Friends are the Angels
who are always
in your heart...

If there is one thing which adds warmth and love to our lives, it is true friendship. If there is one relationship to help us through all the others, it is friendship. A Friend surrounds us with the beauty of caring. With a friend we can share what we see, what we feel, and what we love. A Friend can help us with our problems because they listen. And as they listen, we begin to hare the language of our own hearts. With a friend we can walk along the remembered paths of our lives and completely share our experiences.
With a friend we can work the soil of forgotten dreams that needed to be tended and nurtured once again. With a friend we can plant the seed of our hearts and new dreams. We can always return to a friend, like going back to a special place and find the same warm feeling unchanged by time or distance. Life gives us friends so we can share the precious times and memorable moments of being children, teenagers, adults and  parents.
In Life we are given a friend so we can share the growing up,  growing down and growing old. With a friend we have a  place to go to be accepted and understood. Together we can laugh. Together we can cry. Our thoughts are shared as our feelings are held in the heart of a friend. With a friend our lives are made more full, more rich, more open more beautiful and blessed. For God has shared with us this special gift of love.
         In the Rose of Life I've dreamed many dreams that never came true. I've seen them vanish at dawn; But, I've realized good in enough of my dreams, Thank God, To make me want to dream on. I've prayed many prayers, when no answers came, Though I waited patient and long, answers came to enough of my prayers To make me keep praying on. I've trusted many a friend that failed And left me to weep alone, But I've found one of my friends true. To make me keep trusting on.
      I've sown many seeds that fell by the way for the birds to feed upon.  I have held enough golden dreams in my heart to help me keep going on. I've drained the cup of disappointment and pain And gone many days without song;  I've sipped enough nectar from the roses of life To make me want to live on. After a while you learn the difference between holding a hand and grasping a soul. And you learn that love doesn't mean leaving and true friendship always mean security. And you begin to learn that kisses aren't contracts and presents aren't promises. And you begin to accept your faults with your head up and your eyes ahead. Within the grace of a true friend, not the grief.
You learn to build all your roads on today because tomorrow's ground is too uncertain for plans. The suns rays burn if you get too much so you plant your own garden within this friend, decorate your own soul instead of waiting for someone to bring you flowers. And you learn that you really can endure the love shared between you and her. That you really are strong and you really do have worth. You learn...and you learn...with every heartful pain... You learn. Thanking God for the gift of a true friend to help you through what is right and what is wrong. Knowing always this life you live, will not be lived alone.
*For Ellen*
Revised, 8-98
by ChaceAngel