Hello and welcome to my Little Peice of Heaven......
My name is Mary. I use the nick names mOOn
or ChaceAngel. Welcome to my little piece of Heaven.
I wanted to start a home page because I like people
and have so much to share. This is my first try at this
so I hope you will be patient as I work on my pages.
This is a sight about family , friends, and what I find
is important in this world. "The Lord Jesus". I also love
angels so I will be sharing some angel things that I
have found .

I am a 36 year old mother.
I have five wonderful children aging from 20 to 7
years. I like to read romance novels, going to
the park, the out doors and being with teens and
 children. The youth and I have a good time together.
I guess I will never grow up when it comes to my kids!
I have a few children that I call my Rent-a-kids. These
are children that I have accepted as my own and love
very much. I also like to take pictures. I want to be a
photographer when I grow up! I like the  pictures of
animals and nature, as it brings me happiness to see
God's work. I like fall and spring best of all  seasons.
Fall because the coolness in the air makes me want
to cuddle up with a loved one in front of a fire and
read a good book.  Spring is also a good time of year.
The fresh sent of blooming  flowers and sunshine
gives a great sense of a new beginning.
 I have a special dog named Panda. She is a miniature
shih-zu.  I named her Panda because she is back and
white like a panda bear. I have had her 6 years this
December 25th. She is a wonderful addition to our
I love my dog and think it is good to have
pets when raising children.
            I would like to say thank you to my friend
Nicole for helping me to get started on my page.
She is a great teen whom I like a lot....
Well Here Goes..... sit back and enjoy !!


I am a member of MOW...... Thank all of you
for having me in your special group.



I am also in the SAHMOI  group and proud to
display this logo.



This is my very first gift!
Thanks Angel mom

    Thank you Luisa for the welcome to Mow

"Books are not only good for the mind;
They are food for the soul"

                                           Don't walk in front of me, I may not follow.
                                           Don't walk behind me, I may not lead.
                                                Walk beside me and be my friend.
                                                                  ~ Albert Camus ~


The best and most beautiful things cannot
be seen or touched.
                                They must be felt with the heart.
                                        ~ Helen Keller~

Please take time to visit Tears For Tesslyn
This site was dedicated to the death of this
Angel of God......
This site does contain some graphic material.
Please use cation.


*I love my new Angel*

If you would like to adopt an angel
 press on the Angel banner


