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Gobblit's Bookworm (con't)

by Arden Davidson (C) 1998

"Plus, how would I ever
learn anything new?
I like to expand my horizens,
don't you?"

"But there's only one story I know",
the worm said.
"and I'll read it again and again
till I'm dead."

"I see, you're afraid
to try anything new.
Why don't you try living
in other books too?"

"Other books? Gobblit, is your brain
in your toe?
This book is my home
It is all that I know."

"But that doesn't mean
you can't try different things.
You see this book here?
This one's all about swings.

"And this one's a story
'bout a sad circus clown.
And that red one right there
is about Christmas Town.