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About Me

okay heres one of those long ass email surveys that i filled in.. just a lil bit about me.. *ALL ABOUT MOI* 1.) Full Name: Denise Raye Martin 2.) Nicknames: Neicey, Pezzy, Pez, Veruca Chi, Adrian, Alison 3.) Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend? hah im not that blessed! 4.) Birthday: August 18 1983 5.) Sex: sure... oh, chick 6.) Where do you live? ArkanSHIT 7.) Description of Yourself: loser with pigtails? very interesting and collects alot of things 8.) Straight/Gay/Lesbian/Bi: straight 9.) What size shoe do you wear? 10 10.) Are you short or tall? medium 11.) Siblings: no 12.) Best Friend(s): you know who you are 13.) Pets: 2 cats - Caddie and Secret or Catterbrown, A dog - Nikki, A Ferret - Jeremy, 3 Cockatiels - Head, Macy, and Heidi, 2 Parakeets - Perry and Kittie, 4 Fish - Phantom, Jai, Al, and Mr Bungle 14.) Favorite Sport to Play: im not really into sports but i like skating most 15.) Color(s): black, pink, blue, purple 16.) Music Artist(s): Manson, KoRn, TooL, Limp Bizkit, Deftones, MSI, Staind, Nirvana, Hole, SOAD, too much more to list 17.) Radio Stations: yes we have those 18.) Ice Cream: i love me some ice cream! 19.) Drink: usually diet dr pepper or cherry pepsi or cherry coke sometimes mountain dew.. im flexible on this one 20.) Favorite TV Show(s): Spongebob, Talk Shows on FOX, Golden Girls, Nickelodeon and SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE! 21.) Favorite Scary Movie(s): all the Children of the Corn Movies rock 22.) Favorite Funny Movie(s): anything with Tom Green, Chris Farley, Adam Sandler.. you get my drift 23.) Movie(s): Almost Famous, Groove, Willy Wonka, god i cant name them all 24.) Actor /Actress: Tom Green, Drew Barrymore, Claire Danes, Winona Rider, Adam Sandler, David Spade, Chris Farley.. etc.. 26.) Favorite Day: Friday 28.) Favorite Drug(s): is that your business? 29.) Are you a wuss? sometimes 30.) Class Clown: yes yes i was 31.) Goodie 2 Shoes: nope 32.) Day Dreamer: obviously. 33.) Would you date the person that sent this to you? ummmmm no 34.) Wear a thong? no i dont feel the need of things up my ass 35.) Would you bring someone back from the dead? yes 36.) If so, who? theres so many.. 37.) Would you travel into the future? Only if it could be done Back to the Future style... 38.) Would you travel back in time? Of course, if i could come back! *MY FRIENDS* 39.) Funniest: Mackie always kept my spirits up but hes not around anymore 40.) Craziest: ALI! from canada. so i cant see her 41.) Smartest: Mark.. and Brian 42.) Ditzyest: hmm i dunno 43.) Loudest: theres alot of loud people 44.) Coolest: my Dad is #1 on this but i have so many cool friends that i hardly see 45.) Meanest: -rolls eyes- 46.) Sweetest: they are all sweeties *THIS OR THAT* 47.) Paper or Plastic: plastic if we are talking about bags here 48.) Truth or Dare: truth 49.) Night or Day: NIGHT...definitely! 50.)Chocolate Chip or Sugar?: chocolate chip 51.) MTV, VH1, BET, or CTN: MTV and VH1 52.) WWF or WCW: WWF 53.) Beavis or Butthead: Butthead...he's got a cooler name. 54.) Ocean or Pool: pool with not too many in it with a fence, yeah.. 55.) Cake or Pie: cake 56.) Boxers or Briefs: boxers 57.) Cats or Dogs: Birds please 58.) AOL 3.0 or 4.0: What a rediculous question!!!! 60.) Pancakes or French toast?: i usually dont eat breakfast stuff 61.) Sweet or Sour: Sweet 62.) Silver or Gold: Silver 64.) Diamonds or Pearls: Diamonds 66.) N Sync or Backstreet Boys: boy bands. end of question 67.) TV or Net: TV and Net at the same time 68.) Democrat or Republican: Neither. 69.) Taco or Burrito: Burrito 70.) Complex or Simple: Simple 71.) Armageddon or Independence Day: can i pick the movie next time?! 72.) Innie or Outie: innie 73.) Lefty or Righty: lefty 74.) Batman or Superman: Superman 75.) Coke or Pepsi: Cherry Coke & Cherry Pepsi 76.) Electric Slide or Macarena: i cant dance 78.) Sunset or Sunrise: sunset 79.) Sun or Moon: moon 80.) X's or O's: Both...but I agree with lauren, hugs are cool cuz you can get 'em from anyone and everyone! I love hugs!! 81.) Crushed or Cubed: crushed 82.) Ketchup or Mustard: what are we eating here *WHEN YOU HEAR THIS NAME YOU THINK OF...* 83.) Joe: Joe Cool 84.) Bill: Clinton 85.) Fran: turtles 86.) Matt: my weird uncle 87.) Noreen: the brady bunch 88.) Pat: the pat on SNL 89.) John: jacob jingle heimer schmidt 90.) Steve: Ali's Ex 91.) Melissa: some chick *MY FRIEND WITH THE BEST...* 92.) House is: dont make me choose. brians probably 93.) Car is: ryans celica was badass.hmm most of my friends have badass cars 94.) Best TV: hell if i know 95.) Room: we are all neat in our own way 96.) Clothes: most of them have badass clothing too 97.) Grades: hah 98.) Door: probably mine. 99.) Computer: i cant choose here either 100.)Hookups: hehe cant expose these! hehe ;) *MISCELLANEOUS QUESTIONS* 101.) Do you like school? no, i dont go 102.) Do you like to talk on the telephone? depends on my mood and who it is 103.) What's your number? im not telling you 104.) Do you like to dance? yea i make an ass of myself at raves 105.) Are you scared to ask someone out? old are we again? 106.) Have you ever gone skinny dipping? no 107.) Have you ever thought you were gonna die? yes 108.) Have you ever been drunk or high? duh 109.) How do you feel about messy butt junk? how the fuck do you think i feel?!??!?! 110.)Have you ever broken/fractured a bone?: No. 111.) Do you have any piercings? tongue, lebret, 8g ears 112.) Do you consider yourself a good listener? i try to be 113.) Do you sing in the shower? i used to 114.) Have you ever stolen anything? When I was younger i gave it a try but no way now 115.) What's on your ceiling? not much, yours? 116.) What color is your toothbrush? its a lil kids blues clues one 117.) What's the worst thing about growing up? theres alot of default here 118.) Do you believe in love at first sight? I think it COULD happen...but I, personally, need to get to know someone before I fall in love. I think love at first sight is kind of superficial and based solely on looks. 119.) Have you ever been in love? i think so 120.) What do you wear to bed: clothes 121.) What's the best feeling in the world? LOVE need to know more? email me at