Ryuuzaki Umi
Umi is a fourteen year old student in her second year of junior high school. She
has never had a problem vocing her opinion; she likes to let everyone one know exactly what is on her mind...which is usually
the latest in high fasion or bouncin' and behavin' hairstyles. Umi is a sarcastic girl who often speaks before she thinks, and
panics quickly. Most of her schoolmates believe that she is as shallow as a wading pool. But underneath those impulsive behaviors,
Umi is thoughtful and caring towards others.
Umi's first weapon was a rapier that she borrowed from Precia. Her second weapon was also a rapier, that would melt into water
if being touched by anyone other than herself, made of Escudo. Umi has had formal training in fencing and when forced to fight she
will use her favorite blade...
Or she will cast a magic spell. Some of the spells Umi uses are: Water Dragon, Blue Sprout, and Ice Sword. With her ability in
fencing, her ability to cast spells, and her thoughtfulness, Umi was able to release from its slumber her Machine God:Ceres.