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Chessie's Home Cooking(con't)

by Arden Davidson (C) 1998

So Chessie stuck her head in too,
confused, to say the least.
"This hole is full of Buggles
and their munching on a feast!"

"Are you the one who made this?"
Asked a Buggle while he ate.
"Yes, I sure am", said Chessie.
Said the Buggles: "Well, it's great!"

"We love it when your friends drop by,
they're kind and generous.
We wait outside your window
and they throw food out to us!"

"We adore your pickle pie
and love your mustard soup with lime.
And this Pasta a la Chessie -
We could eat it all the time![IMAGE]

Chessie looked so happy,
Durbin thought his friend might bust.
"I must go home and make some more!
I must! I must! I must!"