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Chessie's Home Cooking(con't)

by Arden Davidson (C) 1998

"I'd like a glass of water, though.
Could you get it for me, please?

"Of course. I'll fetch it while you eat
your boysenberry cheese."

As soon as Chessie left the table,
Durbin breathed a sigh.
He quickly grabbed his food
including his dill pickle pie.

Then he opened up the window
and began to toss it out.[IMAGE]

He was feeling quite relieved
until he heard a horrid shout.

"What are you doing to your lunch?
I can't believe my eyes!"

Durbin stood there speechless
as he tried to think up lies.

But nothing came to mind that didn't sound
worse than the truth.
"Just blame it on my pickiness,
or blame it on my youth.

"I'm sorry Chessie, I really am.
but it's time the truth was told.
Your cooking is atrocious
and if I may be so bold,

"I'm surely not the only one
who finds this to be true.
There is only one Wickywak in this town
who likes your cooking: You!"