<font size=9><hr>Yesterday's dream's are Today's destiny
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Yesterday's dream's are Today's destiny

Our Love

Your pressence gives the strength i need to go on.. The ability to face my worries and make m heart strong.

You ave given me to believe in love We have been choosen to be together from somone up above..

God sent me your love so warm and true And i knew this the minite i looked at you.

Love grabbed us by the hearts And promised us we would never be apart.

Look into my eyes and tell me what you see.. From now on my sweet..its just you and me..

Box of Love

Theres a little red box, plain but true It holds my heart and my love for you.

It contains, honesty, trust and love. A little bit of blessing from up above.

I added an object just for you Its a special touch and three words..

I love you

As I hand you this box so fine I asking you....will you be mine?

What is a Kiss?

Is it simply two people Pressing there lips together?

Is it just a thing mothers place on their childrens cheeks?

Or is it more - somthing special?

Is it simply teasing tounges with someone you think you like?

Or is it a special sign to that one you really love?

Can it be both ways?..somthing and nothing?

Is it possible that such a simple thing can mean so much?

It is It is you see.. To me it is the key Into my heart...into my soul

Its is sharing my life giving breath..my essence..yours too

so kiss me my love and you will see

That a kiss between us was meant to be..