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Pudgel's Smelly Problem (con't)

"I know why it doesn't smell very good",
said a voice from behind Pudgel's ear.

"Oh yeah, why is that?", Pudgel asked her friend Wilby
as she felt herself shaking with fear.

[IMAGE] "It's because that pie is stolen!", said Wilby,
"So you probably smell something rotten.
We're supposed to be friends, and friends do not steal
from each other, or have you forgotten?"

"What pie do you mean?", Pudgel asked as she tried
to hide the pie under her nose.
But it was no use, Pudgel knew she was caught.
She felt guilty straight down to her toes.

"I'm sorry, Wilby. I don't know what to do!
Please help me stop bumping my snout!
I can't seem to stop - everything smells so good
every time I breathe in and breathe out."