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My Bio!!

My senior pic..!

Name: Heather Weko

Birthday: July 24, 1983

Age: 21

Marital Status: Single

Favorite TV Shows: The Simpsons, Seinfeld, That 70's show and Stand up Comedy!

Concerts I've been to: Red Hot Chili Peppers w/ Foo Foo Fighters and Muse, Weezer, Live, Phil Collins, Aerosmith w/ Andrew W K, Journy, Reo Speed Wagon, Styx together, Eve 6 w/ OPM and Wheatus, several Beatles impersonators. I think that's about it..

Hobbies: Art, listening to music, reading, talking on the IM, Web page development, going out!!!

Music:The Beatles are absolutely the best!! I listen to a lot of Classic Rock like Journey, The Doors, Tom Petty, Queen, Aerosmith etc.. I also listen to other things like Weezer, Wheatus, Blink 182, Sublime, Barenaked Ladies and Red Hot Chili Peppers. Basically I listen to 60's-80's music, and Alternative/punk from today! an interesting fact..(i guess?) I'm a vegetarian...I've been doing this since I was 14 years old. I did it because i'm a very big fan of...the beatles of course...and i look up to them...and Linda McCartney. I think it's great that she was so interested in animal is so much healthier too...people ask me a lot if i ever miss meat..the answer is no...I've become very used to not eating it...and I never ate it much in the first place.!

"Nothing will increase chances for survival of life on earth as much as the evolution to a vegiterian diet"--Albert Einstein

I've finally graduated! Remember folks...Thursday, June 6 2002...the day Heather graduated! LOL! I'm going to miss all my classmates but i'm always really excited for my future!

I would like to remember James Prough(grade 10, age 16) and Ian Fuiek(grade 8, age 14) who died on Friday, April 14th 2000. I knew Ian from study hall and he was a very nice guy, and James Prough was in my grade...and in my English class. I hope you have a good life in heaven, god bless you both. I will miss you.

Senior Pics!

Graduation pictures