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Cambrai Lutheran Parish Inc. Home Page (lots of resources already there!)
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Anne & Frank - 7th July, 2000 - Frank's Installation
*Frank being presented to the parish
**Frank being welcomed into the parish
(*This was taken by Jenny Gersekowski.
**This was taken by Kurt Rasenberger.)
These pictures were scanned courtesy of Crow's Nest Advertiser
Parish Membership & Activities
Crow's Nest Lutheran Parish, is part of the Lutheran Church of Australia. It is located in the Crow's Nest Shire, which is within the "Darling Downs" and is comprised of 3 churches. These 3 churches are based in a rural area. Crow's Nest is about 43km north of Toowoomba, which is approximately 130km north-west of Brisbane. The main industry used to be dairying. There are some small businesses in the town square of Crow's Nest, which has a population of around 1300 people. Haden is about 25kms west of Crows's Nest and its population is approximately 100 people and also supports a few small businesses. Cooyar is also a small town of around 120 people, about 45kms north of Crow's Nest and a few small businesses.
Crow's Nest Shire Council Library
Destination Queensland - Crow's Nest
St Luke's Crow's Nest has a membership of around 145 baptised/confirmed members, while Holy Trinity, Haden has a membership of about 70 baptised/confirmed members. Cooyar has around 30 baptised/confirmed and joined the Crow's Nest Lutheran Parish 4th January, 2004. Most of the workings of the parish/congregations are established, with some members being enthusiastic about new ideas. The older membership is very prominent, with many choosing to retire here, even from other areas. Many of the youth, however, eventually end up shifting to Toowoomba or Brisbane to find work or to study, as the local school only goes up to Grade Ten. However, there is now a combined youth group for Goombungee (the neighbouring parish) & Haden. Since 2001 "Boys' Brigade", has been running at the Crow's Nest Lutheran church hall, for ages 5-12. ("Scouts" was a secular spin-off from "Boys' Brigade" - an inter-denominational organisation.)
The Crow's Nest congregation is strongly connected to the Crow's Nest Aged Care Complex, and also runs a "Nazarene" second-hand shop. There are 3 women's guilds in the parish. Some fellowship groups are also going, and we've been studying some interesting literature and watching relevant videos. "Alpha" has also been run at Crow's Nest and Haden. Two Sunday Schools exist and three women's guilds. More contemporary services have been happening, using the "Worship Today" and a basic service format, with "Altogether..." songs & other contemporary songs. Students from "Ironbark", an outdoor education facility which is a branch of St Peters Lutheran College, have also been assisting with worship, once every five weeks. Bi-monthly a "Lutheran Chronicle" is typed up by a volunteer in the parish. It includes a pastor's message, events, calender, parish register, news and announcements, readings/colours, rosters and service times for the Lutheran parish. There is also weekly bulletin which is put out by the pastor.
A yearly parish Advent service is also held which precedes the community "Carols in the Park" outdoor singing at Crow's Nest Park. An inter-church choir is active in the town. Religious Education (R. E.) is also run by a mix of volunteers from the various denominations in both Crow's Nest and Haden. There are five denominations in Crow's Nest (Lutheran, Catholic, Anglican, Uniting, Assemblies of God) and four in Haden (Lutheran, Catholic, Anglican, Uniting). The big events of the year are "Crow's Nest Show" and "Crow's Nest Day". Cooyar also holds a show day once a year, and there is also a yearly, combined Goombungee-Haden Show.
Toowoomba, Queensland, Australia
The Inland tourism - Toowoomba - where to eat, where to stay, what to do
Toowoomba - the garden city of Queensland
University of Southern Queensland, Toowoomba
The Light - Christian Radio Station, Toowoomba
Family Radio - Christian Radio Station, Brisbane
The general character of the parish is comprised of traditional Lutherans. The first Lutheran service was held 25 October, 1925, at the home of Mrs F. Voll. During June 1926 is was decided to erect a church. Some of the parish members descended from those who, with great faith in God, originally migrated to South Australia from the Silesian district in Germany, in the mid 1800's to escape religious persecution. Others came here for different reasons from Germany, while their fellow pioneers came from English, Irish and Scottish stock, to establish the timber mill. (Information on the history of the town can be found in, "Tall Timbers", a publication collated by the The Crows Nest & District Tourist & Progress Association, or by going to the Crow's Nest Shire Council History website . There are also many other good books on family history of the Lutheran Church of Australia, that sometimes include an outline of the history of these people. These are available at The Open Book.)
In the last decade there has been an influx of new residents, who generally come from a different social perspective than those who have lived here all of their lives. This co-habitation in a small community has been a challenge for both groups of people. The more 'established' representatives of the population here love sports (football - rugby, netball, cricket, tennis, golf), community-based activities like Red Cross Country Women's Association, Lions Australia, St John's Ambulance. There is also a fire brigade next to the small Health Centre (Hospital) and an Aged Care Complex.
Contact Pastor Frank Rasenberger
Telephone: (07) 4698 1309
Facsimile: (07) 4698 2873 (please phone first)
Service Times
For issues relating to child abuse, phone the LCA national toll-free number 1800 644 628 for making a complaint.
(Whereis Maps- excellent!)
Anne & Frank Rasenberger's Home Page