Diana, Queen of Hearts
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Diana, Queen of Hearts

On August 31, 1997, the world lost a Queen. Diana Spencer may have been out of the British Royal Family, yet she managed to earn the title Queen of Hearts. Diana could be called the John F. Kennedy on the nineties; everyone alive will remember where they were when the news came through.

The majority of the United States went to bed on August 31 thinking that Diana only had a concussion and a broken arm, but when they woke up, the shock of the decade was heard. Princess Diana was dead!

She was a great woman, always helping those who needed it the most: land mine victims, AIDS patients, the people the world had forsaken. She left her chance to become Queen of England, yet always had time for her children. She was a wife , mother, and princess for fourteen years until her divorce in 1995. She managed to touch the hearts of millions. She was always the connection with the people for the Windsor family; she was the public one, the press's shining star. Yet in the end the media contributed to her death.

Allow a moment of explaination, media are the ones who go after the stars; they are the paparazzi and stalkarazzi. The press are the ones who research a story, ask for pictures, and don't work for tabloids. The media contributed to Diana's untimely death, not the press.

This page has been turned black in mourning of the People's Princess. I am not from the UK, yet felt a loss just the same. My thought go out to her children, William and Harry. May they always remember their mother and her deeds. I urge everyone who felt the pain and loss of Diana to boycott the tabloids, especially those that have actual accident photos. Those magazines are just sick; there's no other word for it. I also urge everyone never to drink and drive; too many are hurt and killed every year by drunk drivers.

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