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Chessie's Home Cooking(con't)

by Arden Davidson (C) 1998

So they climbed out of the window
where the food had disappeared.
"You know, I have to tell you, Chessie,
this is pretty weird.

"There's no sign of your food anywhere,
and not that I've been countin'
but with all the lunches you've served here,
there ought to be a mountain!"

"I wonder where it's gone to", puzzled Chessie,
"It's bizarre.
Amost all the food is legless,
so it can't have gotten far."

"Hey look, cute, tiny footprints!
We must find out where they lead."

"I'm right behind you Durbin!
I see more, behind that weed!"

So Durbin and Chessie followed them
to a nickel-sized hole in the ground.
"We can't fit down there", Chessie said to her friend,
We are much too immense and too round."

"But I must find out who took my food
And more importantly, why."

"Well, Chessie, we know just two things about them:
they're quick and they must want to die."