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Chessie's Home Cooking(con't)

by Arden Davidson (C) 1998

"He will be here any minute"
Chessie straightened her chef's hat.
Then she put the plates and silver
on a gold and red placemat.

And just a second later
a loud 'knock knock' on the door
made Chessie jump and drop a glass
of soda on the floor.

[IMAGE] "My goodness, I've made quite a mess",
I'll grab a broom", she said.
"At this rate my good buddy Durbin
never will get fed!"

Chessie grabbed the broom and then
she opened up the door.
There stood Durbin, smiling
down at the messy floor.

"Hi, Chessie. What a mess you've made.
It's really quite a shame
I guess we'll have to cancel lunch.
But thanks. I'm glad I came."

As Durbin began to turn away
his eyes were filled with hope.
Till Chessie grabbed his arm and said
"Oh, don't be such a dope"

"It will only take a minute
for this mess to disappear
and then we can enjoy our lunch!
Now, you sit down right here."