., there are a few items that most definitely belong to me and are copyrighted by me. These items include the names Kal Joren, Zed Joren, Vorel Joren, Dalen Joren, Shayla Joren, Kortenn Xon, Jareth Krell, 3L-TP("Teep"). The names Rayna Joren, Curtis Carkoon and Darth Ra are copyrighted to their respective owners. These names were created by me for the story that I have written. While some of the names do not appear on my site(yet), they may do so in the future. If you would like to use these names in any way (on your web site, in a story, etc.) please contact me before doing so.

2.) If you use information from my site, such as the lightsaber construction guide, please contact me before placing it on your site, in a message forum or in the newsgroups. I don't know how many times I have received email from people who have found my guide posted on someone else's site or in a newsgroup and have asked questions that are very clearly answered in my FAQ. To eliminate this problem, all I ask is that if you do this, ask me first. I will most likely tell you it's alright, just put a link to my site in there so that the people who read it can check out my site and possibly get the answers to their questions without having to email me for them.

3.) PLEASE do not use images from my site without permission!! This is a sure fire way to make me give in to the Dark Side. My friends and I have worked very hard on some of the images preparing them for my site and it really irks me when I find them posted on someone else's site with not even so much as a link to my site appearing anywhere.

I know that some of this stuff may seem a little trivial to some, but when you spend as much time as we have to generate this site, you like for things that you think of as your own to stay that way. There have just been too many people appropriating things from my site without permission, and I would like for it to cease. Thank you all in advance for your generous cooperation on this issue! :-)


Questions or comments?
Please read the FAQ before emailing me.
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